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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. This place is in mid season form with all the BACKUP QB angst. Hahaha my god it’s preseason game 1 with a west coast guy learning the EP system. Relax, have a beer, Keenum will be fine. I’m more concerned with who’s going to be our 4th RB and if Da’Rick will finally fulfill his potential
  2. After all the moves teams that were “right up against the cap” made this offseason, I think the cap is just creative accounting. Beane has structured almost every contract in a way that can convert salary to bonus and make room when he needs. Yeah it’s kicking the can down the road a bit but the cap is going to go up every year assuming there’s not another pandemic, so as long as they don’t go too nuts we’ll be able to sign every player they want. Conveniently, Beane also gets to use the salary cap as an so excuse instead of saying “we didn’t sign player X because we didn’t think he was worth that much” we get the old “we have the cap to consider and we couldn’t make a deal that works for both parties”.
  3. I think we tend to read way to much into what happens in pre season games when the coaches are evaluating these guys every day. Yes it’s great to perform on the field and young guys can make a statement but the coaches already know 98% of the team. Take Keenum for example. Yeah he sucked but there is zero chance Barkley is the #2. The coaches already know what they are getting in him and will give him the entire pre season to get comfortable in the offense. Same thing with Crowder, he’s making the team based on his previous body of work and they will give him time to acclimate. Moss was always a lock, no one is trading for a 3rd string running back. Beneford is a lock and he was before this game. Bernard and Shakir were always locks. Tenuta will go PS. Blackshear will go PS
  4. Love Steve but he needs to get out of the booth if this seasons first game is an indication of where his head is at. I’m a seasoned viewer of professional football and I found myself time and again getting confused with the word salad, misidentifications, and downright nutty analysis (the phantom Elam pick play, the whole Colts TO fiasco). Instead of just watching the game I’m spending too much time questioning my own eyes because Tasker is seeing things that just aren’t there.
  5. I’m a doc. Everyone is different when it comes to recovery from any injury. I think Week 1 is a pipe dream unless Tre has had a remarkable recovery and they are comfortable giving him a few reps to start to come back. This staff is appropriately conservative when it comes to recovery from injuries so I’m not concerned at all they will rush him back too quick.
  6. All you guys saying you’d be fine Josh and most of the offensive starters not playing a down in the pre season will be the first guys blowing up the game and post game threads when the offense looks like a rust bucket the first game against the Rams. Give me a friggin break, they all need some real preseason game reps especially considering we are playing the SB champs game one.
  7. Please give an example of Josh using the n word as if he were in regular conversation. From my understanding he was stupidly quoting rap lyrics as a teenager, was appropriately called out on it, then took responsibility and apologized.
  8. It's just a pain control issue. If he's riding a bike he's breathing fine. I'd bet he'll get some time in before the start of the season. Rib blocks are very effective as long as you don't drop a lung like Tyrod but I doubt he will need them by the start of the season
  9. You guys are reading way too much into one exchange in an off season promo Need to start training camp ASAP and we should be 5 minutes in as of now!
  10. Anyone who has been a Bills fan for any length of time is not thinking we are a lock for the SB. We all know we have as good an opportunity as any team to get there but I believe most Bills fans are too knowledgeable to think it’s anywhere close to a foregone conclusion.
  11. I had already forgotten about him before this thread. He was always a backup. The only reason we think of him as a fringe starter is because we are comparing him the the Legion of Suck at QB that we had since JK. Class act, team player, blah blah blah THROW THE F’N BALL TYROD
  12. It’s true, but you can effect the ratio of muscle/fat when putting on weight with proper nutrition and training. You are either catabolic, neutral, or anabolic. It’s the rare sweet spot where you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time and that usually requires anabolics or happens when someone goes from sedentary to physically active. It’s a little easier to maintain muscle mass while losing fat but if you cut hard enough you are definitely losing muscle without anabolics. Again, proper nutrition and training can minimize the muscle loss while emphasizing fat loss so you weigh less but have a lower body fat percentage.
  13. You are conveniently forgetting the 4 years of medical school prior to residency training of which 2.5 years is pure clinical training to become a physician. But whether it’s 12000 or 21000 it’s still over 10x the amount of hands on supervised training before practicing independently as opposed to 500 hours of shadowing an NP can do. If you want your initial cardiology appointment to be with a “cardiology NP” who has no specialized training in cardiology then be my guest. To the poster I responded to, I recommended he make sure his initial appointment was with a MD/DO cardiologist. Follow up and routine care can absolutely be done by mid-level practitioners. As for most medical consumers knowing exactly what they are paying for, I don’t agree at all. Medical billing/insurance is deliberately obtuse.
  14. Most of your taxes are wasted on bloated government bureaucracies or outright stolen. Might as well spend some tax bucks on something we appreciate. As a former Western New Yorker, I appreciate you all subsidizing my favorite team who I wouldn’t root for in any other city if they moved. Hey you could be the great state of RI, who gave 75 million to Curt Shilling to develop a video game that went bankrupt and lost it all. You think your politicians are idiots? RI leads the nation in incompetent and corrupt government. But, since less than 50% of us actually pay income taxes to the Fed or State, most people here don’t care.
  15. Make sure you see an MD or a DO for your initial evaluation, not a PA or Nurse Practitioner. With the continued bureacratization of medicine and the heavy presence of private equity, the business of medicine is destroying it. Docs are being replaced with NP’s and PA’s who are “supervised” by and MD/DO. It’s getting very scary out there. That’s not to say there aren’t good NPs and PAs who are great in their role, but how does someone not in the field know what they are getting? Put it this way, you can get an online Doctorate in Nurse Practitioner with 500 hours of shadowing (that’s not even practicing) and practice independently in many states while calling yourself “Doctor”. An attending physician has a minimum 21,000 hours of clinical training (not shadowing) before practicing independently. A barber has 1500 hours of cutting hair under supervision, and a Pet Smart groomer has over 800 hours of grooming under supervision before they can cut your dog’s hair. Medicine is a business, you are the consumer. Know what you are paying for.
  16. I can’t believe how many members of TBD put any weight in reports from OTAs. My new favorite word is “content creator” and that’s all OTAs are good for, to give all these podcasters and twitter analysts something to talk about in the offseason. All it serves is to give the new guys some exposure to the scheme and get a little 1 on 1 work in to start getting their muscle memory tuned up for training camp. I’ll start paying attention to individual performances once pre season starts and that’s only to look at what the new guys can do. We know what we have from 90% of the team and until the real bullets start flying in the regular season it’s all guesswork.
  17. Hodgins can’t stay healthy, it’s that simple. He’s made of glass and can’t make it through OTAs let alone a full training camp and season. He’s a camp body this year, and unless he has a stellar camp I doubt he even makes the practice squad.
  18. Where has anyone ever “rumbled” about Jones being a dark horse MVP candidate? That’s pure fantasyland. I live in NE and even with many of them being the most delusional homers on the planet with regards to the Pats* no one is saying this.
  19. Signing OJ was not only to upgrade the TE2 position but to hedge against Knox overpricing himself. IDK why but I think Knox is going to be willing to take a reasonable deal to keep the band together. Beane has been pretty good at hitting the sweet spot with Josh, Diggs, Dawkins, Milano where these guys get paid well but don’t break the bank and price themselves off the team like Hill did with KC. It’s Poyer that I’m getting the “show me the money” vibes and that’s probably just from his obnoxious wife’s posts. Who knows what the discussion is behind the scenes with Beane but if anything I’m thinking a 2 year deal with an out while they find his successor.
  20. I don’t have much to base this on but I always thought the Ravens were a well run franchise. I think they know exactly what they are doing, which is lowering Lamars price tag. It’s an interesting game being played. The Ravens are saying the right things but there’s zero chance they sign Lamar to a contract like Josh or Mahomes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they franchise him after his 5th option then let him walk after a couple more years of wear and tear. The reality is that Lamar is a very good QB but he’s not an elite franchise QB. He’s flourished in an offense that’s been tailored specifically to his strengths which is very smart on the Ravens part but I don’t think easily duplicated. Some other team might break the bank on him just for the name and to put fans in the seats but you aren’t dropping Lamar into a conventional offense and flourishing.
  21. Oh hey, it’s the moderator from Fin Heaven again. Your posts are comedy gold
  22. Nothing at all but just call it what it is
  23. If Kay Adams wasn’t easy on the eyes you guys wouldn’t give a sht that she’s leaving. She’s the least knowledgeable member of the panel, she’s there to facilitate transitions from one topic to the next. Her football knowledge is less than most of TBD posters and it’s obvious with her takes that are whatever the prevailing Twitter opinion is. She’s going to flame out on Amazon but she will stick around for a long time since they have deep pockets and can afford to carry the dead weight
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