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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Is it possible that Marv is bringing in Rhodes/Brown to put a little pressure on A-Train to get back in the fold? Also, McGahee seems to needs a little help getting motivated to play his best. Maybe all the trade talk is Marv's way of saying to McGahee "I don't think you're indispensable" and giving him a little chip on his shoulder to play hard. Marv is basically telling McGahee to get with the program or you're out of town. I think if the right offer came, he'd take it, but I don't see that even potentially happening until the draft. RTB
  2. The Pats aren't going to give a #1 for a damaged-goods Randy Moss. Unless they have 2 second round picks, their 2nd rounder went to Miami. The Raiders aren't going to give Moss away for a 3rd round pick. Even though I think he's on the downside, I wouldn't want to see Moss as a Patriot. The Patriots didn't even spend TO the cap last year, and it cost them in the playoffs without a go-to receiver but no one said a word. It's interesting to see them shell out some good bucks this offseason. Of course, any move they make will be a brilliant one in the eyes of the knob-gobbling Patriot-love media. Oh sorry, they got a 6 month hiatus so Peyton Manning could get his reach-around. RTB
  3. The Patriots didn't even spend to the cap last year. If Pioli/Bellichik announced they were spending to the cap, the league would start gobbling their knobs again and talk about what a strong fiscal policy it was to ensure the team's financial future. Since its Buffalo, and Ralph has been a pain in the ass to the league in trying to protect the small market teams, proving all the idiots who called him senile for voting against the collective bargaining agreement wrong, and also making the right call on Marv when eveyone bad mounthed him, of course they are going to try and put us down. Let's be realistic. We don't have the money to be spend-happy like the Redskins. We do have the money to pursue targeted free agents wich is what Marv will do. If it came down to spreading a bit over the cap and amortizing a few signing bonuses for the right people, Ralph and Marv would do it. The pressure that this fiscal policy puts on the team is that they absolutely MUST have a strong draft. You have to be able to draft good talent if you don't have FA to make up for your mistakes. RTB
  4. This is perfect political maneuvering by a psycho dictator. He's basically getting 1 million tons of fuel oil to prop up his teetering country while shutting down a couple of known reactors after he's extracted enough plutonium for a few dozen bombs. Brilliant. In a couple years when he runs out of fuel again: SURPRISE! I've got a reactor sitting over here! Back to square 1. Anyone who honestly thinks the North Koreans are going to live up to any agreement is abso-farking-lutely delusional. The only way to deal with this nut-job is to kill him. RTB
  5. If you are going to follow the NE model to build a team, which is through the draft and staying away from the high-priced FAs, you must have outstanding talent evaluators. We had a good first draft and hopefully that will continue but it's too early to draw conclusions about the Bills' ability to evaluate talent. I wouldn't be surprised to see Marv go after Steinbach or Dielman in FA and then use that 12th pick on a DB. We need immediate help in the trenches and when Nate leaves we are perilously thin at corner. McGee as your #1 CB? I'm not sure I'm happy about that. Anyway, I agree that you don't build your team in FA but you can certainly make very positive contributions at positions of need if the player is there and the price is right. RTB
  6. Lawsuit against Disney in 3......2.....1..... RTB
  7. Political posturing by Israel to get more pressure put on Iran. RTB
  8. Spitzer is pretty easy to figure out. He went after large corporations because he wanted to be governor, he needed to get his name in the papers and they were easy targets. Simple. Next? RTB
  9. Hey, did you guys see those Mentos commercials from 4 years ago? They were really annoying.... RTB Tonight we're gonna party likes its 2002
  10. Who the f*ck roots for a long snapper after he leaves the team? Holy crap. RTB
  11. You should have no problem getting into a law school as the 200 or so schools accept close to 48 THOUSAND aspiring lawyers. It doesn't matter if you don't do well in law school, just hang a shingle and make your living off of other people's backs by suing the schit out of everything that moves and pretend you're seeking justice. RTB
  12. How many big pass plays did Dante give up this season?? Very, very few. That is a tremendous accomplishment especially with another rookie in Ko playing along side of him. These guys did an outstanding job in the secondary for their first year in a Cover 2 defense. Their #1 priority is not to get beat deep, and they were very, very good at keeping receivers in front of them. The reason I bring this up is to address point #3 - the lack of big hits. I'd like to see Dante lay some bigger hits on opposing players too, but you have to keep in mind that he's backpedaling on almost every play. When you're protecting the deep pass without help, its hard to line up a guy in the middle of the field and lay him out because if you miss, he's on his way to the end zone. If Fewell gave him free reign to go all over the field like Taylor in Wash or Williams in Dallas, you'd see some more hits. The fact that you're calling JP's game a "horror show" shows that y(our) expectations of him have increased tremendously over the course of the year and he's doing well. He made a couple stupid mistakes but he also hit some good throws and made quick decisions in the face of unrelenting pressure and absolutely no help from the running game. RTB
  13. I think Spikes as the middle backer may be exactly what Marv and Co. are thinking about. He still has a quick first step even if his overall speed has diminished since the achilles injury. Playing in the middle may just extend his career if he never regains his speed completely. Anyone else thinks Spikes could make a solid MLB if he warms to the task? RTB
  14. I don't think Marv wants London back. Fletcher would have been an easy extension this season if he did. As for Playmaker, I'm thinking Marv will make him a reasonable offer but the Playmaker gots to get paid and he's going to the highest bidder even if its a $hitty team like the Raiders. RTB
  15. Coy Wire, hands down. What other special teams demon and linebacker playing safety can actually make the switch to safety playing linebacker?!?! He was so close on so many tackles, I just gotta believe that he's our next middle linebacker once London leaves. RTB
  16. I think the "middle linebacker as defensive QB" is a bit overrated. The defensive coordinator determines the package, personnel, and audible. About all London can really do is shift a guy to a different gap or call the audible. The safety usually determines defensive back responsibilities. I don't know the game well enough to say "Awww !@#$! London should have switched out of that defense and into this one so he didn't get run over again!" I don't hear anyone talking about great middle linebackers too stupid to make the calls. They just give the calls to someone else to make. RTB
  17. This topic always comes up when the Sabres start playing well and Buffalo is mediocre. Buffalo is, always was, and always will be a Buffalo Bills town (unless they move, of course). When Ralph hits the box, I wouldn't be surprised if Gallisano steps up to the big leagues along with some minority investors (Jimbo). On another note, I knew Mike pretty well growing up. He always wanted to be a play-by-play guy and was pretty knowledgeable about sports. He's just playing the "sports talk radio" game like they all do. I'd say its smart marketing to aggravate a portion of your audience to the point where they go on a Bills message board to voice their displeasure at your show. Tune in, lemmings! RTB
  18. London Fletcher has been the captain of a defense that has consistently underachieved during his 5 years here. He is king of the tackle 5 or 6 yards down the field and is unable to get off blocks when anyone larger than a slot receiver blocks him. I can think of more game changing penalties on London's part than game changing good plays. The thing that bothers me most about this defense over the years is that when we absolutely needed a late game stop, they came up short 9 out of 10 times and London didn't do anything to help that. "Heart and soul of the defense" means "high motor" if you're not a white second round defensive end pick. London saw the writing on the wall when he wasn't getting a contract extension. Marv is continuing to show that he knows something about the game of football by recognizing a needed upgrade in the middle of the D. Signing Nate and Kelsay would be higher priorities in my opinion. RTB
  19. This comment is more insightful than I think you realize. There are very few absolutes in medicine, most of it is very "grey". Health care decisions are usually made by weighing the risks and benefits to a proposed procedure or therapy. Here's how to ensure a mostly trouble free life (although not specifially applicable to your current problem). Get ready now, this is new mind blowing info that I'm sure most Americans will follow once they hear about it: 1) Eat a healthy diet. Everything in moderation 2) Exercise 3) Make time in your life to do something you enjoy 4) Don't smoke There ya go. It's new and radical, but I think it has merit. RTB
  20. Your heart does not stop when you sneeze. Changes in pressure in the chest cavity when you sneeze can make you more aware of your heart beating. It can almost feel like a skipped beat but your heart does not stop. RTB
  21. NBA players aren't thugs. They're friggin hoodlums. RTB
  22. Keep in mind this is an internet diagnosis so it means jack-schit, but here goes. It sounds like you may have an impingement (compression) or more of the nerves in your cervical spine. Do you get symtoms in your arm/hand with any other movement of your neck besides sneezing? You need a basic neurological evaluation which will include radiological studies of your neck. This is especially true because your symptoms are starting to get worse. This doesn't mean you need surgery or anything, there are plenty of options to try first. Hope that helps. RTB
  23. You are such a troll. I feel sorry for America haters like yourself. RTB
  24. There is no doubt in my mind that Nate will go to whoever pays him the most. Period. All this talk about him wanting to play in Buffalo for a hopefully up and coming team is pure smoke. The Playmaker gots to get paid! RTB
  25. Why don't you answer the simple question Joey so you can demonstrate that you are more than just a complainer without any real grasp of the issues you brought up. 1) Who would you want as UN ambassador instead of Bolton? 2) Why would you pick this person? 3) What would you want him/her to have accomplished in 1 year that Bolton didn't? I'll make it easy: Just answer #3. If you are so Anti-Bolton, what should he have done or what should he not have done during his 1 year as UN Ambassador e? I await your evasive answer (or lack there-of). RTB
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