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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Life-long Bills fans. All I'm saying is that it would be very easy for Mario to decrease the amount of heat he is getting with a little better PR on his part. In the end, it will come down to his production and impact in games. RTB
  2. The biggest problem I have with Mario is how he's handled the adversity. All he has to do is act a little humble, acknowledge that he's not playing to his potential and say he's going to work his ass off to get it turned around. It's not hard to get us long suffering fans on your side even if you suck, we love to embrace and protect our own (except for a few douche bags or non-douche Kelsay). He's coming off as a complete kitty. RTB
  3. Are you kidding me? This team is an absolute disgrace. It's sickening to watch a bunch of losers represent our city and they don't even try. F'n pathetic. 2 division games and we get absolutely destroyed! We didn't just lose those games, we were beat down, crapped on, then laughed at! Tom Brady calling us bitches in our own house and there was barely a peep from anyone!! Nothing! This team is no different than any of them over the past 10 years. A outright joke and they don't deserve to represent our city. If Brady laughing at you and calling you a B word in your own stadium doesn't put you right through the roof, you should be cut from the team today. 4 games in and Mario Williams hasn't done a friggin thing. I'm not calling him a bust yet but it's close. He has been handled easily by average right tackles and wasn't double teamed or chipped. Horrible. RTB
  4. The biggest benefit steroids and HGH would have for a football player during the season is vastly improved recovery from week to week. I think it's a huge stretch to try and link steroids use and yards per carry, that's kind of silly. Most of these players use their college days to use steroids to gain lean mass, where the testing is much easier to dodge. RTB
  5. No f'n way do we make a deal with The Hoodie, ever. That guy owns our club on the field, off the field, in Ralph's bedroom, and there's no way we would come out on top. I dont care if he offered Welker for free, there would be something in there that would bite us in the ass after Wes arrived, like a lockeroom outbreak of herpes or something. After raping us with the Blew Dredslow trade, and taking Antowaine Smith and making him into a good back, he farts in our general direction. I hate the man but he is an evil genius, especially when it comes to owning the Bills, and you don't do deals with the devil.
  6. Look, Fitz did enough to win the game against KC and #1 was not turning the ball over. This is exactly how we are going to need to play in order to win games with him - strong running game and good defense. Has Fitz completed a long pass yet that wasn't the result of YAC? Until he does, teams are going to crowd the short routes. Also, Fitz has been absolutely awful on the out routes. His arm strength really gets tested an his accuracy falls as a result. As long as Chan doesn't get too pass happy (a big if) I think Fitz can pay well enough to win games but I don't think he is the type of QB who can take over a game and throw for 400 yards. RTB
  7. Under the circumstances, these refs are doing an outstanding job. Sure, there are some delays and some of the more esoteric rules get a little boggled, but there hasnt been one obvious game defining/changing screw up which is more than can be said for the regular refs. I like that they let the guys play, I love that they haven't gotten the league memo yet about which teams get favored calls. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that NE wins that game with the help of the refs if the regular refs are in. The NFL has no pressure to get a deal done. Only hacks like Perreria (sp?) and crusaders like Florio seem to have an issue with the scabs. And oh yeah, any team that loses will have a problem with the refs that week. RTB
  8. There are so many variables here it's impossible to make an accurate prediction. What exactly was the surgery? "Groin" surgery is a very non-specific term. I'm involved with a very busy sports medicine orthopedic surgery group and in ten years I can't remember doing a "groin" surgery. My guess, based on how quick he came back, is its probably some sort of hernia, not a direct muscle tear and fix. Bad muscle injuries that require surgery usually take a lot longer to come back from. He's probably feeling tightness from scar formation which is part of the normal healing process and will take up to a year to completely resolve. There is a definite risk of re-injuring it but how likely that will be is impossible to say. I think he will be fine and will be dealing with this in some (hopefully minor) way for the entire season. RTB
  9. This has been one of the most informative, enjoyable threads I've read on here in years. So much has been said that I don't have much to add. I'd just say that given our apparent inability to get deep (or medium deep) consistently, and the tendancy for teams to blitz or crowd the box, a well timed, well executed screen play can be absolutely devastating. I'd love to see screens to Spiller or Freddy (not the wideouts) more often. That, and absolutely stick with the running game more consistently. RTB
  10. The word in NE country is that Mallet is quite mediocre. He probably won't beat Hoyer out for the #2 and if that's the case, that is a big cause for concern after 2 training camps and a full year under his belt. He has the arm but not sure if he has the noggin. RTB
  11. I'm in Rhode Island. The app worked great streaming it to my big screen using Apple TV last night. Now, it's telling me the video is unavailable. Anyone else have this problem?
  12. It's not the number of touches, it's his chronological age. Once RBs get around 30 they slow down and lose some explosiveness. That doesn't mean they can't be effective backs, but it's a downhill slide. I think this whole "Freddy isn't beat up" argument is us trying to delude ourselves that we have more time with a solid RB than we really do. He will be on the team 2 more years then I think he's gone. RTB
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/06/fred-jackson-im-a-top-5-running-back/ Love the bravado, but you have to back this "chip-on-the-shoulder" act up with a full season and near top of the league all purpose yards from scrimmage. Thurman had the chip, but he also had the yards and longevity. If Freddy stays healthy I think he's a top 5 back, but until then I'll withhold judgement. RTB
  14. NYT on Maybin Interesting article. I wasn't a big Maybin fan. I thought it was the right move to cut him and move on and I don't take (too much) pleasure in seeing ex-Bills fail. It seems like he is getting an awful lot of hype this pre-season. It sounds like he has a big mouth though, which probably fits right in with the Jets collecition of yappers. RTB
  15. As a doc who has been involved in hundreds of back operations, let me give you my professional medical opinion: I have no friggin clue how Troupe will recover and neither does the surgeon who did the operation. Backs suck, period. I'm a big proponent of Darwin but this skeletal organization defies natural selection as a positive genetic trait that should be passed on. I've seen guys have 4 levels fused and go on to play sports, and I've seen others have a minor disk rupture that live on disability because of pain for the rest of their lives. The only way to find out is to throw him out there and see how he does. If he misses any more time because of back pain he's finished. RTB
  16. The shark has been jumped. We will miss you RTB
  17. You can certainly be a fan of the Bills wherever you live. I think those of us who grew up or live in Buffalo have an emotional connection to the city/team that is difficult to explain. This doesn't make anyone more or less of a fan, but it brings the whole experience to another level. RTB
  18. Just needed to add my name to this epic thread. Hopefully if Mario fulfills hs potential and joins Bruce in the hall I can show my kids my anonymous name on an epic thread. RTB
  19. Hahaha this is an outstanding maneuver by the owner. I'm not a big fan of management, but negotiations are all about understanding how much leverage you have and when to use it. Obviously these arena league guys don't have much, and they were stupid enough to make public what their plans were. The simple fact is, these guys can be replaced by guys off the street an hour before kickoff and the quality of the product doesn't decrease too much. They over-valued themselves and got burned for it. RTB
  20. Come on, seriously? He is an average running back and a malcontent to boot. How could he possibly fill a TE roll for us?
  21. This has the potential to be a classic thread. How does he keep doing it? Outstanding, I applaud you sir. RTB
  22. I use Toradol every day on patients. Many have already hilighted the salient points. One thing that hasn't been mentioned which I think is the most interesting aspect of using it in football is its effects on microvascular bleeding. What that means is it slows down the body's ability to heal small injuries to blood vessels so patients who have surgery can "ooze" (they don't hemorrhage to death) All NSAIDS but especially Toradol inhibit platelets to some degree so they can increase this type of bleeding risk. Now you go shoot up a bunch of players who are at increased risk of bleeding and then ask them to go bonk heads for a few hours. I'd be very interested to look at the brains of these players who received Toradol regularly and see if they show signs of small bleeds (which can lead to much badness long term). It would be better to compare them to the brains of football players who didn't receive Toradol. We need the brains. RTB
  23. This is exactly what happened to us in Buffalo. RTB
  24. Well, he would be an upgrade from our current defensive coordinator ; ) RTB
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