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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. 99% of Bills fans are not on this site I’d guess 90% do not use social media regularly Like on here, the loudest, shrillest voices get amplified The overwhelming majority of Bills fans do not see the SuperBowl as a lock, that’s the media machine. We know it’s a long season, anything can happen but we’ve got a good opportunity to be there. That’s it
  2. I think Dane dodged a bullet. He never lost any movement in the extremities and he was discharged the next day. If he had any symptoms at all of a cord injury he’d be admitted, monitored, and probably on IV steroids. What this tells me is that it’s all muscular. That can heal in a week, it can heal in a few weeks. I bet he skips Miami and is ready for the next game. Would be nice to know if he’s walking around in a neck brace. If not, he’ll be back sooner rather than later.
  3. Cook looked ok there. All you guys looking for something negative relax and enjoy the rest of the game. Give it a rest
  4. No way to know until the X-rays come back. Hopefully just a bruise and a couple weeks off. The fact that he was moving on the field and in the ambulance is a very positive sign. This could be a minor injury as bad as it looked. Hoping for the best
  5. I’ve been searching the thread - wheres gene and Filthybeast? Bueller….Bueller…. Hey I’ve got a suggestion, how about STFU for a week?
  6. Jimmy G laughing all the way to the BANK. What a cluster F San Fran is. Trey Lance? Come on. Jimmy G is going to play himself into a MONSTER contract next year then absolutely revert to Joe Average Game Manager while counting his mega bucks. Good for him!
  7. TLDR
  8. You aren't a Bills fan. No one here believes that. Your posts are comedy gold which is why I love reading you and Gene. How anyone could be so miserable and complimentary to Miami (your real team) and the Pats* and still try and come off as a Bills fan is flat out hilarious. Keep it up you balance out the pure homers on here.
  9. As I said, he never should have been in that position to begin with but he definitely tightened up when the pressure was on.
  10. So I watched NE and Miami in detail today. First NE : God I hope they keep McCorkle for years. He's just good enough to keep NE right in that 6/11 to 9/8 range. He knows where to go with the ball but can't throw past 9 yards with any velocity. His pick was pure noodle arm. His one long completion to Agalhor was a prayer he heaved, should never have been a reception. Pit blew this game which is fine with me because I don't want NE to get a real QB Lamar was Lamar. Made great plays with his feet, made some deep shots over the middle. Hit one guy on a slant who took it to the house. When the game got tight he choked. He never should have been put in that position with his horrendous defense but he started missing guys who were open, threw passes behind or in front of open guys. He's a good QB but can be contained. I've yet to see him play well a when the pressure is on but that may be my limited sample size. (Playoffs) Tua was better than expected. He was efficient with the ball and his receivers blew his stat line through the roof with YAC. His 2 long balls to Hill were completely blown coverages and Hill was open for greater than 5 yards on each. His game winning throw was an impressive display of moving in the pocket and accuracy. His shirt accuracy is very good, his deep ball floats and his outs suck. He's very containable if you don't play Cover Zero on Tyreek Hill. Mind boggling defensive collapse on Baltimores part. Love having a confident Miami team coming into Buffalo next week but we need to take care of business tomorrow first and foremost.
  11. This is the culture that McBeane have instilled in the team. Players holding other players accountable. There are high expectations and if you aren’t putting in the work you won’t just hear it from the coaches. What a change from the last 2 decades.
  12. Although nowhere close to watching the Bills win or lose, my second favorite past time is watching the Pats* lose. I swear to god I hate that entire franchise so much I get so much pleasure watching them burn. Maybe in 18 years I’ll change my tune but until then I hope they lose all but 6 garbage games so they live in QB purgatory forever. So I’m a Pit fan today on the big screen, and I’ll have Miami on the other and RedZone on the iPad.
  13. There’s not much difference from a fractured rib or fractured rib cartilage. Sounds like they are trying to minimize the injury. Anyway, this is pretty much a season long injury that he’s going to have to deal with. Yeah, you can do rib blocks and maybe dull it a little but cartilage, like ribs, don’t heal quickly. There isn’t much blood flow to them so that’s why it takes a long time. He’s going to try and play through it, and pain control is really the key. If he takes one shot to the ribs every 2-3 weeks it’s going to knock him back to square one. This could be a very significant injury that impacts their season.
  14. Apple TV with prime App. Perfect picture and sound with no frame rate issues.
  15. CAM NEWTON WAS NOT INJURED RUNNING THE BALL Please stop with this wrong narrative just to make your wrong point about Josh running and injury potential. Cam first injured himself trying to make a tackle on an interception and messed up his shoulder. His second shoulder injury was in the pocket. So for the love of God stop the false narrative please it's wrong. Cam's biggest problem was he was slow to read defenses so he held the ball longer and got hammered many times IN THE POCKET because he threw late. It didn't help that the refs refused to protect him because he was so big. His career ended because of 2 major shoulder injuries, not from cumulative hits from running the ball.
  16. The hyperbole on this board has gotten out of control. The team doesn’t need a loss to get their focus, the fans do. The fact that some are even entertaining the idea of the “best team of all time” is hilarious. How about beat the Titans. Concentrate on that. I’ll be happy with 1 Super Bowl win before my parents die. Just one. That’s all I want. Just one.
  17. Seriously?? Do some of you guys even follow the team? Diggs was instrumental in Josh's development. His veteran presence and leadership lifted Josh and the team to another level. It's a no brainer that Diggs at that time was the 100% right choice.
  18. Against a garbage team while we buried the Superbowl Champs. Mahomes is a phenomenal QB but for the love of God give it a rest
  19. The over analysis of these 2 throws is hilarious. On the Gabe throw, it was a perfect throw under the circumstances. 3rd down, collapsing pocket, a shot down field off his back foot. Josh put it in a place where only Gabe could make a play on it, and if you watch it in slow-mo you can see Gabe cut off his route a touch to adjust to the ball. He was only able to do that because Josh lofted the ball to the middle of the field when Gabe was running down the left hash. Now, if Josh had a clean pocket and could step into the throw and still made the same toss, yeah I’d agree it was a little under thrown and a touch better ball would have resulted in a TD. This play? Can’t get much better. On the toss to Diggs any criticism what so ever is ridiculous. Josh was running 13 mph and didn’t set his feet yet uncorked a 50 yard bomb that resulted in a TD. Please. If anyone says anything other than “WOW” just STFU. Again, if he was in a clean pocket, able to plant his feet and made that throw, I’d consider it a bit off target BUT IT’S STILL A TD so who cares.
  20. I think it’s pretty well accepted that the Ravens are a very well run franchise. I like Lamar, I enjoy what he brings to the game and I know he’s going to get paid but he’s not getting a fully guaranteed contract. They are “sitting around” because they don’t believe Lamar has what it takes to get them to the SB and they aren’t going to lock themselves into a QB who they aren’t all in on for the next 5-7 years. Instead, they have 3 more years of Lamar if they want it using the franchise tag after this season. If they believed in Lamar, they would have locked him up at the same time we did Josh. But they didn’t, so they waited to see how Lamar did and he regressed. You can blame the injuries last year, but as good as Lamar is he has hit his ceiling and has not shown significant improvement from year to year. He’s limited as a passer and the Ravens know as soon as he slows down the rushing, he’s an above average QB at best.
  21. The Ravens are one of the best run organizations in sports. They know exactly what they are doing. They don’t believe in Lamar’s long term potential or they would have already locked him up. The worst case scenario for the Ravens (Franchise tag, or tag and trade) is a LOT better than the worst case scenario for Lamar (serious injury). Lamar is going to get paid millions no matter what. He’s not getting a fully guaranteed contract and he will not be getting as many millions as he wants.
  22. Still waiting for one example to support the ridiculous judgements you made about Cook based on…… nothing
  23. Idk if enough attention has been spent to the excellent offensive game plan by Dorsey and the execution of it by Josh - specifically the plan to handle Donald. Dorsey knew Donald is not stoppable, so he developed a plan for Josh to get rid of the ball early. The first half he was a precision passer getting rid of the ball the second fastest of his career. Josh loves to hang on to the ball and make plays, I think last year he was one of the longest holding on to it. It’s a sign of his maturity and growth as a QB to not only go against his natural inclination but to execute it with such ridiculous accuracy. He has another level he hasn’t reached his ceiling yet. In the second half he was able to take deep shots because of all the work that was done in the first on the short passing game. Just an absolute master performance from Dorsey and Allen to minimize the impact of the best defensive player in the game.
  24. As a fellow GI Viking, this hits me right in the feels. What a great place to grow up! And how cool would it be to have a former Viking punt for the Bills on a Super Bowl run? It’s meant to be! You know you miss Adrian’s beef on weck! Haha
  25. For the love of god you guys can’t be serious besides the fact that she has her mud flaps all over the internet and the last thing she’d be described as is beautiful, she recently plead guilty to driving drunk with her kids in the car. yeah, great pr move
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