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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Oh look, another fight song thread. Can we start 3 or 4 nickname threads while we wait to see what McD does Sunday? Those are the best.
  2. You make a good point, there isn’t anything inherently bad about what he said. It’s just one more in a long list of examples of his “woah is me” attitude. The guy always comes across as feeling sorry for himself when he’s been in the most privileged position in sports.
  3. McBeane absolutely love Edmunds. He’s not going anywhere for a decade. Many members here are still having trouble adjusting to the role a MLB plays in McD’s defense. His primary purpose is to get them lined up correctly and protect the middle zones in pass defense. Edmunds is superior in this respect. He absolutely needs to improve his run stopping and gap filling but McD is willing to give up those yards on the ground to protect the zones. If Edmunds didn’t have stone hands and just caught the balls that hit him in the chest we wouldn’t even be discussing his run defense deficiency. I hope he got a JUGS machine for Christmas.
  4. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/12/31/in-2020-cam-newton-learned-hes-a-mentally-tough-sob/#comments I don’t tend to start threads but I was browsing PFT and this little tidbit just blew my mind. I thought I’d share since there has been some discussion that Cam might be an option for backup QB for us next season. In my opinion, I don’t want this clown anywhere near our franchise. Besides the fact that I think he is an absolutely awful QB now, his absolute lack of self awareness is stunning. This whole article is a self congratulatory homage to how mentally tough he thinks he is because he’s had to persevere through one of the worst seasons I’ve seen a starting QB have in memory. There is zero acknowledgment that he’s even part of the problem. He spends more time discussing the difference in clothes he wears compared to Belichick. He has no chance of fixing his mechanical issues and becoming even a serviceable backup QB because he really doesn’t think he’s any part of the problem. I think Cam was allowed to get away with horrible mechanics for his career because he was such a physical specimen he could overcome it with arm strength and escapability. Now that he’s older and injuries have taken their toll, his flaws are horribly exposed and its been obvious all year he can barely throw a football anymore. No thanks. Combine that with a personality that is the exact opposite of “the process” and I can’t believe McBeane would let this guy west of Syracuse let alone in the building despite their familiarity with him.
  5. I think he meant the GM Tannenbaum unless you are asking about Tannehill as an aside
  6. I don’t expect to see Beasley practice at all this week or next but expect him in the wild card game. He doesn’t need to practice, and McD has been great manipulating the injury report to keep everyone guessing. I’ve been saying this all year and people still dig into that practice report like there’s much useful information there. We’ve had guys practice who obviously ended up playing hurt, and guys who didn’t practice or were limited come out and play well. We won’t know until next weekend whether he plays in the WC or not so just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  7. So many drama queens on this board. Holy crap. He got cleated, he could play next week if we absolutely needed him. He won’t play next week because we don’t need him to. He will be back for the WC game, 2 weeks is plenty of time to recover. Some of you guys are hilarious. McD has always been deliberately obtuse about the injury reports and you still try and over read every little syllable. The mental gymnastics some of you do to drum up either controversy (BARKLEY THREW A BAD BALL) or just drama in general has got to be exhausting.
  8. I’ve been in NE for 18 years. There is ZERO Patriot talk going on. One poor season and you wouldn’t know they exist. It’s absolutely pathetic the bandwagon fans here and I’ve been saying it since I came. Hartford Patriots in 5 years. Book it.
  9. I’ll take it but I wanted 50. Glad McD is smarter than I am and pulled Josh when he did.
  10. The game has passed Bill Cowher by. No way he leaves the cush studio job for the Jets sht show. I agree with Coach Tuesday that Miami is going to be more of an issue in the near term. Flores is a solid coach and I really don’t have any problem with how he’s handling Tua. In fact I really don’t want to play Miami twice in a row, I think they could give us a scare. It wouldn’t surprise me if he started Tua next week and then started Fitz against us in the playoffs if we meet. We all know Fitz can have that one game where get gets hot and is nearly unstoppable. The thing that concerns me with Tua is his arm strength. I’m just not seeing it. I don’t think he has the zip to hit tight window throws past 15 yards. This isn’t Alabama where his receivers will have 10 yards of separation and he can just heave a deep ball. Unless Tua develops elite anticipation skills I think his lack of arm strength really limits his ceiling to a game manager type QB and not this elite prospect everyone has been ramming down our throats.
  11. What are you guys basing this Darnold love on? I agree he’s been dealt a horrible hand, but good QBs show something. Darnold has had 3 years and he’s regressed. He’s worse than he was as a rookie. He’s got horrible pocket presence, he’s still a turnover machine, and he doesn’t read the whole field. Once in a while he makes a wow play out of the structure of the offense. That’s it. Hes done. Maybe he could hold a clip board somewhere other than NY but no way does that crap franchise develop him.
  12. Wrong. It doesn’t have to hit the ground to be ruled a fumble.
  13. I’m sorry, but the way the pundits and a fair number of our posters have been all over Tua’s jock this season, he’s fair game and so far he looks like an average rookie QB and way behind Burrows and Hebert. That’s right about where I’d expect him to be but if you are going to be discussed as being a great rookie QB you better look the part and I’ve yet to see anything close (and I’ve watched most of his snaps this season).
  14. Absolutely hilarious seeing Bills fans getting bent out of shape over losing our 6th WR to a waiver claim. Makes me long for the days when we were singing the praises of grabbing the Duke out of Canadian Siberia like he was some sort of answer to our WR woes. How far we’ve come.
  15. BB the coach is probably in the running for GOAT. BB the GM sucks. Pats* problems run a lot deeper than just losing Brady, they have little in the ways of good young talent coming up. Yeah their D will probably be better next year because of the opt-outs coming back but a lot of those guys are in their 30s already and aren’t getting younger. I think the Pats are going to be in that middle-of-the-road limbo for a long time and I love it. Good enough to win 7-9 games because they do have great coaching but lack of good scouting and poor drafting will hold them back.
  16. What do you guys see in Darnold that makes you think he’d be successful someplace else? Your comments about Tannehill are valid - he was not a bad QB before Gase, wasn’t great but wasn’t Darnold bad either. He went to a place that maximized his talents and he’s been having success using play action behind the best running game in the NFL. Good for TN, they recognized what he can do well and are putting Tannehill in a position to succeed. Darnold on the other hand has shown nothing. As bad as a situation he’s been placed in with the Jets, he’s the definition of a bust after 3 years. He had a couple games where he made some Wow plays outside the structure of the offense, that’s it. His pocket presence has regressed, his decision making has regressed, he’s done nothing to decrease his penchant for turnovers and if he wasn’t the #3 overall pick he’d be competing with Rosen for a practice squad spot.
  17. Off topic but Gotta disagree a bit. I’m in my 40s and just got my pro card. Recovery is directly related to nutrition and sleep. Higher reps/light weight can hurt your joints just as much as lower reps/higher weight if your form isn’t good or exercise selection is not right for your body. Not everyone can or needs to squat/deadlift etc. I do agree that avoiding injury as you get older is key as it takes a lot longer to recover from moderate/serious injuries.
  18. Eh Kumerow is JAG. We have a QB now who makes his receivers look good. I like the guy and hope he makes it back to the PS but if he doesn’t no big deal. He’ll have trouble sticking on the roster next year with Hodges getting healthy.
  19. Our injury report is near useless. McDermott as become near Belichickian in his use of the injury list. Unless he rules someone out there is little information to be gained on the players we know have suffered injuries. I don’t put any stock in Williams not practicing. We know he pulled his groin, we have no idea the extent of the injury and won’t until game day. That’s good coaching.
  20. Wentz isn’t going anywhere. He’s broken anyway just like Darnold. Tannehill was never as bad as either of these guys, he just wasn’t in a system or with a coach who designed an offense around his strengths. Andrew Brandt has a great article on why Philly will keep Wentz and basically it’s because its much cheaper for them to keep him instead of moving on. I’m not sold on Hurts anyway. Everyone is ready to anoint these guys like him and Tua all-pros after a few average games. The real test is once DC’s get some tape on the new guys and start designing game plans to take away what they do well. The good QBs adjust over time (you’ve seen that with Allen) and get better, the majority keep trying to force the same things and either halt their progress or if you are Darnold, completely regress.
  21. We haven’t won anything yet but the division. All that ensures is a home playoff game, that’s it. All this talk about setting 15 different records, throwing to a dozen different players getting up by 50 and resting Josh for the second half is a bit premature. It’s a division game. As lopsided as it looks like it should be, that doesn’t mean a thing. We need to come out with a W #1, and healthy #2. Anything more than that is just gravy. Stay humble and hungry
  22. The NE fans who actually know football are very few and far between. I’ve been here for 18 years and these fans are by far the biggest front running, bandwagon fans on the planet. This year the Pats talk has been SILENT. I’m talking almost ZERO discussion at work, in the community, on the news. It’s unbelievable you wouldn’t even know that team exists. They will be the Hartford Patriots again in 5 years. As for Bills fans, there are many of us who need to follow the team mantra of humble and hungry. It’s clear we’ve been starving for a winner for a long time but we are on the edge of being seen as insufferable instead of the die-hards we are. The billboard is kind of pathetic. The Pats owned us for 2 decades and the one year they are bad we are putting up a billboard in their backyard talking about how great we are. Bush league
  23. I love hearing what Bruschi, the most over rated LB in NFL history, has to say because it’s always comedy gold. the only reason he’s on there is so the other guys can roll their eyes at his 100% biased takes. There always has to be one idiot on set to make the other analysts look good by comparison and Ted is perfect in that role
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