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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. My god who cares! Kudos to Bud for showing the whole nation what most of us think of our **** team. Maybe we need more of this, being mocked by a pathetic 86 year old douche bag, to light a fire under someone, ANYONE, in this organization. I hope Ralph saw it, and I hope it found some little area in his demented old brain to get pissed enough to realize maybe, just MAYBE, we need a FOOTBALL guy to turn things around so we aren't seen as the pitiful franchise we've become. RTB
  2. I don't blame TO one bit. Edwards is fu**ing awful. Perfect ending for this team, its fitting. Losers. RTB
  3. It says something about how pathetic our team and coaching is that we can take a talent like T.O., who still has it, and make him look like a practice squad player. Other teams' scrubs look like superstars against us. We take stars and make them look like scrubs. Absolutely disgusting. Blow the whole thing up, starting with Brandon, and start over with a football guy in charge. RTB
  4. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the political pressure that can come to bear on the NFL. For whatever reason, Chuck Schumer has been very vocal in his opposition to the only NY team moving out of Buffalo. Chuck can and has brought up the specter of revisiting "anti-trust" and "fair competition" hearings which the NFL wants no part of. It's all political BS, and no one really knows how strong Chuck really feels or will push if it comes down to it, but don't discount the power one senator can have on this issue. They all may be douche bags but they do wield some power. RTB
  5. This entire franchise is a joke and embarrassment to our city, fans, and the league. Ralph needs to get out of the picture and we need an owner who will actually hire a football guy to run the operations. We haven't even started the rebuilding process yet and its 10 years without playoffs. God awful on every level.
  6. Collinsworth was pretty on with his comments about the Steelers O-line, the Tenn. D-line only rushing 4 and not generating pressure (which cost them the game), and the Steelers being poor on 3rd and short which you wouldn't expect from a power running team. He definitely had Ben's sack in his mouth the whole game, and was over critical of Ward on the fumble (he should have just said he's a veteran receiver and should know to protect the ball better in critical situations). The most annoying thing was when he anointed Palamalu to the pro-bowl after 2 defensive series and then Troy proceeded to get 2 or 3 penalties and then got hurt. Palamalu is a great safety but he was way too quick to stroke him too. RTB
  7. Wow that was a tremendous piece of bull$ht. You're certainly willing to drink the kool-aid OBD has been serving for the past 10 years. This team is an absolute and utter embarrassment to the fans, the NFL, and the city of Buffalo. The desperation and complete incompetence on every level of this "franchise" is palpable. We are right there with the Lions, Cinci, and Raiders as the jokes of the NFL. Keep dreaming. Until Ralph is dead or sells the team we will continue our descent to the bottom because we aren't even there yet. Things are going to get worse if that's possible. Jauron is gone by week 4. Until the Bills make the playoffs I'm not listening to one thing that comes out of OBD. It's all crap. RTB
  8. This team isn't good enough to half-ass it during the pre-season and then turn it on during the regular season. I'm sure there are a number of plays we haven't seen, but the offensive philosophy won't be much different. The simply fact is we have average talent with a below average coaching staff. That equals no playoffs. Until we have a new owner, nothing will change. RTB
  9. The Wildcat is a gimick offense that teams had figured out by the end of last year. It will be much less effective this year as defensive coordinators have plenty of film to develop a better way to defend it. The Pats* are the team to beat. Miami will be competitive. The Jets, who knows but I think they will suck. I have no faith in our coaching staff to make intelligent decisions in the heat of battle when the game is on the line. We are overmatched there by at least 2 of our division foes and thats the difference between playoffs and no playoffs. RTB
  10. If everything I've read over the years on this board is true, we should just offer him the league minimum and expect him to perform like an All-Pro RTB
  11. It's too bad Jones didn't take a tile to that over-processed surgically demolished turtle head of his. He'd probably look better. Douche. RTB
  12. I grew up with Mike, I went through elementary school through high school with him. We were friends but not good friends who hung out. He definitely is from around here though, we both lived on Grand Island. I remember him as a nice guy, not the douche that he seems to have turned into on air (according to what I read anyway, I don't listen to the show). He was always around sports but didn't play any that I remember and I was on a number of different teams. He was not a very athletic guy. He was a "manager" early on then started announcing games during high school of which I remember him being pretty good. I don't know where he developed this disdain for the Bills though. I think he always liked hockey more, but was a sports nut all around. If what I read on here is true, that he's an arrogant prick on the air who hates the Bills, then I feel sorry for him. He could have been a very popular and well liked guy in Buffalo because he always had a strong knowledge and love of sports even if he didn't play them. RTB
  13. I have no friggin idea who they are taking
  14. Is there anyone who would realistically want to trade up into our #11 spot so we could drop a bit and still get Pettigrew? I don't think so. Sanchez will be gone, I don't think anyone else is worth the price to trade up for. I think we pick a DE at #11. I have no idea what they are going to do with #28 but is it possible they are thinking of packaging our #28 with a third and fourth to move up into the high teens? I'm not a big fan of moving up in the first but I think that's the only way we get Pettigrew if we don't take him at #11 RTB
  15. Brandon is an amatuer. This franchise is a joke. Even Detroit Lions fans have pity on us. RTB
  16. I say draft Pettigrew at #11 if thats the guy we want. I'm not sold on these DE's as instant starters and think we could get a solid guy who make take a year or 2 to develop in the 2nd or 3rd. RTB
  17. I think its more likely Taylor ends up in Foxboro than Peppers. RTB
  18. 2 1/2 is pretty young. As a previous poster said, a light goes on somewhere around 4. Don't torture yourself or your kid this early in the process. RTB
  19. What ever happened to this guy? I remember the Jets picked him up in the first round and were very high on him. Why didn't he work out? He's been with 3 teams already. Does he suck at blocking? Catching? Both? Just curious. RTB
  20. I've lived in Rhode Island for seven years. I love Buffalo, my entire family is still there. Donaldson is a complete douche bag, he even gets Pats* info completely wrong. Pats* fans are the biggest bandwagoners there are in the history of sports. I love reminding most of the "I've always been a Pats* fan" idiots that they were almost the Hartford Patriots due to lack of fan support only 10 years ago. Providence, on the other hand, is a great little city. There are a lot of similarities between Buffalo and Rhode Island. Corruption, high taxes, union domination of government, high unemployment, bluest state in the nation are some of the negatives the state shares with Buffalo. Good people and a blue collar mentality are some of the positives. Rhode Island can't come close to the people of Buffalo in terms of a collective sense of us-against-the world (that I still share) Western NY doesn't come close to the beauty of Rhode Island though, not even close. Those bashing Providence are really just as uninformed and pathetic as Donaldson is. Hate the writer, he deserves it, not the city. It's sad, I'm usually defending Buffalo from the uninformed New England idiots. RTB
  21. I think the trigger to cut TO will be very short if he starts opening his mouth and bad mouthing the team or city. I doubt he will unless the team is already imploading, in which case we are going to blow the team up at the end of the year anyway. It will be like the Hindenberg if it happens, tragic but you won't be able to take your eyes/ears off it as the Buffalo Bills go down in flames. RTB
  22. Well we just got Hargartner which I think is the main FA Buffalo targeted. I think that's a solid pickup. I'd like to see Simmons in here. I liked June when he was with Indy but does he have anything left in the tank? I'm not big on Springs or Bly for the money I think they'd cost. I hadn't thought of Sean Jones. I would like to see Coles here. I think he'd actually be able to draw the double away from Lee, especially in the absence of a pass catching TE. Teams might not stack 8 in the box every down. Jenkins I think has potential but needs some seasoning. Reed would be solid in the slot w/Parish every now and then. What's the story with Jones? I don't know much about him. Any good? RTB
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