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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Does anyone really think Barkley can tell them anything that they can’t get from a seasons worth of tape? “Hey, when Josh yells ALERT he’s changing the play” I think its a nothing burger. Gives the twitter analysts something to squawk about before the game, that’s all.
  2. You clearly don’t know what you are watching then. That was one of the best QB decision making games a QB has had this year. Not one punt. Please go back to your bandwagon with the rest of the Hartford Pats* fans.
  3. I just called out your troll compadres on another thread, I give you props for showing up. That being said, I hope NE keeps Mac Jones for a decade because he has a noodle arm and I think his ceiling is average starter at best.
  4. Where are all the douche Pats* trolls on this board? How about the clowns on here who pretend to be Bills fans yet are Pats* apologists? Stefon has something to say to all of you because most of us are sick of your crap posts - You..you…you..and you… STFU
  5. I said it at the beginning of the season but Josh 100% does not trust his offensive line and for good reason. You can't expect a QBs confidence in his line to change from series to series. He knows he's likely going to be scrambling as soon as the ball is hiked. This is a seasons worth of running for his life that is adding up and it won't be until next season, assuming Beane fixes the O-line, that Josh will get back to his form of last season.
  6. FFS have some of you started Christmas drinking early or what?? John Brown is DONE. I'm thankful for what he did for our team but to think a guy who couldn't beat out Zay Jones or last long on the Jags practice squad could actually help this team is absolutely ridiculous. You've got 5 receivers (not named Davis or Beasley) who are actually on the team and better options than a lost-a-few-steps Brown.
  7. My argument was against the first statement which you wrote, which is false, and everything else you've been writing is just trying to blur the issue. I'm not making any other argument. As to your points 1) no where have I stated that the vaccine is great for everyone 2) no where have I mentioned pharmaceutical companies. I'll reiterate- I'm anti vaccine mandate. I believe the vaccine is one of several effective treatments we have for Covid. It was absolutely oversold - everyone thought it would prevent covid, it does not. It does prevent severe illness and hospitalizations though, which is a fact. I think pharm companies along with Democrats, CDC and NIH were instrumental in downplaying the early treatment of covid in order to push vaccines and make $$. This virus came from the Wuhan lab until proven otherwise. Every other zoonotic virus we know of has an identified animal vector. They found SARS in 5 months, MERS in 2 months. It's been almost 3 years and they can't find an animal carrying Covid. I believe it's because it escaped from the lab.
  8. Your statement was that more vaccinated people are getting infected with Omicron than unvaccinated. That is as wrong now as it was when you made the statement. Unvaccinated people are at much higher increased risk of getting Omicron and getting sicker from it (although most with Omicron have mild symptoms, Delta is the deadly one right now). The vaccine offers differing degrees of protection against Omicron depending on the vaccine, none of them offer 100% protection, with Moderna being the best. I will tell you that we’ve intubated more people from Covid in the last few weeks than we have in the last year. The only people we are putting on vents at my hospital are unvaccinated. I am anti vaccine mandate but think the vaccine is one of several effective tools to fight Covid. If you are old, fat, and have multiple co morbidities and want to roll the dice and not get vaccinated that’s your choice and is called natural selection.
  9. No. I explained why I liked it. What didn’t you like? Honestly I’m curious. I thought with a makeshift O-line opening up with short passes and then mixing in the run and not getting away from it was the right call. It was a jailbreak out there. When the line started to hold up a little better you saw more intermediate routes.
  10. That was a good W against a tough Panthers D, no need to downplay it. I liked Dabol’s game plan. He started with short passes (which Josh was off on), then mixed in enough running game that didn’t just keep Carolina honest, it provided needed yards and first downs. That in turn opened up the intermediate game and play action game. That’s the exact type of game plan we need against NE. Josh was solid. Yeah the pick was awful and he held onto it a few times but to expect a perfect game with our horrendous offensive line (and although they played better in the second half they sucked) is ridiculous. When he had a few seconds you saw passes like the first of Gabe’s 2 TDs. I didn’t like us getting the calls in this game because I think that just means we are getting screwed in Gillette, but that may just be 2 decades of dominance by the biggest bandwagon fan franchise in sports history, the Hartford Patriots, speaking.
  11. Looks like I was wrong. That's exceedingly rare to get COVID twice. In fact the CDC doesn't have a documented case that I'm aware of. Prayers for Josh!
  12. Thanks for the info. If he only needs one negative my bet is that he plays as I think the positive test was false.
  13. If Dawkins can’t go, Daboll better scheme up a game plan that recognizes the fact that the left side is going to be a jail break no matter who we put out there. I’m still hoping that was false positive and he gets a second negative test today, idk if there’s been anymore info on that front. This is a huge test for Daboll. He’s got a nicked up Josh who probably can’t run as well and possibly no LT worth a damn and no blocking TE to help. He needs to develop a plan for Josh to get rid of the ball quickly. If he comes out with all verticles and long developing routes right out of the gate I’m going to lose my sht. Panthers have a good D. I’ve seen a lot of talk about blowing them out and playing NE for the division next week. Already we are getting ahead of ourselves by even thinking that after some of the losses we’ve had this year. I’m concerned and hope we take care of business today before considering the Pats*.
  14. Josh will play 100%. He’s not sitting out with a sprained foot. Gabe Davis will have re-emerge and split time with Sanders if his knee recovers. Loved Sanders early in the year but he’s faded as the season has progressed. He can be effective in the playoffs if we get there. IF we see the second half of Tampa team, we will make a deep run in the playoffs. Something clicked and it wasn’t gameplay specific, it was an attitude adjustment. IDK O-line play that well, but Dawkins has been playing better, Brown can be a dominating RT, which means we have 3 interior line spots to improve. No way Beane doesn’t go big and nasty on the interior this offseason in a combo of FA and draft.
  15. Well gentlemen, the wheels have blown off this bus. Looks to me like they are packing it in except for Allen, and to the few clowns on here somehow trying to put this on him, you clearly don’t understand football. Even if we squeak into the playoffs we are an early out. The Chiefs were our SuperBowl, and somehow this team turned mentally soft afterwards. They were always physically soft in the trenches.
  16. This is garbage. Allen is reading defenses fine, he's not getting confused, he knows where to go with the ball. His problem is that he rightfully doesn't trust his offensive line. He's been getting pressured instantly since the first game of the season. What's happened is that his internal clock has sped up yet he's holding the ball longer because Dabolls offense has a lot of intermediate to deep routes and is often read deep to shallow. Idk if that can be fixed this year. What I'd do is try more heavy/max protect schemes with 3 routes. 1 deep, 1 intermediate and one shallow/outlet. Give him a few games where he's not dodging guys after 1 second and let him get his groove back.
  17. So much badness going on with this team. It feels like the wheels are about to come off and are just hanging on by a couple of lug nuts. I see the main issues as being the same problems we've had all year long 1) SOFT all over but especially in the trenches 2) Horrendous red zone offense. Can't fix the first one this season but there is no reason we can't fix the red zone offense. Idk if we have the coaches to do that though.
  18. When did you get here, last week? Try again Thrifty. Please go ahead and screen cap whatever you like Mr. Message Board Policeman. Btw, he’s not outside the forums.
  19. 100% know that’s not you, sorry if I didn’t make it clear. The number of clown posters has tripled in the last year and this guy leads the pack.
  20. It’s one thing to be pessimistic given our recent ups and downs, it’s even understandable to have a serious case of BBFS. But to be a complete Pats* homer on a Bills board (and yes I know that’s twitter) is on an entirely different level. Seek help.
  21. Correct. You’re statement is not true. Please show me the data that shows Omicron is infecting more vaccinated people than unvaccinated. We do not have the data yet to determine how much protection, if any, the vaccine gives towards Omicron. Fact.
  22. This is absolutely not true. Any doc saying that, and I’m a doc, is spewing nonsense. We just don’t know the efficacy of the vaccine against Omicron at this point. We should fairly soon. My gut tells me this virus will follow the same pattern as most - the mutations will become more easily spreadable but not as clinically symptomatic. This is actually good as the more people who get natural immunity without getting really sick, the faster we get to herd immunity. Not one person has died from Omicron yet that we know of. I’m sure someone will, but right now it doesn’t seem as deadly as Delta.
  23. It’s simple. If we play disciplined football (penalties and turnovers) and our O-line holds up to a reasonable level, we win. Pats capitalize on turnovers and rarely make them. If Allen gets hit/pressured early he can be rattled. I don’t think he trusts his offensive line so his internal clock has sped up.
  24. 3 guys were more than 1 yard beyond the LOS when Josh finally threw to Knox. Pretty sure this was the Brieda play that got him benched because he ran to the wrong side of the field for the screen
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