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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Bernard seems to have good instincts which Tremaine never developed. Benard is shooting the correct gaps like Tremaine never did and I was a big Edmunds fan, just not 18 million big
  2. Your yearly reminder that there is no statistical data to back up the "trap game" myth. It's only a fan anxiety reaction.
  3. Speaking of which, your team is on in 50 minutes. Shouldn’t you be pre gaming with the other Fins fans?
  4. I hate NE and their bandwagon fans (I’m in RI, there’s been near ZERO Pats* talk the last 3 years) with the heat of a thousand suns, but it’s better for us if Miami loses. So, I will hold my nose and hope the Hoodie dials up something where they sack Tua in the closing minutes and seal a 6-3 victory
  5. WHERE ARE ALL THE BERNARD HATERS?? I liked Tremaine but at 18 million IDK if he even makes the plays Bernard made today. If you can keep Bernard clean, he can shoot gaps and dropped Jacobs a couple times. It’s only game 2 but he’s holding his own and even making some plays. This is the second straight game Dorsey called a good game, this time Josh stuck to the script. I’d still like to see him under center more with play action (like the long Kincaid pass) and that 4th down call sucked but overall he’s shown some growth. Yeah I know it was the Raiders D but we needed a game like this to get on track and winning in dominant fashion doesn’t suck either. Overall, exactly what this team needed especially Josh. Hopefully they can keep it rolling against Washington and then get a good test against Miami. Go Bills!
  6. My bad dude. 78 was responding to me so I wrongly assumed your comment was meant towards me. I'm a huge Josh supporter. I just feel strongly he unnecessarily went into Josh Mode and at year 6 we shouldn't be seeing that very often. I fully expect a bounce back I rarely ciritcise him so clearly misinterpreted your meaning. Thanks for the clarification.
  7. JFC does any slight criticism of Josh need to be predicated with a discourse on how great we think he is? Ok here’s mine so next time so just put this in front of any slightly negative comment I may have on Josh’s performance in the future I think Josh is by far the most talented QB we’ve had including Jim Kelly Josh is a top 3 QB in the league Josh has been asked to do way too much and has carried this team for years Josh has the potential to be a HOF QB There. Now that being said, Josh blew that game and all he had to do was play small ball catch with open receivers to win it. He’s in year 6 now, these types of games should be few an far between. I fully expect him to bounce back, I hope he finally “gets it” and takes what the D gives him when doing that will result in a W. There are going to be times we need Josh to be Super Josh to win a game and just put the team on his shoulders and wing it. This wasn’t one of those games. All he needed to do was stay patient. It’s ok to say that.
  8. Look at the picture from Kubiaks article. Even thought it was taken with a potato you can clearly see Diggs in the middle and Knox in the flat wide open for the first while Davis is covered. How can you say Davis was the right read in this play? Come on. Allen has to fix it. He has it in him. He’s gotta trust the game plan and play within the script for the most part. He has to have the maturity to recognize exactly what defenses are taking away from him and baiting him to do and take what’s given. I’ve been a huge Dorsey skeptic. Dorsey was not the problem this time - just watch the All 22, there are guys open flat/short/sometimes intermediate all game. In the second half Josh passed those options up to go deep. I love Allen, he’s going to go off script sometimes and that’s what makes him great. But, when he doesn’t have to, when all he has to do is play small ball making easy throws that were there to win the game he has to have to self discipline to stay patient and take it.
  9. This sounds nice in theory but you have at least 5 examples of Josh initiating contact, not sliding, not getting out of bounds when he could, and leaping 5 yards short of the first down line into 2 players. So if he’s going to run and throw his body all over the field on all those plays why on the one play where he’s got a wide open field in front of him to gallop do you think he’s all of a sudden thinking about what the coaches told him? Naa, he got Hero Ball on the brain and wanted to chuck it deep. It’s that simple.
  10. What are you talking about? Diggs and Knox were WIDE OPEN for the first down. There was no reason to make that throw to Davis who ran his typical crap route where his cut had about as much angle as a rainbow. It didn’t help he threw it behind him but it was absolutely the wrong decision. So was the first, so was the second, so was the fumble. Enough excuse making for Josh he blew it and needs to get his head in the game ASAP.
  11. Which is exactly why a paid propagandist of the Bills should be keeping her mouth shut about any players but especially the #2 guy on the team. I mean her job is to toe the company line and promote whatever story lines the Bills media department wants to get out there. Talking crap about your #2 star player, whether it was in jest or not, is a bad look for her and the franchise It’s not misogynistic to say an employee of the Bills caught on tape talking smack about a player is an idiot. I’d say the same thing about Chris Brown or Sal C but Sal wouldn’t say a negative word about the Bills if you had a gun to his head.
  12. All you white knights riding to Maddy’s defense can contribute to her Go Fund Me when she’s on the unemployment line. I have no idea if she’s good or bad because I don’t listen to Bills Propaganda Reporters (including Sal C). What I do know is that if you are a paid member of a franchise’s media team you DO NOT trash the star players even in jest. Why? Because some idiot will record it and post it on the internet and YOU become a key player in yet another franchise distraction. That’s a fireable offense. Period. Has nothing to do with how ridiculous the whole situation is (because it’s really nothing). It’s the sheer idiocy of putting yourself and the team in a bad light when you are PAID by the team.
  13. Diggs Responds Didn't think he'd respond. Goodbye Maddy! (Somone else can embed the tweet better haha)
  14. Josh threw a horrible ball on that out route to Davis that got picked but if Gabe rounded out that cut any more it would have been a sphere
  15. Bad look for a bad reporter when you are on the team payroll and talking sht about a star player even if it’s in jest. I don’t think Stef could care less about Mandy Glab’s opinion on anything and he won’t acknowledge this little hiccup. Why anyone listens to any Bills reporter paid by the team (Sal C included he’s the worst) is beyond me. They are paid propagandists and we get nothing insightful from them.
  16. I’ve been a Dorsey skeptic but he wasn’t the problem. Dorsey called a good game against the defense that has been giving Josh fits since halfway through last year - the 2 high safety with quarters/palms coverage. Rush 4, 7 in coverage, rush contained with your eye out for Josh to run. The way to beat this is with an effective running game and throws to the flats/slants/middle until it forces them to bring a safety down or change the coverage. Do any of you guys watch the All-22? You don’t have to be a film guru to see what was going on especially when you take the emotion out of it. The running game was meh especially between the tackles and you can chalk that up to one of the best D-lines we will see. The outside gap/zones worked better getting James to the edge. The only criticism I have for Dorsey is he could have stuck to the outside runs a little more. Other than that, if you watch the All-22, you can see guys were open in the short/intermediate area all game long. Josh took them in the beginning then for whatever reason just flat out ignored them in the second half. Again, you don’t have to be a film guru to see Knox/Diggs/Kincaid open for obvious first downs when Josh chose to go elsewhere. I asked Marino via Subtxt if he could tell from the film if this was Josh just making bad decisions or if he was losing his field vision which would be much more problematic. His response was that in his opinion it was very obvious Josh saw the open shorter routes and just chose to play hero ball. He said with the 3 different views he could get a good look at where Josh was looking and he just wasn’t pulling the trigger in the early part of the progressions. I’d be much more concerned if this were a “reading the D/lack of vision” problem. The only positive out of this is that it’s fixable. Now we are going on over half a season with Josh talking the talk but not transferring that into the game. Maybe, just maybe this game was humbling enough for Josh to start playing within the game script and listening to his coaches. Make no mistake, Josh wears his heart on his sleeve and he knows he cost the team this game. That can’t sit well. I just hope it’s enough to get him to settle down and start listening to his coaches because the plays were there to be made he just chose not to make them.
  17. Just win baby In terms of the Bills, it solves everything
  18. Until this is corroborated by someone other than a guy hoping to make bank on a discrimination law suit, I’ll withhold judgement. Terry very well be a closet racist, I don’t think so and hope not, but you don’t destroy a man’s reputation based on one guy’s statement who has a huge financial incentive for people to believe its true.
  19. Josh’s issues are 100% mental. The question is, can he get get back to a more calm mindset during games and if so how long will that take? He was almost in a manic state out there. Throwing his body around, scrambling out of clean pockets, heaving backyard bombs to the other team. I’m not a huge Dorsey fan, but his gameplan was not the problem. That’s EXACTLY how you attack a 2 deep shell with quarters or palm coverage. You hit the flats/slants/middle and run the ball (effectively) until the safeties start to creep down or they switch out of it. That’s football 101! Mahomes had the exact same problem and worked his way through it. Josh either doesn’t trust Dorsey’s gameplan or simply doesn’t have the patience to see it through. If it’s the latter we are in deep sht because every team is going to play him the same way until he demonstrates he’s mastered it. I think he has the football intelligence to turn it around. He knows he let his team down big time. Hopefully that humbles him enough to stop going off script when he doesn’t need to and start trusting the game plans that are developed.
  20. Eh, ask me after Miami where I think Josh’s head is at. I’ll tell you though, for the first time in years I had no confidence in Josh when he got the ball in OT. Josh was: 1) Inaccurate 2) Made poor decisions 3) Didn’t protect himself 4) Flustered in the pocket resulting in being 5) a turnover machine That’s about as poor a QB performance as you can put on. But, it’s only game 1 of a long season. Josh has earned a chance to right the ship. I think he will.
  21. What’s the main Bears message board? I was trying to creep on some Edmunds talk but every site I tried was absolutely dead. Like Pats* fans without Brady dead
  22. That was a horrible DPI but won’t matter, Giants are going to get waxed. Dabol coming down to earth and they should have used some of that Daniel Jones money to pay an O-line. Bunch of turnstiles out there
  23. Mahomes looked like Josh last year needing to do it all himself and hoping someone besides himself makes a play once in a while
  24. KC looked like the Bills so many games last year. They get blown out if Mahomes didn’t put that team on his back and basically will them to any points. KC has a tackle problem. Neither looked good, and Taylor was absolutely atrocious. Every coach in the NFL is blowing up the league office complaining about Taylor lining up 5 yards off the LOS and false starting every play. I can’t imagine he’s going to get away with that the rest of the season. Hutchinson was destroying him despite all that but it did give Mahomes that extra half second and that’s all he needs. All that being said, I fully expect KC to bounce back and be there at the end. If that were the Bills, the majority of this board would be saying the season is over and a few would be so happy they’d die from viagra induced heart attacks
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