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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Burrows is the real deal. Kid is accurate, decisive and has a good arm
  2. Love Brandt, love Top Gun (we named our company TGA, LLC for Top Gun). This one kinda sucked. It’s ok to say that. He’s had some good ones, this was a miss. No big deal.
  3. Wow that’s two horrible plays already by the Raiders. Along with 3 false starts they look like crap coming out of the gates
  4. I don’t think the team feels nearly the pressure against the Pats* that the fans do. We’ve got 20 years of trauma forming our opinions of this WC game. The team has been very successful against NE the past couple years and were at least competitive in the early McD years. I don’t think they feel anything other than the normal stakes of a home playoff game and in fact I think they are pretty confident going into this game. It’s going to be won or lost in the trenches, as games usually are but especially playoff games. I’ve been very critical of the soft line play for most of the season. I’m happy to see that for the past 4 games, they’ve gotten on a nasty streak and you can see it on both sides of the ball. In most phases of the game they are peaking at the right time. I just hope Josh gets hot again even though he’s shown he can lift a team when the passing efficiency isn’t as good as we’d like. If that happens, look out because we are going to the Super Bowl.
  5. The Hoodie always has a spy on Allen, usually a LB. How does Daboll exploit that defender? There has to be a way to put him in conflict, like roll Josh out and at the same time have Knox or Bease from the backside enter that vacated area. IDK but its a strong tendency from a Belichick defense and we should be able to take advantage of that.
  6. I’d agree with you that Bease has had a noticeable decline in perceived on-field production. I don’t care what the stats say, he’s lost a step and isn’t getting all the YAC he used to. That being said, I think he’s going to be key in getting third down conversions in that 3rd and 2-8 range especially against zone D. I’d love to believe McKenzie is ready to take the reigns but I can’t get there yet after 1 great performance against NE. Hopefully I’m wrong and they are going to unleash McKenzie in the playoffs and I’ll be pleasantly blown away. I really don’t care how we do it, just want the Ws and still think Bease can and will be a big part of that.
  7. Oh so now Beasley is the new Edmunds. Got it. Clowns. Bease is going to be a key to our success in the playoffs. Yeah, he’s lost a step against man coverage but he definitely can still make clutch catches in clutch situations and you can bet teams will be scheming to take Diggs away. In fact I think it starts this weekend because no way The Hoodie is going to let McKitrick run roughshod over him again. I’d have a package with Diggs, Bease, McKenzie and Sanders on the field at the same time. I expect to see more zone than Pats* usually run because we marched up and down against their man defense and Hoodie don’t play that. Sanders, assuming he’s healthy, is going to be a playoff beast. This is is what we got him for, playoff football. All we need is for Josh to be above-average to great Josh making good decisions and catchable throws.
  8. IDK how you can have the #1 D in a number of categories and even think about replacing the MLB who makes all the calls and adjustments. Yeah, I’d like Edmunds to be more of an impact, big play LB but he’s not right now and maybe never will be. I’ve said it a bunch of times, McBeane love them some Tremaine and he’s going to be here for a loooong time so just get over it already.
  9. It’s possible it will be a close game because its the friggin playoffs and all the teams are good. If you take the emotion out of it, which I completely understand given they owned us for 20 years, the Pats* are probably the best matchup for us. Mac is the weakest of all the AFC playoff QBs. All Buffalo has to do is play decent and not have an offensive meltdown with turnovers. Mac Jones cannot lift a team by himself and have one of those other-worldly games like Mahomes, Burrow, Hebert (yes he’s not in), Car (rarely), and even Ben is better. Their D is good on paper but we match up well. Judon didn’t do crap, Barmore is probably out, their secondary is meh. If we get any semblance of a running game, which has been clicking lately, we win handily. Now I understand the fear of listening to Pats* fans for an entire offseason if we do lose, but this isn’t the old Bills. It’s time to continue our AFC East dominance and put our stamp on the AFC as a whole. Going through The Hoodie and asswipe Pats* fans will make it all the more sweeter.
  10. What’s up with Duggar and Barmore? If those guys are out idk if Pats* have a realistic chance without a Bills offensive meltdown.
  11. I always thought Flores was way over rated but Ross and Grier are an idiot combo. Miami is going to suck for years to come
  12. I love how Mahomes has had two horrible decisions/throws and each time the announcer goes out of his way to blame the receivers
  13. I never know who is calling the games and couldn’t care less. I get so much more timely, relevant info from following the twitter feeds of the game than anything on TV. Injuries, replays, flags, personnel changes etc all come across so much faster and accurately than the idiots in the booth Buffalo usually gets.
  14. Some of you are so close minded. I subscribe to the Athletic, the NYT and the WSJ. My politics are pretty opposite of the NYT on most issues but you have to be willing to listen to other points of view even if you disagree with them. If the Athletic becomes some woke sports app than yeah, I’ll bail but I highly doubt that will happen. The Times isn’t buying the app to try and make converts.
  15. I was just busting you no worries. I don’t think they are going to cover our #1 WR any different because of a bonus. McD will get him his catches with screen/hitches/McKenzie-like sweeps. Hell Diggs is would be getting 10 targets even if there wasn’t a bonus involved.
  16. I agree. I think the Jets game plan was to leave our #1 WR uncovered until they found out he’s got a potential bonus coming. Should have kept that under wraps
  17. I don’t think they shut us down as much as Josh tried to alter his passing style mid game and it didn’t work. Early on, Josh was hitting guys in the hands and the ball was skipping away. I think he had too much heat on those passes for the conditions. You’d think it would be easy to just take a little mojo off his passes but I think that alters his timing and that’s why the passing game stalled. Hopefully it’s a learning experience for Josh and he learns to take it a little easier from the outset of the game in those conditions so his mental timing, that gets set early in the game, is better.
  18. I agree, and even Roger's has had some pretty crappy games over his career. I'm not saying Josh had a horrible game btw, he just wasn't as on in the passing game as we'd like him to be. The beautiful thing is he didn't get frustrated, just found another way to win. I'm happy we showed we can win a game without Josh being Superstar Passing Josh and that a sub-par statistical game doesn't bring out all the "OMG HE'S REGRESSING" crap we've seen before.
  19. What you saw today was the continuing evolution of Josh as the leader of this franchise. 3 turnovers and he never seemed rattled. He looked more annoyed than anything. Here’s a guy who you can tell doesn’t give 2 shts about what the stat line looks like, all he wants is Ws. There are a lot of guys who talk the talk but Allen backs it up with his play as evidenced by his numerous runs where he refused to go down (we can discuss whether that’s the best tactic but at this point in his career you can’t take that out of his game, it’s who he is). I don’t think you can overstate how play like that elevates every single player around him. That’s the type of play that gets all these guys talking and playing like they’d run through a wall for Josh Allen. No other QB in the league right now is playing with that type of determination. Yeah there are better passers, Lamar is a better runner, but there’s no better complete QB (even Mahomes) who fits better with his franchise than Allen in Buffalo.
  20. Oh I totally agree. Josh is a warrior and did what he needed to do to help the team win win the passing game just wasn’t clicking. I love and respect that in our QB. I have no problem with him running like that, despite the injury risk, because we needed that W. In the playoffs though, he’s going to have to have a better passing game to win 4 playoff games, that’s all.
  21. Important W obviously First time I’ve seen this team change their approach drastically mid game and it worked near perfectly. Loved the smash mouth football, loved that they are learning to win without Josh having a superstar day. That’s important this time of year but clearly we need good Josh in the playoffs to have success.
  22. You can’t seriously be putting Baker Mayfield’s name in the same sentence as Brett Favre can you? Favre was a 4th quarter hero, Baker SUCKS in the 4th and from behind, one of the worst in the league. Name his big games, he’s got maybe 5 tops. He’s a near bust as a number one pick and the Browns are still going to swallow and ridiculously overpay him. All you clowns who are still sucking on the “we could have had Mahomes” teat need to STFU. Mahomes is great, Allen is Buffalo. The guy is a better version of Jim Kelly and I LOVE me some Jimbo. When he’s done he’s going to be the greatest QB in franchise history - book it. It’s easy to judge in retrospect, but there is ZERO question that McD made the right call on passing up on Mahomes and we ended up with the best QB for Buffalo in Allen. Oh and oh yeah, an All Pro CB in Tre White in addition.
  23. Eh, if I knew Josh was going to sneak to his left on that failed sneak I don’t think they needed Barkley to tell them that but I hear what you are saying. If it were a guy off our current practice squad and not a guy who was here a year ago I’d be more concerned. Hopefully Barkley will get a shot to play against us haha This is the best thing that could happen to him because now he will live forever in the TBD UDFA/Practice Squad Hall of Fame led by first ballot HOFer Da’Rick Rogers
  24. Yeah I was pretty sure there was a bonus attached because Hyde is too smart to do that and I’m sure had it been earlier in the game he would have swatted it. Wasn’t worried about the kneel down at all because as much as I hate (and respect) the Hoodie, he’s not the type of guy to charge a victory formation.
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