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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. It's nice to hear he was somewhat gracious. It's a measure of how pathetically low our expectations are that when a one year wide out doesn't bash us or our city, some want to wax poetic about what could have been had he stayed a Bill. It was a win- win, but only for Brandon and T.O. Brandon got asses in the seats and a distraction from his hideous tenure as GM while T.O. Got to play the humble good guy and get paid last year and now with Cinci. RTB
  2. My god the douche is strong in this one Obi-wan
  3. If Im in a foxhole I want a guy next to me who can shoot and throw grenades. They are one of the worst teams in the league, and one of the bottom 3 franchises in NFL history. I'll get optimistic when there is new ownership and a clear plan for improvement. Unti then, Ill remain not pessimistic but skeptical. RTB
  4. My parents have had season tickets since the AFL years. For the first time ever they left the game before the final whistle last Sunday. It may not mean much, they are just 2 people, but there are thousands like them who have spent tens of thousands over the years supporting this team. I think it's true that the team is starting to lose fan support because of the horrendous product on the field for 10 years. It's about time fans started hitting Ralph the pocket book. We have made him a rich man selling us crap disguised as something good. At the slightest hint of progress, something to show we are heading in the right direction, the fans will be back in force. RTB
  5. This is ridiculous. The Pats* engaged in a pattern of cheating that was accepted within their organization and they knew exactly what they were doing. By videotaping defensive calls throughout the year they were able to use that knowledge in close games and the playoffs, and that advantage easily made the difference for them. Not only that, Bellidouche was written a memo by the commish that said,and I'm paraphrasing "Hey !@#$, don't videotape, it's cheating". Being the arrogant f*cks that they are, remember this was when the Pats* were the chosen ones of the league, they kept cheating and got busted AGAIN. At a minimum Bellidouche should have been suspended for the year. The fact that they lost a first round draft pick tells you the league knows they were cheating but being the pussies that they are wanted this to just go away. The worst part of the whole thing was the NFL destroyed the tapes so independent bodies could not look at them and see just how bad it was. The fact that they got rid of them so fast makes me think they were horrendous and probably had some direct links to their playoff and superbowl wins which the NFL didnt want to have questioned. The Pats* are cheaters, their Superbowl victories deserve a huge * next to them, and the NFL was complicit in minimizing the damage to the reputations of the Pats* and the league itself. RTB
  6. I liked Jerry but he was an average O lineman at best who worked his ass off. It's a testament to how horrible our O lines have been that average guys then look like all pros now in comparison to most of the turnstiles and marshmallows we have had the past years. RTB
  7. Crowder ruled out for Sunday I didn't see this posted but came across it surfing yahoo sports. I don't think it will have a big impact on the game but hey, Ill take help getting W's any way we can. RTB
  8. This is pretty simple. He got suspended for a performance enhancer. It was either a testosterone supplement (steroid) or a stimulant (like ephedra). He either injected it, took a pill, or rubbed it on his skin. Who cares? Personally, if he is going to get busted I hope he was using the real stuff because 1) it works and 2) why waste 4 games on some mild pro-hormone from GNC when you get the same penalty for the real stuff and get some good gains in lean body mass while you are riding the pine. RTB
  9. It is a sign of how pathetic this franchise has been over the past 10 years that makes Bills fans sound like they should be Pats* fans. I understand the cynicism on whether or not to purchase the Ticket because you want to see a good product on the field though, and even the best fans in the NFL have a limit to how much kool aid we can drink. Buy it. But when you are cursing yourself by game 4 because we are already playing the spoiler don't blame me
  10. Unfortunately, this is the type of nagging injury that doesn't always get good results from surgery and could be a career ender. I hope that's not the case, but if it's true this is his 3rd surgery that does not bode well at all. RTB
  11. This is a tough one. The Bills really had no leverage at all because I do think AS was willing to retire if it came to that. How many of you would show up for work, collect 2 million just for arriving, then get fired soon after? I would. That's the leverage AS had. There is absolutely no loyalty from teams to players or players to teams anymore and I think this is where many of us get our ire up. AS worked the system to his advantage, all the more power to him. The only thing the Bills could have done was force a disgruntled player to show up, pay him, watch him half-ass it and poison a locker room where a new regime is trying to change e culture of losing. AS was a solid DE for us but because he was horrendously overpaid, he will always be looked at as over rated. I don't care that he had the second most sacks in franchise history. The one thing you could always count on was when the game was on the line or when a defensive play needed to be made for momentum purposes, Aaron Schobel would disappear and never be the one to make that play. That was his biggest failing as a player. RTB
  12. FTA: "During the team's offseason program, Williams served as a mentor to rookie left tackle Trent Williams" What kind of advice could this douche possibly provide to a rookie tackle? How to suck? How to maintain blood flow to your brain if you don't have a heart? How to steal millions from a team without even trying? He's at risk for pulmonary embolism from blood clots in his legs because he was a fat marshmallow. It's manageable and he'll be ok. Now he can go out on the NFL's disability policy and rape the system for even more money. Gutless, heartless POS. RTB
  13. As a long suffering proponent of this strategy, I have to say I'm happy so far with the direction Nix is taking us. RTB
  14. What a refreshing amount of non-BS to come from a GM. He may be blowing smoke up out asses but at least he didn't break out the old "he was the exact player we wanted and targeted from the day I became GM blah blah blah..." He basically acknowledged the Bills would listen to any offers, and who they take/took depends on how the board falls. I don't know jack about running a draft but that sounds like a very reasonable strategy to me. I'm not sold on Nix/Chan but he seems like a straight shooter. RTB
  15. Oh please Ralph didn't keep the team in Buffalo out of loyalty. Where else can you find lemmings like us who consistently sell out a huge stadium and spend thousands of our hard earned ducats on such a piece of shiat product on the field? Ralph may shiat his pants but the man is a frickin genius. RTB P.S. LT in Round 2
  16. We already had a guy with lots of talent and absolutely no heart. His name was Mike Williams. No thank you on this guy. RTB
  17. I'm glad he didn't end up in NE. Welker isn't coming back and Moss is in retirement mode. RTB
  18. It doesn't matter how good you are or how much potential you have if you can't stay on the field. RTB
  19. It's amazing how a guy's draft position really effects how we think of their performance. It's all relative I guess. Donte is an average but certainly not spectacular safety. The fact he was taken 8th overall just poisons our perception of him. I wouldn't be surprised if he went someplace and played fairly well but he certainly has not performed anywhere near what we expected of him. RTB
  20. Stay strong bro, get well soon. RTB
  21. I never really thought we could grab Shanahan or Cowher. I thought Billick would be a solid candidate, but the geniuses at OBD aren't even considering him. The only assistant I am interested in is Grimm, because at least he will bring a toughness and attitude that this team has been lacking for a decade. I like how Pittsburgh plays as a team and maybe he can bring some of that here. The fact that we have coordinators and a college coach declining to even interview makes me realize the depths to which this once proud franchise has fallen is even deeper and more pathetic than I ever could have imagined. I hope Grimm interviews and is offered the job. My gut is telling me Frazier will be here though, by default.
  22. You make some good points there about the NE system being designed by Weiss, and Cassel did suck once he left it. I'm a little biased because I think Weiss is an absolute douchebag for stuff outside of football, and I thought he was a horrible head coach at ND. I know a few people who saved that fat asses life after his gastric bypass, he sued them all and lost. I want a head coach who will instill a sense of pride and toughness in our team. From that perspective, I think Cowher, Billick, and Grimm would make good candidates. RTB
  23. There is no way I want Charlie Weiss around here. He absolutely sucked at ND and was the beneficiary of having a first ballot hall of fame QB at NE. I have seen nothing that says he can coach. If you are looking for experience, obviously Cowher is the #1 choice for a lot of reasons, but I highly doubt we get him. Billick I think would be an interesting hire. I think we should take a good, long look at Grimm though. RTB
  24. Some of you people have to be absolutely farking crazy if you thought this guy played like crap. When is the last time you saw one of our guards consistantly get to the second level? Incognito was better than Levitre or Wood (I know they are rookies and getting better) at blocking off the line, releasing that block and getting on another to spring our RB for more yards. I haven't seen a guard here do that since Rueben Brown. I do agree his pass blocking needs improvement. For a guy who showed up 3 days ago and was thrown in the starting line-up, he did a very solid job. RTB
  25. It never ceases to amaze me how desperate some Bills fans are to grasp at any straw because our team is so pathetic. Perry Fewell as a head coach?? My god people, just because he has a pulse where Jauron had none doesn't mean he is head coaching material. His defenses have repeatedly collapsed in the fourth quarter with the game on the line since he's been here. I'm sorry but he's an average DC at best. I'll give him that only because he doesn't have a lot of depth to work with. I'll echo what many have said: We need a real GM. A football guy who will clean house from top to bottom, especially in the personel department. The coaching search is secondary. Fewell sucks and so does 80% of the players on this team. It's going to take more than a head coaching change to make winners out of this franchise that doesn't deserve to represent the city of Buffalo and hasn't for the past 10 years. RTB
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