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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. 3 and out. Great. Nice way to start jerks.
  2. Wow. Just wow. I'm disgusted but only down by 6 with the way they have been playing? I'll take it. Better show up on the first drive and do something though. How about a toss sweep? It's obvious we can't run up the middle as usual. RTB
  3. Sure could use some timeouts right here. Jerks.
  4. Poz finally made a play. He's been taking bad angles all day. 3rd and 12. I'm not confident.
  5. Jesus Christ this is 6 straight quarters of horrible football! Can't run the ball worth crap, Jauron making horrible decisions on challenges, our D has NO PASS RUSH, Trent making horrible decisions and coughing up fumbles. How much can we be expected to take?! WTF?!?!?! WAKE UP YOU A**HOLES!! Earn your money! I'm so friggin sick of this team sometimes. Rant over. RTB
  6. There's plenty of time for 2 possessions if they run the 2 minute drill once they get some breathing room. 8 minutes is a lot of time but there can't be any more mistakes and they've been making a lot.
  7. This is the first game where it seems like this team just thought they could just show up and win. Sloppy play calling, dropped passes, TOs, etc. Our D needs to step up and make a play. Only Buffalo could make Ted Ginn look like a pro bowler. McGee is absolutely getting toasted. RTB
  8. Our D has just been destroyed the last 2 drives. So much for adjustments. My god.
  9. Bad call on 3rd down. I don't mind running but a misdirection play when they are obviously bringing the heat sucks. Id like to see the toss sweep on that one.
  10. Miami is playing a lot of 5 and 6 DBs. Trent should be audibling to a run when the down and distance is reasonable and we should be shoving it down their throats. Trent is checking down so much because they are blanketing the receivers with a lot of dbs RTB
  11. This is late but did anyone think Ricky fumbled at the end of that long screen play?
  12. You are absolutely right. More like the U of M crowd picked their "guy" even if he didn't got to the U I guess. RTB
  13. Excess testosterone, aka steroids, help one heal faster too. Growth hormone not only allows one to heal faster but also increases lean muscle mass. It's just a different performance enhancing compound so if you are going to ban steroids, you have to ban the growth hormone too. RTB
  14. First of all, that was absolutely hilarious and I respect Sal for actually saying what he was thinking straight up. It sounded like he was ranting on this whole U. of Miami hoodlum committee they formed during training camp and implied the gangstas were more interested in having a U of M guy at QB than the best person for the job. That's not a team first concept which I think pissed Sal off. Entertaining radio though, that's for sure. RTB
  15. This is definitely bad news for Tom and could potentially be career threatening but probably won't be. The fact that he had two knee wash outs tells you the infection is really bad. If the graft survives, there's no question it will be weakened by the infection which means he will likely always have to wear a brace to protect it. If the graft dies, then Tom has to have a repeat surgery only after the infection is completely gone. If that's the case, he won't be ready for the beginning of next season. RTB
  16. I'm not too worried about this game. I don't think it will be a cake walk, division games are always tough, but it should be a W for the Bills. We clearly have the better team and I expect to see improvement on our slow starts that plagued us in the first quarter of the season. Miami has a gimic play offense and a D that has been playing above itself. I expect the D to come back down to earth a bit and there is plenty of film on the Wildcat or whatever to know how to defend it. I do worry a bit about our D's tendancy to overpursue though. As long as Buffalo plays its game and doesn't give up a bunch of turnovers, we should win this game. RTB
  17. Holy crap, lets get to the playoffs before comparing a second year player to the 7th first ballot hall of fame quarterback ever. Come on. I think Trent is a breath of fresh air after the compost that has circulated through the QB position since Jimbo but I guess "potential" is the operative word here. Plus, Jimbo did so much more for the city of Buffalo than just play QB for the Bills. I'm very happy with Trent's development so far and think we are in good shape for the future if he can stay healthy. I just want to see him break a cornerback's leg after he throws a pick like Jimbo did RTB
  18. If all TBD posters had MRIs of their lumbar spine you would find a good amount of "bulging disks" in posters who had no back problems. A bulging disk is only a problem if is bulging on a nerve root which causes pain and inflammation. You would think the Bills staff would know about this if it were the case. The disk is in no way related to the heart, or absence of heart, as is the case with McCargo. He won't be back in a Bills uniform because they don't want him, not because of his back, despite what the front office may say. RTB
  19. When Flacco threw an absolutely horrendous pick to a Titans LB (that was overturned on review), you could hear someone on the sideline loudly proclaiming AWWW sh--! A solid DVR moment for those of you who have it. RTB
  20. Ahh no, Tim is just dead, and I loved his passion for Buffalo as much as anyone. If Tim were pulling strings, Pollard would have ripped Brady's leg clean off and then walked over to the sideline and beat The Holy Bruschi to a pulp with it. As it stands, we are a better and healthier team than last year and UB has a great coach who is teaching his kids how to win. RTB
  21. This. Hardy's tape on his shoe was white. There was no way to say conclusively if he was on the line. If this is called an incompletion, it doesn't get overturned either. BTW, you can see the ref staring right at Hardy's feet and he calls it a TD. RTB
  22. I'm glad the Bills are being overlooked this week because I don't think that's going to be an issue for most of the year. I don't think this is going to be an easy win by any means but do belive we will win a close one. Who gives a crap what the talking heads think, I hope they keep underestimating us the rest of the season but if the Bills beat Jax, they will all be jumping on the bandwagon unless Lord Favre helps the Jets spank NE. If that happens, the Bills could find a cure for cancer in Jacksonville Stadium and all we would here about would be the Jets going to the Superbowl. RTB
  23. You are correct, Russel was more of a pocket passer and I shouldn't have lumped him in there. Culpepper sucked. I could have been all pro throwing to Randy Moss and Chris Carter. He did ZERO after Randy left. His knee injury is long gone and he can't get a backup role when QBs are dropping like flies. That's why he retired. I like QBs who can pass, its a big part of the job. Vick was very dynamic, no doubt about it, but never developed into a good passer. Also, I said the Titans were winning despite Young, not the Falcons used to win despite Vick. Sorry Reverend Al, I obviously left out Crouch because the whole point of my post was to make racist assumptions about college athletes. RTB
  24. The only problem with Vince Young is that he SUCKS, he has sucked since he entered the league, and his team wins despite him. He is probably coming to realize that phenominal college athletes who excel at the QB position at that level rarely make good NFL QBs (see Vick, Culpepper, Russel, Jackson, possibly Leftwich, Stewart, etc.). I can only think of McNabb as excelling in the NFL and he ran a complex offense at SU with many formations and pre-snap shifts. I think the problem is that these guys are so good in college beause they are so much more talented than the average college athlete that they succeed on that talent alone. That doesn't cut it in the NFL. You have to be able to put in the film hours and understand defenses and make very quick decisions. That's the downfall of a lot of QBs (Bledsoe, RJ, Alex Smith, Losman, just to name a few) and why a guy like Noodle Arm Pennington is still in the league - he knows where to go with the ball. So to get back to Vince, I think he's realizing that he's not a good QB and instead of trying to fight through it, he's crumbling like the pampered baby athlete he's probably been all his life. When the going gets tough, the pampered collapse. Whaaaa, they booed me at home! I'm going back to Texas! RTB
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