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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Dude you are second tier behind FilthyBeast and Gene when it comes to your opinions on the Bills. I’m not giving the Bills a pass at all, any W is a good W I don’t care how it looks. My opinion, which you called flawed and are absolutely entitled to do so, is that the Bills mistakes were of their own making and not the result of KC causing us to make mistakes. I’m not impressed with KC’s offense, I think it’s limited and is based on Mahomes and Kelce playing out of their minds every single game which I don’t think is sustainable. The rest of their offense is a bunch of jags including JuJu. 2 years ago we were behind KC. Last year we were even. This year we are better. Now, that doesn’t mean we will win every matchup with KC from here on out and they could definitely beat us in Buffalo in the playoffs. Any given Sunday. They are the second best team in the AFC right now close behind us. But they are behind us. Buffalo is going to crap the bed a time or two before the end of the season and who knows what injuries are going to take place. But, right now I think we are clearly the better team and we won in Arrowhead despite making mistakes that in the past would have meant a loss. That doesn’t mean I think we are going to o run the table or are a lock to make the Super Bowl. Any given Sunday. I always relax after a Bills win and I’m especially relaxed since we didn’t need to play a perfect game to beat them in their own house. Again.
  2. I’ve always been a pretty objective Bills fan as passionate as I am about our team. You seem to have a pessimistic outlook of this team which clouds your judgement weekly. The Chiefs were in this game because we were sloppy on offense, period. McKenzie’s fumble, his 4th down screw up so turnover on downs, our near inability to convert 3/4th and short which are usually gimmies. Thankfully our defensive additions to the D-line and our secondary depth overcame our offenses miscues and Allen was his typical Allen self. If Buffalo had played a clean game, we win by 2 plus scores. I wasn’t impressed by KC’s defense and yeah they were missing guys too I know. Mahomes basically has Kelce, that’s it. Both of them are absolutely all world players and against most teams that’s enough but not us. Their O is nearly 100% dink and dunk, except when Hamlin misses a tackle and JuJu runs for 40 plus yards.
  3. Buffalo is clearly the better team right now. With all the mistakes in the first half, to be tied going into the half was ridiculously fortunate. I didn’t think they’d be as sloppy in the second half and was fairly confident we’d pull it out. If we had any semblance of a short yardage rushing attack it wouldn’t have been nearly as close. Glad to see the QB sneak back in the game plan but man 3rd/4th and 1 should be basically automatic. I wouldn’t be surprised to see KC drop a few more games. I think this game is where they start to fall off but I expect to see them in the playoffs considering how weak their division turned out to be when I thought it would be a meat grinder.
  4. This is sarcasm right? Never go full petard Beck may use way too many quotation marks, but this is a reference to blowing oneself up with their own bomb and not a slight to the mentally challenged
  5. YES!! We didn’t even play against him and we get a Breece Hall thread! Awesome!
  6. YES!! He didn’t even play but I knew we’d get a Edmunds bashing thread out of it! Awesome!
  7. Do some of you guys even watch what the defensive strategy is before you start blabbering nonsense? I’ll give you a hint - the whole concept of todays game plan was to keep everything in front of the DBs and to the outside. Nothing in the middle, nothing deep. The out’s that Pickett was hitting against Elam were deliberate, they were there the whole game. Yeah, he definitely could have been a little tighter but he wasn’t smoked the whole game, that was the D. What happened when he was able to man up on a guy through his zone down the field? He picked it off. I’m not saying he had a great game, but the hot takes that “Elam was torched” show a lack of understanding of what was being given to the offense and kudos to Picket for not trying to force it an taking what we gave him. Unfortunately for him, sometimes you have to push it in order to win the game and he couldn’t
  8. This is very simple and people are getting lost in the weeds, which is exactly what the NFL wants. The Dolphins deliberately used the loopholes in the NFL concussion protocol to allow an obviously concussed player back onto the field in order to win their Super Bowl against us. Patients are not protocols. Protocols serve to remove any critical thinking from the caring of patients and are useful in some circumstances where you want to act quickly and not have to think under pressure (such as ACLS, Difficult Airway, Trauma Resuscitation). The Miami docs and coaches used the protocol as cover to deny what they knew to be true (he had symptoms of a head injury walking off the field) and hide behind it to get Tua back on the field. Disgusting on so many levels. There should be severe consequences to everyone involved for allowing Tua to be placed in a potentially life threatening situation by playing 4 days later and suffering a second concussion, but there won’t be.
  9. So wait, a bunch of you football geniuses who were convinced Edmunds sucks have now changed your minds because he had a microphone taped to his uniform. nothing has changed at all except now you’ve heard him speak more than you thought, even though since day 1 both McD and Frazier and every single player has said he’s the leader of the defense. Love this place, it’s Comedy Central sometimes.
  10. Because they wanted to see if he was going to continue to improve with another year of maturity and a competent D line in front of him. He’s balling out now, they’ve got their answer. Yeah its going to cost them more than it would of but they weren’t sure 2 years ago.
  11. I’ve been saying this for years - McBean LOVE them some Edmunds. He’s not going anywhere. Neither is Oliver. Both those guys will be extended. Why? Because the salary cap is a myth and we are in the SuperBowl window. There are always maneuvers that can be made if you want a guy bad enough, and if you don’t wan’t him that bad you get to use the salary cap as an excuse. Yeah some guys are gone, like Poyer and Hyde. Singletary will be gone unless he goes very team friendly. Moss should just be cut I’ve seen enough of him. Davis may not get a second contract here if he continues to be unavailable at full strength ( I have no idea why he’s been o the field last 2 weeks).
  12. Cook will be fine. His learning curve is a bit longer than we’d all like, but McD is a wizard with rookies. Look at Elam. He rightly started Beneford over him and what happened to Elam? He responded like a pro. Put his head down, went to work, got better, and today he was simply outstanding. He will nail down that 2nd CB spot for the next decade. Same thing will hopefully happen with Cook. McD will give him what he can handle and he will be more involved in the game plan as he can handle it and the season progresses. I hope and think by the second half of the season Cook will be comfortable and contributing
  13. This has my vote for crap post of the year. It’s an impressive display of not only ignorance (it was second down not third) but a complete lack of situational awareness and strategy. That last drive was a master class in coaching and execution. Singletary going down, then Josh getting the first on sneak without losing the ball or scoring was elite level execution. Milking the clock while the Ravens lose their sht on the field and sidelines was a thing of beauty.
  14. Will you give it a rest already? We get it, you think it was a soft call. Fine. Do you have to hijack the entire thread about one soft call? Get on a conference call with FilthyBeast and Gene and you guys can all come up with why we will lose next weeks game to Prickett and the Steelers
  15. This is a nothing burger with Dane back. Dane and Elam starting, Poyer and Johnson at safety, Tauron in the slot. Lewis/Neal will backup the corners and Hamlin the safeties.
  16. It’s early. This is the best time to face and overcome adversity. These are the fires that forge men into steel for a playoff run. I’d prefer the 1 seed, but don’t care as long as we are in the playoffs. I’d rather this team peak later than earlier, and if that means a few weeks of TBD Mental Breakdown, so be it. This team was over-hyped all summer. We’ve got issue like any other team and now the injury bug. Talk to me in November and I’ll tell you if I’m at all concerned.
  17. I don’t think Bills fans would be as willing to go along with obvious medical negligence on our star player as much as Miami fans were willing to overlook it in order to win their SuperBowl against us and justify all the hype that was being piled on the team. We are a much more skeptical fan base, look at how we second guess McD every day and he’s one of the best coaches we’ve ever had. I’m a doc. You don’t have to be a doc to know that Tua suffered a head injury against the Bills. 99% of people watching that hit, watching him stumble, reach for his head (not his back) and shake his head just know intuitively that’s a head injury. It’s not rocket science. Our ability to detect brain injuries by physical/cognitive exam is very limited at best. Sometimes as docs we need to use our gut to do best by the patient. Put it this way, if Tua was my patient for surgery and that happened in the parking lot, I don’t care what the neurologist tells me about his cognitive function there is ZERO percent chance I’m putting him to sleep and I’d have the nuts to tell both the surgeon and patient that he’s cancelled. He should have been cancelled Sunday, he should have been placed in the concussion protocol which would have precluded him from playing Thursday. That fact that he wasn’t was negligent in my opinion - from the independent neurologist to the Miami coach who absolutely KNEW Tua had a head bonk but hid behind the “The doctors said he was fine” excuse instead of protecting his player. I don’t think McD puts Allen back in the game if that happened to him.
  18. Coaching wasn’t the issue. Lack of execution on the offense was. Yeah, we had the one bad 3-22 play call, so what? The reality is that the coaches put the players in a position to win this game 5-6 times and the offense/ST failed to execute every single time. Make one of those plays and we win the game.
  19. Hi didn’t even hit his head hard on this hit. That’s his second concussion in 4 days. He’s screwed. This is on the NFL and the team doctors. He should NEVER have been back in the game last week and never should have been cleared for this one. This is absolutely disgusting.
  20. No worries he’ll be back in a half hour with a back injury. This is exactly why he should have never been allowed back into the game last week. This is his second concussion in 2 weeks and could have serious repercussions. He’s out for numerous weeks at a minimum
  21. I am not impressed with Burrow, he’s made numerous horrible passes. Tua has better accuracy. Joe throws off his back foot too much, his mechanics suck. It’s like he has been reading his own press clippings all year and is going to complete passes just because he’s Joe Burrow.
  22. You guys are delusional. Sugar high Josh? Please. No one beats a dead horse like TBD. Hey did you guys think Flutie should have been benched for Johnson?
  23. Anyone blaming the coaches in this L is friggin nutty. Yeah, you’d like to have a couple calls back in retrospect BUT - if the players executed just one of numerous plays that were there to be made, we win. This loss is on the players and the lack of execution. Yes, the coaching could be better but al the points we left on the field were not the result of coaching decisions.
  24. The lack of a competent running game is the single most important issue to fix. Even we can’t be one dimensional and go far in the playoffs
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