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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that Allen has to sit for a few weeks. He's been thrown into the fire and now gets a chance to work on the mental part of the game without the stigma of being yanked for sucking. A Grade 2 sprain can 100% heal and will have zero effect on his arm strength long term. God help us all if McBeane trots Peterman out there. The sound of so many Bills Fan's heads exploding will make a Sonic boom
  2. Oh, so now when we win we can't be happy because it wasn't stylistically pleasing. Give me a f'n break. Any "W" this year is a a good one so enjoy it instead of being a miserable fan. RTB
  3. Are you kidding me with this? Your original post was 100% wrong and I laughed because it's clear you weren't aware the Bills were doing EXACTLY what you said they should do in the situation. Please, spare us your guesses on what the Bills should do in certain situations. You have a raw, rookie QB who just led your team on a 4 minute, game winning drive and people have a problem with this?? Holy crap. All off season people said "We need to run Shady, play good D, protect the QB and win close games". We did EXACTLY THAT and people are coming out of the woodwork to complain. Allen's accuracy was awful today, but he got the job done. Yes, he's the QB and gets some credit even though Shady and Ivory were the bulk of that last drive. I saw a much better O-line, a more aware QB who threw the ball away instead of taking sacks, didn't turn his back to the line and run around like an idiot, made a few good passes in the 4th after an inaccurate few quarters, and most importantly - never looked rattled. This kid is a gamer Get off his case and let him develop for a season maybe JUST MAYBE we might have a QB we can build around. Enjoy the win. RTB
  4. If this is true, that's absolutely ridiculous. This thread sucks, zero links to anything interesting and just a bunch of people rightfully bitching. Hey ShadyBillsFan, where are all the links??
  5. I'd love to see on the all-22 if Allen wasn't seeing open guys when he hung on too long or if everyone was just blanketed. The few times they zoomed out on replay I never saw anyone open but that was only a couple plays.
  6. Not thrilled with Dabolls game plan. He did nothing to put Allen in a position to succeed. The few things that did work he abondoned immediately. He abandoned the run way too early. Josh had 2 horrible picks which I hope he will learn from. The O-line is atrocious and our WRs are high School level. Yeah the refs sucked but we were completely outcoached. Can't make up for that when you have little talent on O. RTB
  7. Ahhh, nope. Guess you missed McD giving him a game ball and saying he called a helluva game
  8. For what it's worth, I talked to a friend who's a former OC who now breaks down film for NFL Network and Sirius. He agrees with the above quote 100 percent. His take was that it looked like a college offense and none of that trickery or RPO stuff is fooling anyone and is hard to execute for many offensive lineman. Not saying I agree, I think more aspects of the college game will be infiltrating the NFL, but might explain our inability to run block effectively. RTB
  9. This place is insufferable sometimes. A rookie QB in his first start against a solid D with near zero support. All I wanted to see was that the game wasn't too big for him, and it wasn't. With time, the game will slow down for him and then you guys can nitpick every throw to your heart's content. To think that you can predict his future based on his first start is the epitome of football fan arrogance. RTB
  10. I think the most important factor in Josh's early development will be Dabol's game plan. He has to scheme WR open while maximizing protection for a rookie QB. Hard to do with wideouts who can't seem to catch and a sieve for an O-line. RTB
  11. Anyone who thinks we could have sat at 12 and gotten our QB is kidding themselves. The trade up was preordained it was just a matter of how much and for who. I love that they had a choice of 2 guys and we know for sure who they preferred as opposed to taking the last guy left. The tweets are a non issue but will be made one by the media. He's handled it well so far and sounds very mature. Every single one of us said stupid crap when we were 15. thank God we didn't have social media to record it. One of the top QBs, top LBs and not giving up any of next year's draft picks is a great start. RTB
  12. I just like to get my name in some of the stupidest threads of all time so if we ever collect them in a book I can say "I was there!" RTB
  13. Tyrod being Tyrod. Missing open guys and not pulling the trigger on other open plays. The KB screw up was a run pass option and he called pass. Just stupid of Dennison to even give him the option there. How Tyrod can't throw to KB every time he's one on one is beyond me RTB
  14. The NFL decided it was more important to get minority candidates in the coaching/GM interview pipeline despite the "Rooney Rule" stigma that might be attached to them. I'd guess that many of them who benefited from it could give a crap about what other people think, they've probably dealt with a helluva lot more difficult stuff, but I'm just a suburban white guy so really don't know a thing about it. RTB
  15. Perfectly summed up. There is nothing more to add. RTB
  16. Mike never played organized sports but he was always around them as a team manager and play-by-play guy in high school. He was actually a pretty good announcer at that level. I'm not sure if he pursued that later or not and it didn't work out and that's why he went the radio route. He was always a good guy, I don't know if that's changed in the past 25 years. I think his radio persona is just his schtick and from reading the constant moaning on this board about him he has perfected it. It's about ratings, period, and there's no question he still generates buzz in the Buffalo market. He was always a hockey guy which is still pretty obvious. His knowledge of football and the Bills is just enough to keep the masses bitching. I don't think he's a football fan at all. RTB
  17. Stats can be misleading. I'm no QB guru but what I see is a QB who has little anticipation, can't throw receivers open, is consistently innaccurate, and holds the ball way too long. He throws late or behind wide open receivers and his ball placement usually sucks. He obviously can make plays with his feet, is great on the broken play, is well respected and a leader of this team. His lack of turnovers is impressive. He's the best we have right now and McD will ride him until we are eliminated from the playoff hunt. He's reached his ceiling, we know exactly what we are getting with him so keep him around until we drop out of the hunt, then put in Peterman to see what we have and get ready to draft a QB high using our collective picks.
  18. God I love this stuff. Works every time. Bravo sir, bravo. RTB
  19. I just wanted to add my name to this thread so when it gets added to the Most Assinine Thread hall of fame I can say I was a part of it. RTB
  20. I don't care what anyone says, this team (Bills) was 90% likely to end up in another city until Pegs showed up. I'm currently in a marina in Block Island, RI. A guy noticed the name of my boat and asked if I'm from Buffalo. I said yes and he turns his cap around and it's a friggin Bills cap. We proceed to have a great convo for 30 minutes about Buffalo and the Bills and introduce our families. This happen all the time and it's more than just a team, it's a connection and a way of life. This doesn't happen if it's the Toronto or LA Bills because I wouldn't care or follow them if they were someplace else. For that reason, Pegs gets an A+ in my book. I think they are on the right track with both franchises but my Bills are still in Buffalo for the long term and that means more to me then wins and losses.
  21. When had anyone said Williams was overrated? He's about the only guy that doesn't get crapped on here
  22. I have been a big proponent of the scorched earth method since Pegula bought the team. I think he should have cleaned house year one but whatever. The stench of losing and mediocrity has permeated One Bills Drive for way too long. Finally we have a GM and coach who recognize the cancer that has spread in this organization and are cutting it out. I just wish they could fire Brandon and Overdouche and I don't care how much a marketing genius one guy is or cap wizard the other guy is supposed to be. They are part of the problem and if that means getting rid of injured wide outs or 3rd string LBs or backup RBs who have been tainted by the stench so be it. I'll judge them after next year when they have had another full draft and off season to build instead of needing to fumigate the building. RTB
  23. Don't worry about Boldin. It's preseason, McD appropriately wanted to see what he could do outside. The answer is absolutely nothing, and you won't see him again out there. RTB
  24. I can't believe so many people losing their $hit over Tyrod's poor performance last night. He's our starter this year, there is no one out there better who is available to us. Beane is positioning us to make a run next year at a franchise QB. Why is this so hard for people to understand and we have to have 73 threads on it?? If he sucks, Peterman will get a chance and we can evaluate him a bit. Jesus, it's not rocket surgery people. RTB
  25. I was happy with the Whaley hire originally but firmly believed Pegs should have cleaned house from the beginning. Now those asswipes Brandon and Overdorf need to go. Overdorf clearly sucks, and I don't care how good of a marketing man Brandon is. They are both a big part of the culture of mediocrity and stench of losing that permeates 1BD. Those two are the last skid marks left in an organization that has sucked for far too long. The fans who have supported this abomination deserve better and it's time to bring on the bleach and wipe the stains clean.
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