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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Why? Because he benched a crap QB who was missing wide open guys? Sam has declared himself, he’s a backup QB at best. It wasn’t just Gase and the Jests although they certainly didn’t do him any favors. I don’t follow the Panthers that closely so unless you are a relative of Sam’s what’s the deal with Ruhle? Honest question.
  2. There’s a big difference between how you feel on the inside and how you treat opposing fans. I’m nothing but respectful to opposing fans and living in NE I never bad mouth the Pats* except for some good natured ribbing on the bandwagon fans. I think the Bills fans who sht talk on opposing fan boards are idiots and make us look like crap. On the inside is a whole different story. I LOVE hating the Pats*, Miami, Jets, Chiefs, and Titans. If they don’t get blown out by 50 I hope they lose just like NE did last night. I LOVED seeing Jones get destroyed on a clean hit. I loved them losing on a last second field goal. Maybe if they suck for 20 years I might feel differently but I wish nothing but decades of suckitude on the Pats* and their bandwagon fans. Remember they were almost the Hartford Patriots not long ago, that’s how pathetic that fan base is.
  3. Yeah we will definitely throw out 61 years of tradition because some guy doesn’t understand the branding. I’m in.
  4. He’s signed through the 2022 season with the 5th year option so he won’t be testing the waters. This will get done sooner rather than later and I’d say the latest will be this summer before the season starts. I really think it’s a matter of Beane figuring out the structure and how to keep it as team friendly as possible because Edmunds is going to get paid big.
  5. This has already been decided. McBeane love Edmunds. His will be the next contract extended and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it comes soon, just depends on salary cap ramifications on when it occurs.
  6. Holy crap some people just look for things to worry about. First of all, we have no idea if Beas has any issues whatsoever with his role. It’s all a bunch of speculation and over interpretation of brief views of him on the sidelines on TV. What a bunch of over dramatic projection. He’s not being phased out, he will be a significant factor going forward. This was game plan specific. I bet KC spent a lot of time gameplanning on how to take him out of the game and Daboll surprised them with the RBs and Knox taking those targets. As for deleting his twitter, I think that’s easy. McD brought him into the office and had a chat. I’m sure he didn’t tell him to delete it. I bet Bease came to his own conclusion after they talked. That’s great f’in coaching. Keep it in house and keep the team on the same page. Please stop trying to manufacture controversy when there is none. Yeah he opened his yapper and said some stupid stuff about the fans. Make a few clutch first downs and all is forgiven.
  7. I just thought it was interesting that we were able to get into his head and make him that uncomfortable without really hitting him. That’s a testament to our D line pushing the pocket closed while keeping rush lanes contained as others have said.
  8. If this belongs in another thread please merge. Obviously Mahomes is still one of the best QBs in the league but has anyone else noticed how quick he gets happy feet? It’s not just this game. I’ve watched a fair amount of KC games on the Sunday ticket and Mahomes has not been as effortlessly effective so far this season as in seasons past. He’s not even getting hit that often but just pressuring him a bit seems to throw his game off more this season than in the past. I don’t think he’s always been the most mechanically sound QB, he’s just got such an arm like Josh that he’s gotten away with it. It seems right now if Kelce isn’t wide open or Hill isn’t streaking behind the D he’s a little panicky and starts skipping passes or throwing off his back foot. Any QB including Josh will play worse when pressured and frustrated , just wondering if anyone else thinks he’s getting a little jumpy back there. Don’t get me started on his complaining to the refs and looking for a flag on every single play. He’s getting Brady-esque in that regard.
  9. What a win. We beat the hell out of them physically, this D is getting better. Tremaine haters are getting nervous he might be making the next step just like Knox. I was pretty confident from our first drive when Josh looked calm and in control. What an absolute beat down of a team and obnoxious fan base. Props to McD for having this team in the right head space mentally from the get go after all the hype and lead up. A few posters on this board need to STFU with the constant negativity and enjoy the ride. Go Bills!
  10. You care too much about what the national media think. You are seriously putting conditions on going into Arrowhead and getting a W against last years AFC Champs? The whole reason we have a more balanced team is so Josh doesn’t have to be all world every game. I think it’s ridiculous that if we pull out a win and Josh doesn’t meet your definition of not playing “meh” that this would somehow diminish the W. Sure, I hope he plays lights out and throws for 5 TDs but I care much more about getting a W by any means necessary. I couldn’t care less what Nick Wright or any other talking head/blogger/internet film jockey thinks of our team. Just win baby.
  11. Bease isn't going anywhere. McD will pull him in the office and they will hash it out. The media will play it up to the hilt all week long. Anyone who thinks he's easily replaceable or not integral to this offense doesn't really understand our offense. He may not have had the stats this weekend but he was constantly bracketed leaving other guys 1 on 1. That's why our O is so deadly, you can take 1 or 2 pieces away and there are 3 more left who can hurt you.
  12. The amount of effort some fans on this board put in to making up crap to worry about is astounding. No one was booing Beasley. There's only one football. Every player can't be featured every game. There are going to be games were skill players don't put up stats and IT'S OK. They don't suck, they aren't regressing. My God to have so many weapons to chose from is a luxury and a benefit to this team.
  13. I’m not a film guru but even I can see that 1) Cody Ford SUCKED in that game. I have no idea why Morse wasn’t giving him more help since Payne was consistently using Ford as a turnstile. 2) I don’t think JA drifts unintentionally. It looks to me like he’s maintaining or improving his throwing lanes if he’s not avoiding immediate pressure due to Ford SUCKING.
  14. This is an outstanding thread and I, for one, am happy just to be a part of it
  15. I don’t. I love it. I use it all the time with my friends who are fans of the New Jersey Jets and Giants. Just like I’ll always add the * when talking about the Pats*. Facts matter haha. There is only one team that plays and practices in the state of New York and that is your Buffalo Bills.
  16. Mills once though of paying a pre season visit to The Ralph, which should give him a psychological edge according to some posters. What’s everyone going to moan about this week? The crowd? Nope. The wind? Nope. OMG A TRAP GAME! Nope, debunked. How about a 24% chance of rain? Josh doesn’t like his balls wet. that could be a big factor. McD’s teams don’t take any opponent lightly. We should absolutely destroy the Texans. Doesn’t mean we will, any given Sunday, but please for the love of God this week can we stop looking for any little possible factor that could turn the balance against us.
  17. I’ll say it again, can’t wait for Edmunds to get his extension so we can watch so many heads explode on this board. I’m not saying we should do it or Edmunds is all-world, I just think it’s a done deal and McBeane love them some Edmunds. He isn’t going anywhere and will probably get extended this summer. As Bart Scott said “CAN’T WAIT!” And not because I think he deserves it, it’s just gonna happen.
  18. Myths we can put to bed and anyone bringing them up going forward should be cockpunched: 1) Josh can’t play in front of the home crowd or any derivative of this BS narrative 2) Josh can’t play in the wind and we need a dome stadium 3) A QB can’t have less than stellar stats for a game or two without having regressed
  19. I’m not a defensive guru but it seems to me that defenses have a guy spying on Josh on every play. I’ve noticed when he’s flushed to one side or the other there’s a guy in the box, LB or Safety, who immediately shadows him. I’d think this should open up other stuff for the O to exploit if they know a guy is concentrating on Josh along with this other responsibilities but we need to have an O line that can pass block better to make that happen.
  20. I think you nailed it. I’m 50 so I’m right in the mid point there. Growing up I absolutely hated the Dolphins. I’m talking a visceral need to beat them down every time we played them, and for a few years it was glorious payback because WE were the reason they never went far in the playoffs. It was a good rivalry for a time because they owned us for the 70s but BOTH teams were good at the same time later on, we were just better. But I have to say, once they started sucking I don’t feel the same. That visceral hatred has transferred to the Pats*. I think it’s because 1) they owned us for 2 decades and 2) I’ve lived in NE for almost 20 years and there are no worse bandwagon fans than Pats* fans. There are a few die hards, but this team was almost the Hartford Patriots not long ago because they had such little fan support until they became good. I’ve heard almost NO Pats* talk the last 2 years, that’s how fickle the majority of them are. The majority of Bills fans I know have stuck with their team through thick and thin and that’s what makes being good again feel so good. I respect Brady, I don’t respect the Hoodie. He’s a cheating asswipe, a great coach, a horrible GM. I LOVE that Brady is winning SuperBowls without him because it tarnishes his legacy even more than the cheating does. So the majority of the hate goes to the Pats*, I hope they suck for 3 decades. I still like to beat down Miami but it doesn’t feel the same. The Jets are a joke.
  21. I totally agree. He just doesn’t seem to have the natural instincts needed to be great. I think McBeane love him though and he will get extended.
  22. I’ve said it before but I’ll repeat it - if Edmunds just could catch the balls that hit him in the chest a few times every season no one is having this conversation. Just a couple picks, that’s it, and we wouldn’t have 100 pages over the seasons dedicated to dissecting him. It’s frustrating as hell because I like the kid and want him to take that next step from good to great.
  23. I can’t wait to watch so many heads explode on this board when the Edmunds extension gets announced. McBeane love them some Tremaine and it will probably get done next off season.
  24. I can’t wait for Baltimore to pay ridiculous money to Jackson and be tied to him for another 6 or 7 years.
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