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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I agree the the team needs to make some strides in free agency but not just sign someone for the sake of making a splash. You want to make a good move that helps the team and will energize the fans? See if you can trade for Peppers before he ends up on the Pats*. I think the asking price would probably be too high for our team but its possible and would address a serious need. RTB
  2. Who did you want to get for a TE or OLB? Scott was never a possibility. He wanted to play for his old coach with the Jets or stay with the Ravens. He played them off each other beautifully and ended up with a great contract, for him. Would you have given up draft picks for Winslow? I wouldn't. What other TE did you want? Our starting center will likely be Hangartner, I wouldn't be surprised to see Simmons at guard. I doubt we will get Coles but the possibility is intriguing. Fraud Taylor was only brought in to send a message to Lynch. So, who do you realistically want the Bills to go after? Personally, I would have liked to see them take a look at Dawkins. I think he would have been a nice addition to the secondary. RTB
  3. Bringing Fred in here was nothing more than sending a message to Lynch. We were never going to seriously pursue him, and he wasn't going to accept an offer to be the 3rd back once Lynch comes back from whatever suspension he probably gets. As much as OBD talks about character players, Marshawn isn't going anywhere. He's got 1 more chance. I don't think he's a bad guy, I think he's a Travis Henry level idiot. RTB
  4. I'm not an expert on Dick Jauron prior to him coming to Buffalo. Could you please tell me some people Dick has fired because of their poor performance? RTB
  5. I'm not concerned that other people or message boards consider the Bills a joke of a franchise. I'm concerned that now I do. It took a couple of years but I'm finally admitting to myself that this franchise is a joke. I used to look at Detroit, Arizona, and Cleveland and think "Man, at least my team isn't THAT f'd up" This was the first season that I didn't go into with much optimism. I'm much more cynical and skeptical than I ever was before and that's because this owner has taken my support and dollars for granted. As I stated in my original post, I'll still support the team and make a couple of games a year. I'll still sit in Gillette Stadium every year and get heckled by Pats* fans while they pummel my team once again. Maybe I'm just one of the lemmings that allows this farce to continue but I still enjoy the Bills and NFL. I just wish I wasn't so cynical about our franchise. RTB
  6. I agree those teams are also minor league franchises, the difference is that many if not all of them have been to the playoffs in the last 10 years. You can at least make an argument for a successful season if you make the playoffs. The Bills and Detroit haven't been there in 9 years. Cleveland, SF and the Raiders were there in 2002, St. Louis in 2004, Cinci 2005 and the others more recently. Detroit is the only other franchise that I can think of that has this "GM by committee" thing going. I agree with those who have been stating that the franchise is going nowhere until it is under different ownership. RTB
  7. I'm happy for AZ, I really am. I'm disappointed that we are losing a member of the Pathetic Franchise club though. Lowly AZ goes out and gets a coordinator who's a first time head coach that actually knows how to coach. They get a first round draft pick WR who knows how to get open even when his pro-bowl #2 is out. They have a rookie DB who continues to make plays in his rookie year. I'm happy for them, but it does put the exclamation point on just what a joke the Bills franchise as a whole has become. Still, I'll be watching and going to what games I can. And that's one of the reasons Ralph will be laughing and counting the millions that he pockets that he could be spending on a real front office or a real coaching staff all the way to the grave. RTB
  8. I hope Ralph is up there and watching what a joke his franchise has become. This game is highlighting everything that Buffalo is not and NE is, and I f'in hate the Pats*. Horrendous coaching decisions, undisciplined play on both sides of the ball, our #8 overall "leader" of the D getting destroyed by a past draft pick who we discarded and now wins with NE. It's downright embarrassing to continue to be a fan of this team but I'm still watching. F u Ralph, F u Dick.
  9. Who cares if he's a stand up guy, this team is SOFT and its a reflection on the head coach. I was a Jauron supporter but no more. You just can't continously try to "out think" an opponent and this over coaching crap has cost us numerous games over the years. Fire Jauron. Fire Shotgun Schonert, keep Fewell and April around. Get a real GM in here to build the franchise but that won't happen until the team has a new owner. This team is going nowhere with Ralph as owner. So, we either wait him out and hope someone keeps the team in Buffalo or someone with a bad cold needs to go start coughing at 1 Bills Drive. (Classless, I know. I don't really wish death on Ralph so take it easy) I didn't wish death on Ted Rogers either but I'm glad he's out of the picture. RTB
  10. This game is a microcosm of the entire organization. They show just a little promise, a little something, you want to believe so start to think maybe they can sustain something. Then BAM, a 30 yard run up the middle to rip your guts out and the "here we go again" feeling starts to take hold. This organization is garbage and it is reflected in the product on the field. RTB
  11. Who gives a crap. If the Bills leave Buffalo, they are no longer my team. They will be dead to me and I'll go find something else to waste my Sundays on. Although I don't wish death on anyone, I'm not bothered by Ted dropping if it helps keep the Bills in Buffalo. I didn't know the man but he sure came off as a pompous, arrogant prick. RTB
  12. I can't see how anyone would think that not making the playoffs could be considered a success. That's what has happened to many us with this team, the expectation and acceptance of mediocrity. "They play hard" "He gives his all every play" "We're the best fans because we fill the seats even when the team sucks" How about some W's when it matters? How about beating a winning team? How about not getting your ass handed to you in 3 straight division games? Other teams turn themselves around quickly, why do we have to accept a 10 year rebuilding plan? I'm done with accepting moral victories with this team. Get into the playoffs, period. RTB
  13. This is it. Without a running game how can we expect a 2nd year QB to carry a team every game? It's pathetic to watch, and then to hear Turk talk about how the running game was effective for the first 5 games when I think it was barely adequate is infuriating. RTB
  14. There's no question Trent has regressed over the past 3 weeks. Call it what you want, but his confidence is shot and his decision making ability is going down the crapper quick. I think the reason for this is he has completely lost confidence in his O-line to protect him. Trent is developing happy feet and the Bledsoe-pat because he's not sure where to go with the ball. I think whoever stated in another thread hit it right on the money when they stated Trent is looking at the rush first and then the receivers so he's late on his reads. So what can we do about it, if anything? Obviously our talent level on the O-line is lacking but that can't be corrected this season. I don't think you can change blocking schemes mid season. So I think the onus is on Turk to call a game that starts off with some "easy" passes and not abandon the run after 9 minutes in the first quarter. Where are the off tackle runs? The quick tosses to the flat? The wide receiver screens? I really think he's dropping the ball and needs to do a better job putting our players in a position to succeed. RTB
  15. I love these posts about being a "real" fan, whatever the hell that means. I think I'm as passionate as most Bills fans, if I wasn't I'd find something better to do than to be continually disappointed and crushed on Sunday afternoons. To be skeptical of a team doesn't mean one isn't a true fan, and I'm very skeptical. I've been to every Bills game at Gillette for the past 5 years and watched this team not even SHOW UP at times while getting heckled by the worst fans in the NFL, Pats* fans. This is a must win for this team in my opinion. 0-3 in the division is not acceptable. I'm tired of relying on other teams to lose games instead of counting on ours to WIN the ones they need. We are going backward, getting worse, while NE is getting better. I want with all my heart to see us get out there and kick NE's ass in the trenches, shove them around, and win a close one. If we do that, we go to the playoffs. If we play hard and still lose, I can accept that and think we have a chance albeit a slim one to make the playoffs. If we go out there and lay another egg in NE, this team's fragile confidence is going to be crushed and I don't think we are going anywhere. I hope I'm wrong.
  16. It always seems like someone has a "breakout" game against the Bills but usually its someone you haven't heard much about. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Moss torches us repeatedly today but I think its more likely Welker will do more damage. The only way we are going to generate any pass rush is with blitzing, and that's going to leave Welker on hot routes all the time covered by McKelvin or Corner. You have to double Moss on every play and instead of playing LBs close to the line, play them 6 yards back so they can react to draws, screens, runs, and PUNISH anyone who comes across the middle. If NE gets easy scores with Moss torching McGee or Greer this team is going to get absolutely destroyed. RTB
  17. The biggest problem with this team is a complete lack of a consistent running game. Even if we get to the playoffs, we are going NOWHERE without the ability to run the ball. We have a lot of season to go, but they better figure it out quick because the cushion we had with our fast start is GONE and its going to be a dogfight for the playoffs. I just hope we are one of the dogs. RTB
  18. 8 men in the box and can't stop the run. GAME OVER
  19. Why does this idiot Simms say we have gotten a pass rush with 3 guys? Everything about this game sucks!
  20. The difference between now and the beginning of the year is that I actually expected them to come back against teams then. Now, I'll be happy but I just don't feel it. It looks like this team has given up which is hard for me to take. At least Edwards is throwing a little better. Edit: I spoke too friggin soon
  21. I can't believe how much this team sucks today. Mistakes on every side of the ball and lackluster play. Game over. RTB
  22. Holy crap can we catch a friggin break!?!?!?!
  23. Whats with Trents innaccuracy? He's pressing a bit
  24. Ok, this is the FG they should have had at the end of the first half. So, by that logic, this is really the first drive of the second half and they can start turning this train wreck around RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW!
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