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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. The defense was the problem all game long, the coaching especially in the last 13 seconds. Edmunds was absolutely abused, and I’m a fan. Their whole game plan was putting Edmunds in conflict and he didn’t make one impact play. That has to be a consideration going forward. I’ve seen McD change his conservative philosophy on O, going for it twice on 4th on that first drive was balls of steel. I think he will adjust his defensive philosophy based on this devastating loss. It won’t be lost on him how piss poor the coaching was on the 13 second drive. Mahomes is incredible. Josh is as well. I give Mahomes a lot of credit for seeking Josh out at the end of the game, that’s sportsmanship.
  2. How do you not squib that kick? How? I don’t get it
  3. Teddy Bruschi, Pats* homer and the most over rated LB in NFL history. Who ESPN made up a state for (hits) after he came back from his stroke and did nothing against the Bills but was named Player of the Week, picks the Bills. My god, we broke that entire organization. Love it.
  4. Ok I have a little experience here as I’m in the IFBB. Squats are one of the best overall mass builders for the lower body hands down. Done correctly, there is little risk of injury. The key being done correctly. I doubt many teams squat with anything other than light weight during the season not because of injury risk but because of recovery time. When you squat with intensity whether it’s moderate or heavy weight (relatively speaking) it takes DAYS to recover. You aren’t going to have a game on Sunday, recover Monday and Tuesday, then have a moderate resistance training session on a Wednesday/Thursday. Your legs won’t be back to full strength in time for the next game. I doubt these guys do any moderate/heavy lifting of any body part in season. I’m sure they do resistance training but with the beating they are putting on their bodies week to week its all about recovery and getting your muscles healed and ready to fire again the next game.
  5. It dragged in the dirt. If that’s a WR making that catch its incomplete. Still, Bungles have had their chances can’t leave it up to the refs. Main point is that was a garbage pass by Burrow
  6. That was a hometown call. No question the ground helped him on that. Still, very bad throw by Joe
  7. Frazier/McD would turn Burrows brain into mush. Double Chase and we’d be fine. A little heat and Joey B gets the yips. I’m sure he’ll get better with experience but right now I wouldn’t fear him.
  8. First half summary: BOOOORING. Vrabel is a dick, Tannehill needs a #### punch, Joey B is not in the same stratosphere as Mahomes/Allen. Both of these teams are beatable. Would love Cinci in Buffalo but we needs to take care of business first
  9. He’s not even close. Has very little athleticism. He’s going to be a good one but he can’t run or make off platform plays. I could throw a 1 yard pass to Chase and let him run 60 yards.
  10. He never coached under The Hoodie although he is tainted by Pats* scum
  11. Yeah Burrow is on Allen/Mahomes level. Maybe in a couple years but he looks like absolute garbage and a rookie right now
  12. Joey B making mental errors. He’s gotta speed up that internal clock starting next series. Cinci needs to hit the short game and some draws.
  13. Bease will restructure. I think McKenzie has earned a mult-year deal and Beane will get it done. Only way I see Sanders back is if he wants to make another run at a lower price with the understanding that Gabe will be phased in. That’s possible because if you listen to his interviews, he’s playing for the fun/ring now not the money.
  14. It’s simple - If we get pressure and contain Mahomes with 4 D-lineman, we win rather convincingly If we don’t, it’s going to be a dog fight and come down to TOs
  15. Any given Sunday. McD says this every season but some people refuse to listen. Every year the team starts from scratch. Every season the team evolves from beginning to end. It’s how you react to adversity during the season that determines how the team grows. This is a battle hardened team peaking at the right time. We lost to the Jags because we weren’t the same team then that we are now. That team was learning it’s way and dropped a stink bomb. This team is peaking and playing with and edge.
  16. I know everyone is bemoaning the fact that for a play here or there, we’d have the 1 seed but idk I think we are right where we are supposed to be. Those mistakes/frustrations are what causes a team to overcome adversity. I’m not so sure this team is playing with the same fire and chip if they don’t go through that. Embarrassed by the Jags and first Pats* game, slipping against TN, Josh and the entire D getting snubbed by the pro bowl, etc. Incidentally, I like the pro-bowl snubs because 1) we know it’s total BS and 2) This team is PISSED and that’s part of it. Hughes was PISSED after that Pats* beat down. Love people referring to Josh as Pro-Bowl alternate Josh Allen hahah. Everyone knows it’s BS but you can bet he took that to heart. We are peaking at the right time with a team that’s playing with an edge. That’s how you go to the Super Bowl. I like our chances.
  17. This pre-game thread is going to be filled with the verbal diarrhea of a few vocal posters suffering from severe anxiety disorder
  18. Dak Prescott is one of the most over rated QBs in history. He sucks at football
  19. I absolutely LOVE FitzMagic. I wish he had the skills to play longer for us. He would be a great backup QB for us for a year or 2. Josh is still growing and although he doesn’t need a vet QB anymore, having a guy like Fitz with his intelligence and experience could only help Josh especially if things get bumpy. Just like Josh, he’s a Buffalo guy through and through. It would be poetic to have him come back for a year and then retire as a Bill. Not just for the nostalgia factor, but I think if Josh were dinged for a game or 2 Fitz would be a solid fill in and can win a couple games.
  20. I think McD and BB have a lot of respect for each other. I don’t think you can look at the handshake at the end of an absolute pummeling and passing of the torch and draw any inferences. Anyone see BB’s post game presser? That was a broken man. The Bills broke The Hoodie. He’s got no answers and limited time. He knows the Bills are going to be the team to beat for a long time and we gave those cheating bastards a taste of their own medicine with that absolute beat down. F them, and F their bandwagon crap fans.
  21. Enjoy this feeling gentlemen. Savor it. I’ve been a fan for 50 years and although it’s not the biggest win we’ve had, I can’t remember a better feeling after a W. So many demons put to rest. We just blew up the friggin Death Star and the Patriot* dynasty is a smoking ruin. God I hate that team and this is the most satisfying win I can remember. Go Bills!
  22. WTF are you guys smoking? Yeah, I said earlier Burrows is the real deal but better than Allen?? Give me a break. Joe is going to be around for a long time but he’s not the same player as Josh. He’s playing a great game right now but Josh has had plenty of those where he’s dropping dimes left and right, you just take it for granted now and if he doesn’t do it week in and week out it’s called a “regression”.
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