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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. We just put 35 offensive points up on a good defense and played mediocre on offense. What you guys are feeling is the pressure of increased expectations. This team can win and win BIG without Josh Allen playing his best and that’s a good thing. I have no doubt Josh and the O will round into form. We took a lot of teams by surprise last year and now they are game planning specifically for what we want to do. I have confidence that Josh and the O will adjust and hopefully we will have a more balanced O so Josh doesn’t have to be exceptional every game and can lean on our running game and D. I’d absolutely like to see the O more in sync and I think as the season progresses we will get there. Enjoy the W!
  2. I wasn’t complaining I was feeling sorry for fans like you who after a 35–0 drubbing of a conference rival sound pretty pissed off. Relax, have a beer, Go Bills!
  3. I didn’t mean to piss in your Cheerios, please feel free to complain about how we will definitely lose to Team X if we don’t do Y. I apologize, That post wasn’t directed at anyone in particular but I guess it hit a nerve. I guess my point is that so much can change from now until we play Great Team X for both teams that it’s kind of a waste of time to compare today’s Bill’s team whatever team we played last year. I find it amusing how many people can’t enjoy a solid W because of HOW we got the W. I guess after living through so many crap Bills teams over the past decades I am a big believer in getting the W any way you can and who cares how we did it as long as you get it. Now go enjoy that win!
  4. My god there are so many people who can’t enjoy a W. When did Bills fans get so soft? A W is a W and this was a beat down. If our defense continues it’s current level of play we won’t NEED to put up 35 points a game. Would I like Josh and the O to look more in sync? Sure. Am I worried? Not a bit. We have one of the best coaching staffs in the league (as much as I curse them) and they will figure it out. Anyone who can’t enjoy a 35-0 BEAT DOWN of Miami because you are looking 5 games ahead to the Chiefs needs to get some perspective. It’s a week to week league, any given Sunday. Bills fans of all people should know how to enjoy the W’s when they come because we’ve had so many years of L’s.
  5. It’s game one and like most I hope this is just a kick in the nuts to get these guys on track. My biggest concern is the lack of focus on having an efficient running game. I’ve heard all this crap about how Daboll constructs an opponent specific game plan and I don’t see it. He runs the same stuff against every opponent. Obviously we are going to be a pass first team and try and impose our will on them through the air, but you can’t tell me when you are facing one of the strongest D-lines that there are no screens, draws, quick slants, etc. His only plan to slow the rush was a Josh Allen designed keeper/draw which they blew up numerous times. They rushed 4 and dropped 7 in coverage. How can you not try and run against that?? Daboll’s answer was to go 5 wide, crowd the field even more while Josh got hassled. Ridiculous. Even out of 4 wide or preferably 11 personnel you’ve gotta be able to force them out of the nickel or dime and we haven’t been willing or able to do that against the better teams. Until our threat of a run isn’t more than a bluff and is actually somewhat effective, teams are going to continue this type of D against us although not all will have the personnel to make it work.
  6. Eh, it’s the first game. Certainly sucks to lose but there is a lot of football to play. Our offensive line absolutely sucked. That was the biggest determinant of the game, they consistently got pressure with 4 guys rushing. One thing that really concerns me is the absolute lack of running game with Dabol. I thought it was pretty clear we couldn’t be as one dimensional this season as last. I don’t care what the stats say how many times we ran, it was mostly with designed Josh runs and we never got into any sort of a rhythm. When you go 5 wide for 6-10 straight plays then line up in a heavy set who the hell doesn’t see a run coming?? We should’ve been running much more out of 1 and 2 back sets. They were ready for Josh’s designed runs and Daboll gave up way too early until it was too late and Singletary had a good drive. Teams are going to play nickel and dime on us all game until we prove we can run the ball against those fronts. Outcoached and outplayed, but it’s game 1 and there is a lot of football left to play. Can’t play the Jets opening day every year.
  7. At risk of offending all the White Knights on this board, this is a pure money grab in the age of MeToo. 30 years later there is zero evidence available one way or the other, it’s purely he-said, she-said and the hope is the bad publicity will force Bennett to send some $ her way to make it go away quickly. I’m not saying Bennett is innocent and if he knows he assaulted her he should (but won’t) pay up. Zero chance there’s a criminal charge, this is all civil.
  8. You obviously don’t trust the process Seriously though, I think we have enough speed to threaten deep. Diggs, Sanders and Davis can all get behind the D if they cheat up. They aren’t going to outright burn past them but savy route running and play calling will result in plenty of deep opportunities. Stevenson will give you that speed you are looking for once he’s healthy. I loved Brown for what he helped us achieve but he’s done and would be probably #5 WR on our current roster.
  9. I think we are going to see a lot more emphasis on the running game than people expect. Daboll is setting everyone up showing 4 and 5 wide all pre season long. Sure, we are going to see that but it isn’t going to be a staple. We are going to have a rushing attack that isn’t an afterthought this season and the play action game with Josh is going to be deadly.
  10. 29 pages and 25 are devoted to a friggin special teams gunner. CLASSIC TBD
  11. If Shaq had the desire to be good I think he could be an above average DE. He just doesn’t care though, he’s playing only to collect the paycheck. I never thought we were going to re-sign him despite McBeane saying blah blah blah we’d love to have him back, whatever. That was all smoke, he wasn’t a process guy and they saw him putting in effort only because it was a contract year. He’s serviceable, he will set the edge against the run, but he’s not a player you need to double team or game plan against.
  12. Is there a bigger asshat in football that Scott Zolack? I mean I get homer announcers, but this guy is on another level of *Pats douchebaggery. Jones threw like 4 crap passes in a row and Zolack is talking about how great his body language is and how he’s doing so great as a rookie overcoming adversity. Holy sht this guy is a clown. I would seriously love to see someone punch him right in his face. God I hate the Cheatriots and everything associated with them.
  13. I would love for Miami to trade Tua to Houston and then have Watson get convicted and go to jail. Couldn’t happen to a better franchise. Btw, I’m over the “Flores is a great coach” shtick. He 100% blew the Fitz/Tua situation and already has a bad rep with agents for cutting guys a year after he lured them there. He’s going to be the next on a long list of Belicheck assistants who flame out.
  14. Here’s the thing, they don’t want him him to be a middle of the field run stopper. McBean loves him for his length and disruption of the passing lanes. If this guy would just catch the 2-4 balls that hit him in the chest every year we wouldn’t been be even having a discussion about him. I agree he needs to take step forward this year and be more of an impact linebacker but I have no doubt they are picking up his 5th year or signing him to an extension. McBean loves them some Edmunds no matter what we think.
  15. We could have the number one rated O and D and people on here would still find something to complain about. It’s the friggin preseason people, there is very limited information you can gather from it. Yeah, Allen and the receivers looked in sync but if you read anything about practices the last month that’s been the story. All putting up some stats against GB scrubs does is make us feel good but I think it was a good idea to get the first team O some reps in a game situation. Other than that, I’ll worry about the run D when the bullets start flying for real. I have no idea how much effort is put in during the last preseason game when the over riding goal is to come out with no injuries.
  16. Some of you guys are hilarious. No one we are talking about is getting cut. McBeane isn’t going to blow up the locker room by cutting Bease to send this message. Never going to happen.
  17. I’ll think about worrying once the injury report for Pit comes out. This team is extremely conservative with injuries and I have no problem with that. Covid is the wild card and will effect all teams at some point.
  18. New England fans are the biggest bandwagon fans in the nation. I’ve also been in NE for 19 years now. The one thing I’ve noticed the last couple years - SILENCE. No one is talking Pats. It’s like they barely exist. The only talk I hear is from a few true die hard NE fans who understand the ups and downs of a franchise and were there before Brady. If they have a few bad years they will be talking Hartford Patriots again and that stadium will be empty. Those are NE fans. Bandwagon Bills fans are annoying but that comes with success. They tend to go all in on the Bills Mafia shtick but whatever. Those of us who have been through the ups and mostly downs (including my 2 kids who have never known a good Bills team until recently) get to enjoy the sweet taste of success that a bandwagoner can never experience. Only when you’ve been through the dark days can you truly appreciate what we have now.
  19. Spare me the sanctimonious BS, I absolutely loved that hit and the best part about it was Fields’ head band going flying off too. It was an absolute yard sale on the field haha. It’s preseason and means nothing so give me a break. If Josh got hit like that I’d say next time switch the protection so you don’t get whacked by a free rusher. It wasn’t dirty, it deserved a flag in today’s NFL. That’s it.
  20. I hope they pay Lamar Mahomes like money. Then they will be stuck with him for at least half a decade. I think Lamar has hit his ceiling and Baltimore will continue to be a playoff contender but will have to get used to making early exits. He’s been figured out. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a good player btw, I just don’t think he’s going to improve his passing much beyond what we’ve seen and as the years go by those legs will fade.
  21. This is good therapy. I think it’s great to remember where we came from and to keep perspective on the team as we attempt to climb to greatness. I’ve been a fan since I was born in the early 70s but moved away after college. So many fans from other teams when they hear I’m from Buffalo bring up how awful it must have been to lose 4 Super Bowls and I have to explain that yeah it sucked to lose but we had 4-5 straight years of expecting to go to the Super Bowl! That was our mentality and it was great. 16 years of mediocrity and suckitude was much worse than losing Super Bowls. My low point was the Rex hire. I was outright laughing at our team at that point. I enjoyed it for what it was, an absolute sht show of an organization with a clown head coach who was more entertainer than coach. For the first time in my life it didn’t hurt to lose, I expected it and felt the team deserved it because of how awful the franchise was inside and out. Once Pegula cleaned house in the front office, especially all those holdovers like Brandon who were absolute losers, I started to believe again. He needed to fumigate the entire place to exterminate the culture of losing that permeated everything Buffalo Bills. We were a joke of a franchise and I give Pegs credit for seeing that and making the change that needed to me made. I liked McD, thought he had potential, and absolutely loved his message of process, accountability and culture. Loved the JA pick, he was the only QB I really wanted though I would have been happy with Darnold at the time. I saw the glimmer of greatness very early on but had no idea if he’d actually achieve it. I was all in after the Dallas 4th down. You can’t teach that level of intensity. You can’t coach a kid to want it more than the other guy. That play, more so than leaping Bar in MN showed who JA was. Enjoy the ride, it won’t last forever but we’ve got some good years ahead.
  22. All depends on the type of seizure he gets, their frequency, and how well controlled they are with meds. Teams will absolutely take this into serious consideration because he’s going to be exposed to multiple head bonks. Maybe not full on concussions, but there is no way a QB doesn’t get his bell rung multiple times in the NFL. You can bet teams that are interested in him are trying to figure out if there are increased risks. IDK if there’s any increased risk.
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