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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. The only problem with Vince Young is that he SUCKS, he has sucked since he entered the league, and his team wins despite him. He is probably coming to realize that phenominal college athletes who excel at the QB position at that level rarely make good NFL QBs (see Vick, Culpepper, Russel, Jackson, possibly Leftwich, Stewart, etc.). I can only think of McNabb as excelling in the NFL and he ran a complex offense at SU with many formations and pre-snap shifts. I think the problem is that these guys are so good in college beause they are so much more talented than the average college athlete that they succeed on that talent alone. That doesn't cut it in the NFL. You have to be able to put in the film hours and understand defenses and make very quick decisions. That's the downfall of a lot of QBs (Bledsoe, RJ, Alex Smith, Losman, just to name a few) and why a guy like Noodle Arm Pennington is still in the league - he knows where to go with the ball. So to get back to Vince, I think he's realizing that he's not a good QB and instead of trying to fight through it, he's crumbling like the pampered baby athlete he's probably been all his life. When the going gets tough, the pampered collapse. Whaaaa, they booed me at home! I'm going back to Texas! RTB
  2. You guys really think this was an "FU" move by the Bills brass? I'd like to believe they have the best interest of the team in mind and if AC was only going to be out 2 to 4 weeks, they would have kept him on the roster. My guess is that the injury is more severe than we think. If he had his meniscus (cartilidge) repaired instead of simply shaved, or had a cartilidge transplant into the knee, thats a season ending surgery easily but not a path usually taken by athletes looking to get back on the field quick. RTB
  3. The 49ers love to overpay for our players just like we loved to overpay for Pasterisk players. It's nice to be a giver instead of a receiver for once. RTB
  4. Holy crap. JP got his shot, he wasn't good enough, Trent showed potential, we move on. There really isn't much to discuss. RTB
  5. Serious question - What do meteorologists do besides read reports from the National Weather Service? Do local meteorologists do any work at all to produce your local forcast, or are they just glorified teleprompter readers? The reason I ask is that on numerous occasions here in RI and when I lived in NYC, when the local weather people completely screwed up (which was often), the first thing they would do is blame erroneous reports from the NWS. I remember back in around 2001 or so THE STORM OF THE CENTURY was coming to NYC and its all those idiots talked about for 2 weeks. The entire metro area shut down for a day in anticipation of a humongous storm and you couldn't find anything on grocery store shelves. When the day came, we got less than an inch of snow. They got it 100% wrong and cost the city and people millions because of the hype. What was their excuse? The National Weather Service models were incorrect. Pathetic. What other job can you completely screw up at and then have the excuse "Well, thats the weather for ya!" So what the hell do you have to go to school for if you are just reading what someone else is spitting out? RTB
  6. There is more than enough money going to the government to make government programs work, that's both local and federal. The key is getting the idiots in office to appropriate the money correctly. I'm not ridiculously worried about my taxes going up even though I think it would be an abomination. I give roughly 10% of my income to charities. For every percentage increase in my income taxes, I will decrease the same amount that I donate. I think is absolutely disgusting that liberal politicians and their supporters think they can better allocate my money to THEIR priorities. RTB
  7. I don't have crocs but have been wearing "plogs" since 1995. They are the most comfortable shoes I have. The plastic molds to your foot over time and is a perfect fit. Of course, I only wear them occasionally outside the operating room. The beauty of plogs are that any blood, crap, snot, or general badness that gets on them easily is removed in the washing machine or with a blow torch. Crocs are useless as all that stuff will get in between your toes if you aren't careful. RTB
  8. I usually judge the potential of a draftee by their performance in a rookie mini camp. RTB
  9. If every person who received a paycheck got their GROSS salary and had to write quarterly checks to the government, you can bet your a$$ there would be less voter apathy and more accountability from our corrupt politicians. RTB
  10. Just curious, why do you say this? Both Golisano and Kelly have voiced publicly their interest in the Bills. Between them, I think they could probably arrange the financing. Not Jimbo on his own obviously, but possibly as a figurehead for a minority ownership interest. RTB
  11. Favorite memories: Watching Jets fans in the stands for years just look absolutely devastated by another horrendous first round pick. Watching the face of whatever year's "Brady Quinn" as he slid down the draft board after being hyped for months by a media that doesn't know jack. Watching Berman's eyes light up as he discussed his cab ride in Buffalo and then slipping in the name of our first round pick. Good stuff. RTB
  12. I really feel McGahee will recover from that devastating hit to his knee and we should take a flyer on him at the end of the first round instead of picking up Jones. After a year or so, I'm sure he'll regain that extra step and he will be motivated to prove his worth to a team that takes a chance on him. RTB
  13. I agree that it's pretty tasteless to give this guy the attention he was looking for but we theoretically have a free society, and a free press, so I get nervous when other people start suggesting that they know what is good or "right" for me to see. RTB
  14. The only name Al Sharpton should be worried about is Steven Pagones. For those of you not familiar with the name, that is the officer who's career and reputation were destroyed by Sharpton via the Tawana Brawley farce. The fact that Sharpton has any credibility among the African-American community after that fiasco is hypocritical. Sharpton is an evil, racist, race-baiting liar who has never seen a racial incident he wasn't willing to exploit for his own personal gain. RTB
  15. Can we please stop pretending like Coy Wire is going to even be an adequate back-up linebacker? He's on the team for one reason only: he has compromising pictures of Ralph. RTB
  16. It will be tough to beat this I think: Talkin' Proud! RTB
  17. I'd be willing to give up this years 3rd, next years 3rd, and this years 7th for Turner
  18. I don't think it was much of a surprise that TKO was traded, and I highly doubt it had anything to do with whether TKO wanted the trade or not. Marv is too much of a high character guy to publicly dispute the claim that TKO wanted the trade. It smells like a face saving maneuver to me. RTB
  19. No. I wasn't comparing the two head to head. I think the Bills see Shaud as a 3rd down back, I didn't mention anything about my opinion of Shaud's abilities. CFLStyle: There are many guys who've caught 30 touchdowns in the Arena Football league. That means about as much as Edwards' rushing yards in the CFL. I think there are better options than a running back with a busted wheel. If you want to say "Let's bring him in for a pez dispenser and the league minimum" and use him as camp fodder, I can't argue but I don't think its a realistic option. RTB
  20. Sorry to get sand in your vagina bro, but your characterization of Dominick Williams as a "3rd down scat back" demonstrates a lack of understanding of both this player and the needs of the Bills. In the 3 years Williams played 2003,2004,2005, he had 1031, 1188, and 976 yards, respectively. Those are hardly 3rd down back numbers. Also, the Bills already have a 3rd down back in Shaud Williams, and he actually has 2 legs that work. I hear Robert Edwards is available, he blew out a knee and hasn't played for a few years either. We should give him a look. RYM
  21. It's obvious no one here has read a thing about Williams (Davis). This is an example of "I've heard the name, he could be good for us!" Williams is a running back with one leg. He's had knee surgery and has suffered setbacks in his rehab. Ya, sounds like the perfect guy to sign. RTB
  22. What's with all the "Moulds has great hands" comments? If I remember correctly, his last 2 seasons here he was dropping some catchable balls and when he did catch it on his 8-yard-hitch-when-we-need-10, he was getting tackled short of the 1st. No way Marv brings in a malcontent to this team that just started to learn how to win with some young leaders. RTB
  23. Well hell, if the Pats made the move, it simply must be the correct one. RTB
  24. I think the A-train could be a serviceable replacement for a year while splitting time with a RB we draft. Hopefully Marv will continue to address the OLine over the next years and we get to a point like Denver where you just need an average back to get the job done because your OLine is dominant. If you get a good-great back, then you're that much better. RTB
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