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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. At this point, i could care less if the Pats* are proven to have cheated yet again. I simply LOVE the fact that another Super Bowl run is tainted, win or lose. The entire "Dynasty" has on humongous asterisk next to it. It couldn't happen to a more deserving band-wagon, douche-bag fan base than that of the Pats*. LOVE IT RTB
  2. There is no way I would want that Uggh wearing, ref-blowing, flag-looking, whiney, first ballot hall-of-famer, kitty on my team. No way. He doesn't have enough good years left to make up for the eternal stain on this organization that would last well beyond his induction. Besides, with our guards we would make him look like Orton back there.
  3. I think Pegula was leaning that way but it wasn't locked up before the end of the season. If it was more than early talks, Pegula would have told Marone that Polian was going to be the guy and Marone might have stayed (not saying either of those moves would have been good ones). Presumably with the good relations between St. Doug and Polian, the outcome would have been different. I really didn't want Polians son anywhere near th organization so I'm not sorry Polian bailed out. I'm not sorry Marone bailed either but I definitely didn't see that coming. RTB
  4. There is a tremendous amount of CYA going on at 1 Bills Drive and with Marone and Polian. I don't know why but I feel 100% certain those douche-bag lifers bad mouthed Polian and have a lot to do with the internal divisions that have existed for decades. If I were Pegula, I'd fire them all today. Pegulas first mistake was not to have a football guy ready to go on day 1 of the offseason to restructure the organization top to bottom. I would have loved Ernie Acorsi in that role. Polian, not so much. I have nothing but respect and good feelings for Bill but you can't relive the past and I don't think he was the guy for the job. Marone was a douche but made a very smart business decision for himself. Sure, he sold out all his integrity and everything he says about family and teamwork from this day forth will be laughed at, but he has 4 million reasons (plus whatever else he gets) not to care too much. I hope he goes to the Jets and gets destroyed by the NY media. My prediction (not what I want but what I think will happen) - Shwartz as HC, Pepper to DC, new OC, Whaley stays at GM, no football czar. RTB
  5. EJ is a good kid, so was JP Losman. Problem is, they both sucked as NFL QBs. I was all for giving EJ the entire season to see if we have a franchise QB in him. After the Houston game, there is just no way you can stick with him without losing the entire team. I'm not a big Hackett fan, but the last 2 losses were not the fault of play calling. That Watts pick -6 was the right call at the right time. EJ panicked and instead of lofting the ball or faking Watts into the air, he choked and gave it right to him. Everyone thinks we are such a great running team. That's only true if there is the threat of the pass. Watch the defenses of the last couple game stack the box against the run. EJ can't or won't check out of it to a pass, and even when a pass is called he is missing wide open receivers all the time. Not just a bad throw here or there, it's the majority of the time. You can't win in the NFL if your QB can't throw against 8 or 9 guys in the box, period. EJ at this point can't.
  6. Seriously, who gives a crap. I hope there is tension in the front office. This team has SUCKED for over a decade. Give me some people who aren't happy with the status quo. If this team opens with a few W's, all this noise goes away.
  7. The Pats* will probably sign him off the squad
  8. Don't underestimate the power a senior Senator like Chuck Schumer has in influencing whether the Bills move or not. I'm not a big Chuck fan, but he has been very vocal about the Bills staying in Buffalo and a Senator has some sway. As much as I love the area, Western NY is an economic grave yard and losing the Bills would definitely have a negative economic impact. RTB
  9. I was 100% wrong about Willis McGahee. I thought Donahue was a genius for drafting him. I thought the kid would be humbled and gracious that Buffalo spent a 1st on him and have him a year to rehab. I thought he'd be a franchise back for 10 years. Only jersey (since burned) I've bought besides Jim Kelly. He turned out to be a typical Miami hoodlum. What a f'n bum. Little heart, entitlement attitude, average runner. When that ungrateful **** dissed the city that gave him a chance I burned the jersey and couldn't have been happier when we got rid of him. RTB
  10. Your comments about Gilmore are simply a reflection of your bias against first round DBs and not an objective critique of his performance overall. Of course he was rusty today and one could argue he was a bit of a liability with the club on his wrist but your generalizations of him are wrong. RTB
  11. Please tell me this thread is a joke, what a ridiculous idea. Carpenter may steal the job from Hopkins. He's nailed 2 kick from over 50 and can get it through the end zone, and you want a 6th round pick instead??? I'm going to go drink more. RTB
  12. I'm really sick of justifying losses, especially in winnable games, as some sort of moral victory. It's the acceptance of mediocrity at all levels of the franchise that keeps this team in the cellar. RTB
  13. It's a much bigger mistake to not have a legitimate replacement for your QB than it is at LG. Legursky was pegged as the starter and got hurt. Tuel was pegged as the backup and was a colossal, season crushing front office screw up. RTB
  14. Anyone know why we would pick Moorman over Kluwe? My impression was Moormans leg was dying and it was right to release him. Sure it's great from a nostalgic standpoint but I'm not convinced he was the best option out there. RTB
  15. Are you kidding me? There are absolutely no positives to having your rookie hopefully future franchise QB sitting in the booth on game days. None. There is no better experience than being in the game and learning from your mistakes. You can't do that from the booth. We knew playoffs were a pipe dream coming into the season, so all I wanted from this year was to see steady incremental development of our QB. That can't happen on the bench. RTB
  16. He's Lee Evans on the Ravens! Reminds me of one of the all time most pathetic discussions on Evans in Baltimore after he was invisible for half his first season there : that he was having a big impact because he could stretch the field. If TJ isn't catching the ball or being targeted, he's not stretching the field. Running a fast guy deep doesn't fool or get the attention of defenses. Catching the long ball does. I hope he starts catching some soon. Chandler has my vote for biggest disappointment so far. RTB
  17. This is an absolutely ridiculous comment. The Ralph was loud and it was rocking. The fans were outstanding. When EJ was waving his hands to pump up the crowd it was because he was trying to lead his team, and the fans responded loudly to his gestures with a chant of "EJ" reverberating throughout the stadium. I agree with GG's comments about the atmosphere in the stadium, it was great. The best way to counteract the constant media negativity that permeates this franchise is to start winning. W's cure all, and until that happens you can expect more of the same. RTB
  18. With 5 minutes left we had to score points. It didn't matter whether we huddled or not, the fact that we had the ball twice with the lead, once in Pats* territory, and did nothing is what cost us the game. Every person in that stadium knew if Brady got the ball back he was going to march them down the field. The Pats had their timeouts and the 2 minute warning with 5 mins to go. The no huddle didn't cost us the game, lack of execution did. RTB
  19. I'd place him on IR, keep him out of the locker room, and tell him and his agent he's getting the tag next year too. RTB
  20. For the love of God we can't catch a friggin break. I can't believe I have to watch Kolb in the opener. RTB
  21. Not handling adversity was a big knock against Geno. He had a chance to completely blow that impression out of the water and blew it. All he did was re-enforce the idea that he wilts under pressure. RTB
  22. My god the douche is strong in this thread. As shocked as I am that they didn't, there is absolutely NO way you can say the Bills panicked. That's ridiculous. You can argue the pick, but you can't argue that the Bills got the exact player they targeted and picked up additional picks in the process. RTB
  23. Please tell me this is a joke. I'm all for my alma mater lowering academic standards so we can get a few more W's, but for the love of god this Einstein better be the next RG3 to justify going this low. RTB
  24. I'd like to believe that with Marone's emphasis on players and how he wants to run the team, Nelson would be the first person to know he wasn't being tendered. I'm inclined to think this is just speculation. RTB
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