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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Well, he would be an upgrade from our current defensive coordinator ; ) RTB
  2. I absolutely don't want Tebow on our team. He sucks as a QB. He's a good guy, but so was JP. He sucked too. JP wasn't hyped as the next coming of JC though and don't think for a second Tebow doesn't know exactly what he's doing. He's a marginal talent with very limited time in the NFL who is making the most of his 15 minutes and I give him all the credit in the world for making the most of his limited opportunity. Hes a big boy, he can handle a "Tebow sucks" chant. Buffalo has done the best job of taking away the run and exposing his limited ability to read defenses. The Magic Tebow run is over. RTB
  3. This post almost makes up for all the brain cells I have lost over the years reading some of the crap on this board. There is nothing more to add, it's an excellent synopsis of Fitz, not more needs to be said. I think we can keep our QB talk now to RJ vs, Flutie. RTB
  4. God I love this shiat I'm just sorry its only 3 pages, I have half a cigar left Quick, someone insult Tim or Lori to keep it going. THIS IS SPARTTTAAAAAAAAAAAA! Just awesome, thank you all for participating
  5. I'll give Spiller to the end of the year before I make a judgement, but this pick is starting to look bad, and I didn't have a problem with it at the time. I think he was by far the best player available. I think only Pierre Paul or Poncy would have been better for Buffalo, and at that time Pierre Paul would have been a huge reach and we already had Wood and Hangartner still as centers. No one knew Pouncy would play as well as he has as a rookie. I've seen improvement from Spiller from last year to his year. Better patience, better at blitz pick ups, good hands, running hard between the tackles. I agree he goes down too easy still. I think the next 5 games will give us a good idea in what we have in him. RTB
  6. I don't want to cut Stevie, that's ridiculous. I want Thurman to teach him some class and for him to learn a little humility. Act like you have been in the end zone before, don't hurt your team with stupid penalties in a season deciding game. RTB
  7. If its just his fibula, the smaller outside bone, Fred will be ok and be back. The Bills don't owe Fred a thing. We brought him out of the football scrap heap and made him a starter in the NFL. The whole thing comes down to the difference between what Fred thinks he is worth and what the Bills think they should pay an injured RB on the wrong side of 30. I hope they can find a way to bridge the difference but I definitely wouldn't break the bank on him at this point. RTB
  8. That is outstanding. For a split second there I actually had a thawing in the burning hoodie hatred I have and smiled. RTB
  9. Liked the end. Hated Dickless Juaron, and Trentative Checkwards. Could have done without Whitner too. Gotta love the Big Tree. RTB
  10. This. Ir's the emotional connection Bills fans have with their team that separates us from the casual fans of other franchises. I'm sure there are fans like this in every city, but without a doubt Buffalo has the highest proportion of fans emotionally connected to their team. I have lived in NYC and now NE and it seems there are bandwagoners galore. It's because they pick and chose whichever one of their teams is doing well this season. Pathetic. Especially here in NE. When the Pats* sucked, they were a week away from becoming the Hartford Patriots because fan support was so low. Now everyone has been a fan of the Pats* forever. When they start to slide, and it's happening, Foxboro won't sell out. Bandwagoners. No emotional connection. I still get pissed about bad calls and stuff made 15 years ago (like that Hail Mary pass interference). Fans of other teams just don't understand and can't. RTB
  11. Not to be rude but wow, that post made me feel much older than my 40 years. I learned that in elementary school way back. They probably don't teach it anymore in our new sanitized PC environment. RTB
  12. Our pass rush needs serious help. You can chalk up the first 2 games to playing the run first because of how good those teams were last year running the ball, but not this game. There is no way the plan was not to pressure Brady up the middle. That doesn't mean they should have blitzes all the time, but even when they did it was picked up fairly easily by NE. I think there were times Brady was a little uncomfortable but in no way do I think that was the type of pressure we anticipated or should be satisfied with. Hey, it's something to work on. This team has flaws but the things you can't really teach, like heart, guts, and courage, this team seems to have in abundance. This team has sack for the first time in 8 years and I give the creditnto Buddy and Chan for changing the culture. 3 - 0 is so much better than 0 - 3 but it's a long season and there are many areas we could improve. Pass rush is # 1 on that list. RTB
  13. I think he had to take a TO because Freddy was ruled down so the click would have been running
  14. Lee Evans in street clothes on the sideline will be just enough of a distraction to the free safety that it will open up those seam routes
  15. You have got to be kidding me. It's ridiculous to talk pro-bowl or playoffs with the Bills,especially this early. RTB
  16. I have to disagree when it comes to his short yardage running. This guy hasn't been stopped yet on 2nd or 3rd and short when he runs. He's not tentative, he's patient and let's the play develop. He definitely blew the trick play. My guess would be that he thought one of the 2 receivers in the same spot was actually a defender. It would be interesting to hear his explanation. He actually doesn't have to complete many passes, if any, in order for his play action to work. Just the threat of him throwing will keep the safeties playing honest. I have no doubt as soon as an opposing team puts both safeties in the box to stop the run and there is single coverage on the outside, Smith will be throwing deep. Just the fact that teams have to spend practice time on defending this package is a bonus for us in a lot of ways that might not show up on a stat sheet. RTB
  17. Oh please give me a break with the "he crossed the line" crap. Anyone with any type of emotional connection to this team over the years at least had the "oh **** I hope they don't blow it" thought. This team has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory WAY more than victory from the jaws of defeat. It's totally normal and completely acceptable to be skeptical at this point. I've been burned way too many times to allow one game to immediately change a decade of losing, but I'm optimistic. RTB
  18. LA Times column on getting a NFL team next season I was just surfing the net and came across this article. I haven't followed the LA team quest much except for the background Buffalo paranoia about the team possibly being moved after Ralph hits the box. It seems a bit optimistic to me that the league would move a team there that quick in time for next season. RTB
  19. Ok, let me get this straight. A few yahoos on an anonymous internet fan site make some mild anti-canadian comments. This offends you to such a degree that you forward that message to some friends and use that as an excuse not to come to games anymore. Sounds like you were leaning that way anyway (long drive, border isn't as easy to cross, whatever..) and found this a convenient target to vent about your perceived status as a second class Bills fan. Look, we all suck. We have invested way too much emotion, time, and cash into a clearly inferior product for way too long for rational people. If you want to take your Loonies and go home because some anonymous internet tough guy hurt your feelings, so be it. You may be Canadian, but you are a Bills fan, and you can't suck anymore than the rest of us do. You are the Chris Kelsay to our Freddie Jackson, but you are still a Bills fan. So buck up little camper, everything is going to be ok. We are still going to suck, and you are still going to make the team because you are a high motor, never give up fan. RTB
  20. You can't be serious. We would probably have to remind Brady and Sanchez the Bills play in the same division. That's how far off the radar we are. RTB
  21. Only those who actually think we have a shot at the playoffs this year should be bothered by this trade. I don't. We have at least another year, probably 2, before we can sniff the playoffs. Lee was a good character guy and I wish him well. Our offense may or may not suffer. Whatever the reasons, we have sucked and he hasn't been very productive for us the past 2 years. Getting a 4th for him was probably what he was worth. We have a tendancy to over estimate the value of our players. RTB
  22. Don't underestimate the power of a Chuck (Shumer that is). I am not a fan of his politics, but I am a fan of his position on The Bills in Buffalo. On more than one occasion he has made statements in regards to the Bills staying in Buffalo. He has made it clear that he thinks it is very important to the economy of WNY. I have read more than once statements from him raising the specter of anti-trust hearings. Don't think for a second that doesn't get the antennae of NFL owners up and listenng. I like Chuck. RTB
  23. This surgery is no big deal at all. It's just trimming the cartilage to smooth out the joint. Not an issue, especially if he played the whole year because it indicates the tear was small. RTB
  24. Haha so true. He way over-thought and was a little to fond of the trick play. Wasn't there a 3rd and goal at the 1 where he called a half back pass that got picked? I don't remember for sure on that one but I remember going nuts over some of the ridiculous play calling. RTB
  25. Watching NFL Countdown and both Fewell and Mularkey were considered leading candidates for the HC position in Denver. I think it would be very interesting to see what Meathead could do with a second go around. I thought he had some potential but completely disintegrated and ejected out of a horrible situation before he did more damage to his career. Fewell? Definitely doing a good job in NY but doesn't have too long of a track record. RTB
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