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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. He never had a UCL sprain, or if he did it was Grade 1 which is micro-tearing and no loss of stability. The media speculation went wild and McD let them do so for strategic reasons. I think this was all Ulnar nerve neuropraxia which basically means Allen really whacked his funny bone. Look at the evidence 1 - no direct hit on the elbow, it was a torque injury when he was moving the arm forward. The ulnar nerve runs on the inside of the elbow and gets stretched in that position so when he took the shot it got stretched even more 2 - the physical evidence during the game showed Allen shaking his arm and clenching his fist. Just like when you bang your funny bone and the pain shoots down the nerve into the hand 3 - He dirted the first throw after the hit. That’s because he couldn’t grip the ball (the ulnar supplied a lot of the muscle in the palm along with pinky finger and half the ring finger), 4 - On the next throw he uncorked a BOMB that hit Gabe Mr Inconsistency Davis right in the dome. He got the nerve function back So what happens when you really whack the funny bone? It hurts like hell, you can get some inflammation and basically need to rest the arm, which JA did by not practicing. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a f’n cyborg and heals fast. So, Dr. Chao, “Doctor” Kyle Trimble, Dr. Thighdoc or whatever were all 100% speculation based on nothing but erroneous media reports because the Bills revealed NOTHING. That’s some Belichik level gamesmanship and kudos to McD for keeping it quiet while it played out.
  2. I’m more concerned about the overall slump this team is in that past 2 games instead of any particular player. No one is playing really well except Diggs. There’s not one easy fix, every unit including special teams needs to snap out of it. #1 is the turnovers which have recently been 100% Josh. We are the worst in the league, you can’t go far at all playing that sloppy. Dorsey has me concerned, the league has caught up to what he wants to do, how’s he going to adjust? This goes hand in hand with Josh playing long ball all game, not seeing the field well and not taking the short stuff. I have confidence JA will turn it around when he comes back. I’m not so confident Dorsey will be able to adjust and get us a respectable running game. The injuries absolutely have had a major impact, but we’ve had 2 winnable games that we didn’t pull out. I’d feel better if we played well and just lost a tough one but I really feel we are playing like crap on both sides of the ball. I do have confidence McD can get these guys focused and go on a run, just have to hope Keenum can hold the fort for a couple weeks.
  3. Any injury to Josh’s throwing arm is a potential disaster. In my struggle to find anything positive out of the disgusting last 6 quarters, it’s that if Josh can play, maybe he and Dorsey will be forced to emphasize the short game more. Josh has been forcing it for 6 quarters. He’s giving up the easy short stuff again for tight window throws on bracketed receivers further down the field. If he can play, I don’t think the game plan will be constant downfield throws. Heck, Dorsey may even be forced to run the ball a little. I’ll say it again, this team needs an effective running game to go far in the playoffs. They abandon it too quickly and IDK if that’s Josh switching up the plays or Dorsey being pass happy. The O needs to be fixed quick and that includes putting receivers on the field who actually catch the damn ball. I’m getting sick of Davis dropping balls that a competent #2 would catch. I love his potential but I hate that he has a breakout game then disappears for 3-4 games then pops up again.
  4. Your guess is wrong, your assumption about physicians not being taught physical examination thoroughly is downright hilarious, and the lack of excessive quotation marks in your reply is leaving me a little disappointed.
  5. Trimble isn’t a physician. He’s never had to make a diagnosis in his career. He treats patient after a medical doctor has done all the work diagnosing and recommending physical therapy. He’s very good at what he does, which is treating with physical therapy injuries which have been diagnosed by someone else and seeing how long it takes for patients to recover from different types of injuries. Anyone with any medical background can look at what happened to Josh and make guesses about what injuries could have occurred.
  6. When are we allowed to question Dorsey’s play calling? I’m starting to question his ability to adjust. We only have Allen and Diggs, that’s it. He’s not scheming open easy throws and has all but abandoned the running game. you can get away with that when Allen is playing lights out but when he’s playing crappy there’s no adjustment.
  7. This game just exposed us to what we are - a team way over dependent on our QB to play lights out every single week. If Josh has an off day, we have no way to win. He’s getting no help from receivers outside of Diggs. The biggest problem, which stems from last year, is we have no will or ability to run the ball. Dorsey is pass happy, that’s obvious. I like the guy, but the play calling was abysmal given what we saw from Josh early on. You can tell real quick when Josh is on or not, and it was clear from the first drive he wasn’t on. That doesn’t mean running the triple option, it means calling plays with easy throws and catches to get him in rhythm. We refuse to do this. His only short option in the passing game is RBs. Idk if it’s because no one else is getting open, but Gabe sucks right now, Shakir is invisible, McKenzie is McKenzie, and where the F is KNOX?? If Josh doesn’t have a perfect game we are toast. The Jets 100% deserved to win this game. We were outcoached, outplayed, out everything. Our superstar QB sucked but even the last throw of the game he hit Gabe between the 1 and the 3. MAKE A PLAY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. You guys nailed the D. Yeah, we have a lot of injuries and Frazier is too stubborn but we only gave up 20 points. Should be able to win with that.
  8. I agree the line has been up and down. I’d like to see more consistency, and I think we are starting to see the Kromer effect, finally. I’m not an O-line guru by any stretch but I think the pass blocking has been above average and the run blocking started off crap (zone) and is getting better (gap), just like last year. I hope it continues. Spencer Brown has popped up on my radar. Idk if this is going to be one of those years where he’s dinged up constantly and that is affecting his play, or if he’s reached his ceiling which isn’t good enough. I’m sure McD is going to give him plenty of chances to improve and solidify that right side.
  9. What exact starting safety was available and what price were you willing to pay?
  10. The TBD clown show is in full effect!! How can you not LOVE this move? First of all getting rid of Moss alone is addition by subtraction. I had high hopes, he sucked, we are on to Cincinnati. All you clowns bellyaching OMG BEANE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING AT RB can suck it. Only at TBD do fans expect a perfect GM, a perfect QB, a perfect OC, a perfect team every play, every down every time. Now this doesn’t mean Cook sucks, it doesn’t mean Singletary is gone. Not one of you know what McBeane is thinking in terms of how we are going to utilize him. We can only guess and time will tell. So no we didn’t waste a second round pick on Cook. Here’s my completely uninformed opinion which is as much of a guess as the rest of yours - 1) Singletary is going to carry the load and be spelled by Cook 2) Hines is going to start off in the 3rd down roll for both of them All three are going too see the field with Singletary being the bell cow for as much as a RB can be on this team I LOVE this move. Hines has talent, he’s versatile, he plays ST/RB/Slot. He’s a Swiss Army knife which we hope and think Cook turns into. I love this move because it takes the pressure off Cook and allows McBeane to bring him along and not force him into action. YES, I expected more from Cook sooner BUT just like Josh (and no not at Josh’s level so relax) you can see the talent, the potential that’s there. This allows McBeane to bring him along while we are in a SB window but not have to depend on Cook if he’s not ready. Also, the NFL season is a lot longer than college and they don’t want Cook burning out and hitting the rookie wall. I think Singletary gets re-signed and this gives us leverage to get him to take a team friendly deal. I see all 3 of these guys next year with Cook eventually being number one after he packs on a little muscle with the TB12 method. Add in the fact that we have Marlow back as safety insurance and Beane is a friggin WIZARD BTW, the fact that McAfee who knows the colts inside and out loves this moves for the Bills, then lost his sht when he heard the compensation is GOLD
  11. Over 700 posts in 2 months, all of which suck. That is an impressive level of consistency which I can only hope our run D achieves the rest of the season. As for the second half run D, all the defensive lineman were rushing the passer and getting out of their run fits. They were expecting at some point for Rogers to start passing and it never happened. Von even asked him on the field “When are you guys going to throw?” This D can stop the run using the nickel, they’ve been the #1 run D so far. Until another team runs the ball down our throats when we are actually trying to stop it (like last year) I’m not at all concerned about that second half.
  12. Holy crap nothing like TBD to over dissect a 10 point win to death. The expectations being placed on Josh are unrealistic. No QB plays perfect every down of every game. Some of you need to be on anti-anxiety meds. Yeah he didn’t have a good second half. So what. It happens to every single QB. Stop blowing it out of proportion and making it something its not. I don’t care about the stats, I don’t care about the MVP talk, I care about W’s. We won. Every game isn’t going to be a 40 point beat down. You can’t extrapolate what happened in this game to what might happen against any other team. We weren’t playing the Chiefs. We weren’t playing the Eagles. We were playing a clearly inferior opponent and the game was never in doubt after the 2 score lead. What if’s don’t matter. Enjoy the W. We are on to Cincinnati (Jets)
  13. Do you watch football? Seriously, this crusade is lame. The Bills stayed in nickel against heavy fronts all game. Yes, we would have liked a better run D, BUT, when we were up 2-3 scores and GB continued to run, essentially conceding the game, there was no reason to adjust to 3 LB to stop it. No, running the ball is not the same as passing for the same yardage because the Bills weren’t going to give up the quick score. Get it? We were up 2-3 scores, we weren’t going to let them score quick, so we stayed in nickel and let them run. It’s not that hard.
  14. Nahh. They had a sloppy game against an inferior opponent and won by 2 scores. They had a first ballot HOF QB and the game really was never in question. Maybe they pick up OBJ, maybe not. Our WRs are fine it was a typical post-bye McDemott win. He’s 6–0 now after the bye and they’ve all been as little sloppy in some way. Honestly this is probably the best outcome. They get a W but no one is satisfied which means they will stay hungry. Josh even said it was a “gross” win which was exactly what we all saw.
  15. Ridiculous. Motor was gashing them. Dorsey decided to stop running the ball. Cook starting to look good too.
  16. I’ll take the W. Josh got a little complacent in the second half. The outcome really wasn’t in doubt when the Packers were running down by 3 scores. Not happy with the 2 picks that was too loose. I wish they would have stuck with the run more in the 2nd and 3rd quarters though. Dorsey getting a little pass happy.
  17. I doubt Kim is in a position to care about football players right now. There’s a reason we haven’t heard a peep from her since she was hospitalized.
  18. I didn’t see the play. Was he hit or was it non contact? Just curious doesn’t really make a difference
  19. Someone please check on IronMaidenBills
  20. I agree with everything you said, but the fact is how and when you restructure contracts is part of cap management and Bean seems to be very very good at it. I was being a bit facetious when I stated the cap was a myth but it’s not nearly the hard stop many act like. You aren’t considering the fact that the cap is going to go up as well every year. I’ve seen predictions from 12-30 a year as the TV and gambling money comes in. You can bet the teams have a much better idea of just how much the cap will raise each year and what the future will look like.
  21. Everything Rock a Bye has said about the amount of cap space we can open up by restructuring is true. You can argue whether or how it may impact us down the line, but Bean can clear close to 60 million if needed (he wont clear that much). That’s EXACTLY why he structured these contracts the way he did especially with the foundation pieces that will be around for a long time. The cap is a myth, I firmly believe that. It gives GMs an excuse to tell the fans when they don’t want to pay too much for a player (we really wanted to keep him, we just couldn’t fit him under the cap). What people aren’t realizing is the cap is going to EXPLODE in the next few years. Not only the huge TV deal, but legal gambling has been an absolute gold mine for the NFL. Everything I’ve read and heard about gambling says that the amount the NFL is racking in vastly exceeds expectations. As long as you have an owner who’s wiling to write big checks when those restructures come into play, which we do, we can keep this train rolling for a loooong time.
  22. The site wouldn’t let me be RunTheFuc**nBall, which I scream at least once a game every game. Latest example was second and goal from the 2 with 3 straight passes against KC. Never gets old.
  23. This is TBD at it’s best. Thanks for all the info I’ve got a lot to read up on this weekend
  24. So I've been listening to a few podcasts discussing the running game and how we've been trying to establish a wide zone scheme but against KC we ran more gap scheme pin and pull concepts which our O-line seems to execute better. Last year when our running game got moving towards the end of the year it was the pin and pull concepts that seemed to thrive. So my question to those smarter than me is why do we keep trying this zone run scheme? What is the advantage to a wide zone as opposed to pin and pull? It sees to me if we were fairly good at the end of last year with the pin and pull, why wouldn't we roll that out at the beginning of this year instead of the wide zone? Is there some advantage to the wide zone that I'm missing? Are there other wrinkles in the offense we want to run that depend on a zone scheme? Just curious because to me I'd just keep hammering the pin and pull for the most part. It seems they went to it more in the KC game and maybe we are seeing that shift now but they definitely were trying to establish a zone scheme and I'm not sure why.
  25. You guys on your high horses are hilarious. Every single football player has been on some sort of PED at one time or another. It’s arguing semantics about the timing or the substance used. PEDs probably have the least impact in football of all sports and are mainly used for improved recovery (ie TB12’s growth hormone plan) Smith’s estrogen level was raised because most testosterone based anabolics get converted to estrogen to some degree. They tested him in the window where the testosterone level had normalized but his estrogen was still elevated.
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