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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. I hope so, and I haven’t given up on him. I would have liked to have seen a bit more improvement from him after 3 years. If he would just catch a couple of those balls that hit him right in the chest we wouldn’t even be having the discussion. It holds true that his run defense needs to improve though, both in gap awareness and shedding blocks. I don’t think we should trade or get rid of him.
  2. This is your regularly scheduled reminder that Edmunds isn’t going anywhere. McBeane love them some Tremaine. They are willing to tolerate his almost complete lack of gap awareness for what he offers in defending the passing lanes in McD’s zone defense. This is way more important to McD than stuffing the run. Not that I agree, but it explains why you haven’t seen him moved to OLB and why they will 100% pick up his 5th year. I loved the pick, I wish he developed into the player I still think he could be but I’m rapidly losing faith. This year is a make or break for his long term outlook but the 5th year option will be picked up regardless.
  3. Schobel was the king of the garbage sack. He rarely made a sack when it meant anything. He only showed up against the Cheatriots and then he’d get 3 garbage time sacks because we were getting blown out. Decent talent, probably slightly above average DE, but he is the post boy for misleading stats.
  4. I still don’t get all the Darnold love that exists on this board. His ceiling is a backup QB. Even Josh who was 10x as raw and had just as bad a team his rookie year showed flashes of brilliance and most had the feeling that with a little time he just might develop into a franchise QB. You could see that potential in his rookie year. I never saw that with Darnold. As bad as the Jets mismanaged him, Darnold has shown nothing except once in a while tossing a great ball out of the structure of the offense. I don’t have anything against Sam I just haven’t seen anything that warrants all this optimism that he’s going to be anything other than a backup.
  5. Eh this is a nothing burger. Mahomes always seemed to me to be kind of a dick but he’s a phenomenal talent. That limp sure got worse after playing like crap when TB started rolling though.
  6. All the talk has been about Brady, which is exactly my point. He no longer plays for your team, he couldn’t stand NE and got the hell out just like Gronk. The discussion about your current team has been completely absent. One bad season in 20 and you’d think they were the Lions. The fact is there seem to be more Brady fans than Pats* fans, which is about right for frontunners. The few true NE fans I know can’t stand Brady for bailing on NE, they root for the colors not the player.
  7. All these supposedly Pats* fans rooting for Tampa just prove what we already knew - NE fans are the biggest bandwagon fans on the planet. If Jim Kelly and Thurman made it clear they hated Buffalo and would either retire or get out any way they could (that last TB restructure) the overwhelmingly majority of Bills fans would hate them on another team and rightly so. That’s exactly what Gronk and TB did, they couldn’t stand NE anymore. As I’ve stated before, I live in NE and there has been ZERO Patriots talk this season except for a few die hards. You wouldn’t even know the team existed in this media market. They are lucky fans weren’t allowed at Gillette they probably wouldn’t have been able to fill it. Hartford Patriots in under 10 years!
  8. It’s hard to say because we can’t know if that TB team which dominated KC plays the same against us with different match-ups. My gut tells me we don’t have the front 7 to pressure Brady consistently and he would have carved us up. The TB MLB White is everything we want Edmunds to be. A fast, disruptive, playmaking MLB. I loved the Edmunds pick but he needs to show up next year and start making some impact plays or we need to move him or move on. So what’s the explanation for the refs FINALLY calling the KC DBs for raping receivers all game long? They have been doing it all year to the point that its embedded in their defensive game plan. The Bills fan in me wants to say its because he was playing the GOAT and Brady always gets the flags. Maybe Arians called the refs everyday before the game and said “Hey, KC holds every defensive play all over the field, do something”. Anyway, I never thought I’d say it but I found myself rooting against KC (not necessarily for the Bucs) because they and their fans are such a bunch of douche bags. It’s not because we lost to them, they were the better team, I just don’t like the arrogance. Plus, I loved the thought of Belichick watching his legacy get crapped on by Tom because the narrative is definitely shifting towards “It was more Brady than Belichick” I loved Brady getting in Mathieus face, and loved Winfield Junior taunting Hill after the 4th down. What a bunch of punks those guys are. I’ll always hate NE most but KC is rapidly becoming a favorite team to hate.
  9. No one is trading for John Brown. That’s Bill’s fan fantasyland thinking our players are better or more valuable than they are. Only way Brown stays: 1) McBeane thinks his decreased production is solely a result of injury and not losing a step 2) He restructures. It’s that simple. Given the salary cap next year, I think Brown would be amendable to a restructure and I think he stays assuming #1 is true.
  10. Hahaha no one in this league is giving up a first for Sam Darnold. If the Jets trade him they will be lucky to get a 3rd. He’s done. A bust. You don’t play 3 years in the league and regress like he has just because your team sucks. I was never a Sam hater, I thought he had some potential to be a starter, but I’ve watched most of his games and he is HORRIBLE. His main problem is he has no idea where to go with the ball. He just doesn’t have the mental acuity down enough to be successful. Yeah, he will roll out and make a Wow play here and there out of structure but he’s on to backup-ville after his time with the Jets is done.
  11. The Wizard Beane will have a solid offer for Milano. He has to in order to send a message to the rest of the team that guys will get paid commensurate with their production and availability. I don’t think it will be enough but it’s possible in this low cap upcoming season that it will be. I’d expect Beane to have a few guys on the radar in the same salary range as offered to Milano that we could make offers to to plug that hole if Milano leaves. There are going to be a lot of guys on the FA market who are salary cap casualties this season. I don’t think he will draft his replacement in the first. Edmunds is here to stay at MLB. McD LOVES the guy. I don’t necessarily agree but all this talk about Edmunds going to WLB or whatever is never going to happen. We are going to pick up his 5th year option no question and unless he implodes he will be at MLB for a loooooong time. No way Ford goes to RT, that experiment is over. I think he may be a bust but I’m hoping this season was all a result of injury and he can fill a guard spot as a solid starter. IDK. I expect Morse to get cut and Feliciano to slide over to center for this season and we draft his eventual replacement. I agree with others and hope we can retain Williams. We probably need to offer him more than we’d like but I can see Beane doing that considering what a solid job Williams did and goal #1 has to be to improve that O-line and get some running back in the offense.
  12. I hope this puts to end all the talk about not needing any semblance of a running game. I can remember so many threads full of clowns saying “We don’t need to run the ball at all” “Daboll sucks he called 3 run plays in a quarter”. Well, you guys got your wish and we got absolutely destroyed because of the imbalance. You were proven 100% wrong so save your crap takes next season. Knox is a huge disappointment. I was really hoping he just needed some time and reps but he sucks and it’s time to move on. He consistently whiffs on assignments and still has concentration issues catching the ball. I’m not saying cut him outright since he’s on a rookie contract but we need someone to come in and start so we can attack the middle of the field. Brown is gone unless Beane thinks his poor production is 100% injury related Edmunds will get more time and they will pick up his 5th year option.
  13. We know Daboll has the ability to design the offensive game plan to attack a defenses weaknesses. The only reason I can see that we played right into KC’s hands on offense was Daboll knew we didn’t have the RBs or TEs to take advantage of the KC defense which is their putrid LBs. It’s disgusting how easily they exposed us and I don’t think it was because Daboll didn’t understand how to attack them, he had no faith that we could do it effectively. Knox is a huge disappointment. I really expected him to be a weapon this year but he didn’t progress the way I hoped. Singletary regressed, probably a combo of poor blocking, lack of touches and a sophomore slump. I don’t care how we do it but we need a couple players that are at least competent enough for us to attack the middle and get defenses out of the 7 man coverage schemes that stymied us a few times this year.
  14. Romo has gotten way too full of himself. He’s a full on cheerleader for the guys he likes and has been making more mistakes lately (I think it’s just a cramp, Jim!). I fully expect him to be jizzing all over the press box every time Mahomes takes a heroic step with his injured big toe. He will be flat out cheering for the Chiefs all game long. Gonna be hard to listen to unless we are kicking butt and we get to listen to him try and make excuses for Mahomes or cheer an attempted comeback.
  15. The shot is a combo of local anesthetic, steroid and probably toradol. It will have to go into and around the joint which is right at the base of the big toe. You can’t numb the whole foot obviously because then you won’t have balance. It’s going to effect him. I felt from the last game the toe would have more impact than the head injury. You could see how it impacted him after it flared up in the second half when he couldn’t step into his throws as much and it will limit (not eliminate) his running ability. Keep in mind he will have a metal plate under that toe to limit hyper extension. The shot can definitely decrease the pain but it doesn’t eliminate it and constant use, like in a friggin AFC Championship game, can cause it to act up especially in the second half despite repeated injections.
  16. It’s been a near perfect relationship for the development of a talented, raw QB I’m ecstatic he’s staying one more year because although I think Josh has surpassed the point where he may backslide, one more year in the same system with Daboll is really going to solidify his understanding of the game. After next year, it won’t matter who the OC is in terms of Josh’s development. He has the tools, understanding and work ethic to succeed in any system. Of course it will benefit the team to get an OC who continues to emphasize what Josh’s unique talents bring the to table. It’s not like McD would bring in an OC with a west coast offense to dink and dunk all day.
  17. This is your weekly reminder (week 19 now) to pay no attention to the injury report. McD plays that report like a fiddle. There is very little information to be gained above what we already know. Example - Davis: We know he injured his ankle. We know he finished the game. We know he will play this week. What we don’t and won’t know is how bad that ankle is until we see him on the field, and neither will the Chiefs. Even if he’s 100% no way McD puts him down as full practice. He’s probably not 100, but I don’t think his DNP means anything. They are resting him like they did Cole.
  18. Don’t listen to a thing these guys say during the week. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Martindale let it be known he was going to bring the pressure and then the Ravens sat back all game and rushed 4.
  19. I think we get hung up on the fact that we had a few games where we were like the Greatest Show on Turf. That’s just one aspect of our team, I don’t think it’s our identity and we’ve proved multiple times that it’s not the only way we can win. We are definitely a pass first offense no doubt, and I’d like to see the running game improve next year, but our team is more Whatever It Takes than just Pass Deep and Win. That’s why I think we are going to the Super Bowl and I think we are going to win it. We are not a one trick pony, we have different sides of the ball stepping up at different times, different players making big plays in different games, and coaches who are adept at in game adjustments. That is the sign of a Super Bowl winning team and I think this is our year.
  20. This game is going to come down to game plan/coaching adjustments as I think the teams are very evenly matched talent wise. Reid is a master play caller and McD/Frazier are going to need a plan that they can adjust before halftime if need be. If we can limit KC’s explosive plays I think we have a good chance of the W. Josh is playing excellent playoff football and I suspect he’s going to play to limit mistakes early and if he feels protected in the pocket, he’s going to light it up as the game goes on.
  21. She’s pretty self aware and understands her assets are her breasts and looks so she uses them to her advantage while she can. Smart woman. She’s not taking offense she’s playing the game and winning. Welcome to the bandwagon
  22. I don’t see a very high scoring game or a shootout. I don’t think our D is going to allow the quick TD’s as usual, and I expect Daboll to run the ball a bit more. If Josh accounts for 4 TDS we win hands down.
  23. You absolutely have to at least have the threat of the run. It effects the called defensive coverages and certainly the play-action game which was a huge part of our offense earlier in the year. I don’t have a problem being a pass happy, pass first offense. I do have a problem being as one dimensional as we tend to be. We actually do run the ball at times I just think we need a touch more emphasis on it earlier in games because we do have the ability to establish it. You can get away with it but more often than not, 25 straight passes without a run in a playoff game in gusting wind will not give you a good outcome. Our offense only scored 10 points on Baltimore because all we had was short/intermediate throws for the entire offense. Except for one drive we didn’t try and run, and the wind took away the deep shots. Out inability or unwillingness to run the ball hampered our offense. That part of our offense needs to be developed (obviously not his year) because you can’t put it all on Josh’s shoulders every single game.
  24. This is getting silly. Mahomes 100% suffered a significant concussion. He has a friggin fencing response after the hit with his left leg and arm extended. His head clearly contacts the ground and just because it doesn’t look like a mighty hit doesn’t mean his brain didn’t bounce off the inside of his skull. He did not lose blood flow to his head. Even if the defender’s arm is applying enough pressure to the neck to occlude the carotid, which is highly doubtful given it’s also on his shoulder pad, there’s a reason we have TWO carotid arteries and they communicate at the brain stem level so one side can supply blood flow to the other. Go ahead and press on one side of your neck. If you pass out go see a doctor quick. I have no doubt Mahomes will play. All this talk about “pinched nerve” or “loss of blood flow” is a smokescreen to the fact that they are going to push him through the concussion protocol whether or not he is ready. The only reason I’d spend some time preparing for Henne is because if Mahomes takes another shot to the dome he’s going to be out quick and for a much longer period of time. For his health I hope they sit him but they won’t and that second concussion that comes soon after the first is the one that does the most damage. For the record I’d love to play Mahomes at 100% health because you have to beat the best to be the best.
  25. The Ravens made the strategic decision to take what Lamar did well, which is run the ball and make out of structure throws, and design their offense around it. The Bills took the opposite track with Allen. He also came out good at running the ball and making those out of structure throws, but they made the strategic decision to design an offense that forced Allen to learn to be a pocket passer and were willing to take their lumps for 2 years while he learned the ropes. We are seeing the benefits now with Allen in that he can read defenses, make all the throws, and still has the ability to run or make out of structure throws. If Lamar is going to have a long career, I think the Ravens at some point are going to have to change their offense and take their lumps while Lamar learns to become more of a pocket passer. I don’t think they are going to do this. I think they are going to continue to ride with him being an unconventional QB and maybe bring in an OC who will try and mix in a few more passing concepts. Whether they can go far in the playoffs with this type of O is the big question.
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