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Everything posted by RunTheBall

  1. Why are people getting bent over Tim Grahams tweet? It didn’t add anything to the conversation. It didn’t add anything we didn’t already know. Once AZ’s asking price was leaked, every one of us knew Beane wasn’t paying that and likely no other team would as well. So we all knew that unless AZ lowered their asking price (“significant change”), we weren’t pulling that trigger. So what exactly does Tim Graham reveal here? Nothing.
  2. McD has plans to change the D, I think that’s becoming more and more obvious. If we had retained Edmunds they might have just tweaked it, but with Tremaine gone and no one with his athletic traits available to take that role, McD is taking the opportunity to change things up big time. I expect we are going to see a Big Dime package with 3 safeties on the field, our standard Nickle package but the responsibilities will be adjusted, and more varied blitzes from different angles. After a year of tweaking it during the season I’d expect him to name a DC in 2024 but who knows, he may just keep the play calling if it goes well. I’m just glad we aren’t running back the exact same scheme that’s getting stale and is in need of some adjusting.
  3. In! Dhop doesn’t guarantee a SB but it’s definitely a move in the right direction at the right price. I trust Bean to make that call.
  4. 1) IDK if this is unpopular but Dorsey’s inability to adjust the offense to the adjustments defenses made against us after the first 1/3rd of the season is the biggest reason we struggled up until tanking in the playoffs 2) Kim Pegula’s health issue had no impact with the on-field performance. Same as the Top’s shooting. Hamlin’s issue had a severe negative impact on the team even with his miraculous recovery 3) Josh’s decision making was very poor in 2022 culminating in the playoff loss. His lack of faith in the O-line was the main reason 4) Beane and McD have no hot seat. There is little pressure from above.
  5. I think it’s pretty simple - the players ran out of gas and the gameplan sucked. Both Dorsey and Frazier were completely outmatched. Even if the players came out of the tunnel fired up and ready to go (which they clearly weren’t) I don’t think we win that game with game plan we had on both sides of the ball.
  6. I’d keep Brown at RT for another season. Dorsey has a specific play called the Brown Turnstile. That’s where Spencer gets smoked immediately so Josh rolls right and throws bombs. We see it often.
  7. I remember the day when we sucked and the best part of the season was the free agency period when we’d overpay to bring in some declining big name player and hope would spring anew I’m glad those days are gone and we have a GM who swings for the fences from time to time but also doesn’t feel the need to make the fans happy with splash free agency signings right off the bat. My gut says they are pushing for Wagner to fill the gaping LB hole then we will fill the other holes with mid-range free agent signings before the draft. I don’t expect a big WR trade but wouldn’t mind it.
  8. Until I saw he signed with the Bears I thought McBeane was going to keep him at a ridiculous amount. I’m happy I was wrong and I think it shows the evolution at OBD in their thinking about how to construct the roster. My guess is Beane floated an extension during the early part of the season and knew right then he was going to lose Edmunds when he got rebuffed. So now we get to re-allocate resources to the offense which has been somewhat neglected the past couple years. I wish Tremaine well, he will be tough but not impossible to replace and certainly not worth 18 million a year.
  9. Fletcher was the classic TBD whipping boy who was blamed for tackling too far down the field yet went on to have a solid career after we ran him out of town. Edmunds is a good LB, he’s not 18-20 million a year good. Reid/Mahomes abuse him regularly, using his lack of instincts against him. Burrows had no problem completing short passes over the middle despite Edmunds 27 foot wingspan. I like Tremaine and am all in on keeping him at a reasonable price but he’s not signing for 15 mil/year. I still think McBeane love some Edmunds though so until I see he’s signed somewhere else I’ll keep banging that drum.
  10. This team has way too many Ed Olivers. Guys with perceived talent who show flashes but are not consistent game changers, disappear in the playoffs, then want to get paid like they are All-Pro (I have no problem with players getting paid I just don’t want us to be the ones to overpay) IDK if this is a talent evaluation problem or poor development from our assistant coaches Can anyone tell me why Washington still has a job? Seriously, I’m not a D-line guru but has he developed one guy to their potential?
  11. Thank you! The constant doom and gloom every time another team signs a marginal player is hilarious.
  12. The writing was on the wall with Poyer last off season. I’ve been saying for years McBeane were going to sign Edmunds to a large extension and value him more than we do, so I’ll believe he’s gone when he signs somewhere else. I would have thought Beane would sign him during the season, and maybe he tried, but what he’s doing now is waiting to see what Edmunds can get on the open market and then see if we can come close. Beane has a number in mind, we are going to find out if other teams see him as worth more than we fans do.
  13. I think it’s pretty obvious McBeane wanted a new play caller on defense and let Frazier save face by saying he’s taking a year off and not needing to announce they weren’t going to renew his contract. Now why Washington is still coaching the D-line when that unit has underachieved for years I can’t explain. Not one D-lineman has been coached to his perceived potential. Maybe Groot, we will see. The rest are either an indictment on Beane’s ability to evaluate D-line talent or Washington’s ability to develop them.
  14. A bunch of millineals and Gen Z worked up over an instagram follow. Friggin Gold Jerry! Who’d a thunk it?
  15. Not holding KC’s receivers right off the line during 13 seconds was complete coaching malpractice and even if McD didn’t call that play he’s responsible for not overruling Frazier. Frazier is done. I don’t care what the regular season looks like. Getting destroyed in 3 straight playoff games is more than enough evidence he can’t get us over the hump.
  16. Poyer is done. He’s played great for us, a true warrior. But he’s an aging vet playing through multiple injuries who’s looking to get paid. I get it from his point of view, but unless he comes back on a somewhat team friendly deal I can’t see us retaining him.
  17. Trimball was wrong more often than he was right with player injuries this season. He’s not a medical doctor he’s a doctor of physical therapy. Anyway, he’s correct about the elbow influencing short throws but those are more the screens, bubble screens and wheel routes where he’s throwing at or behind the line of scrimmage. The intermediate game didn’t suffer because of Josh’s elbow, it suffered because Dorsey sucked at making adjustments to what defenses did to take away his bread and butter concepts. Teams schemed to take away the first couple of reads on the high/low concept and crossers. Because our O-line sucked, Josh had no time to get further in his progression and turned into “Make a play Josh”. The offense had good stats because Josh is an alien, not because Dorsey schemed up easy open throws. That’s going to be the biggest question mark going forward with Dorsey. I fully expect the offense to come out guns blazing. Once teams get some tape, they will scheme to slow it down. Can Dorsey then adjust to those adjustments? We will find out. If he doesn’t, the team will make another early exit.
  18. They didn’t get away from what they were doing well, teams schemed to take it away. They had 8 weeks of game film, saw what Dorsey liked to call regularly, then took the early reads away. Dorsey never adjusted or his adjustments sucked given the O-line limitations.
  19. Josh should have sat out 4 weeks after the partial UCL tear. The fact that he didn’t and we still were able to win games - man, what a friggin warrior. It definitely affected his accuracy and ability to make behind the LOS throws as those put more stress on the elbow, so the bubble screens and rare wheel route went out the window. There is a lot of good content out there breaking down why the Offense started to stall, especially Cover-1’s stuff. The main issue was as his elbow improved, Dorsey absolutely crapped the bed. The combo of Dorsey getting figured out and Josh getting hurt caused the lull after Week 9. Josh got better, Dorsey didn’t. Teams figured out Dorsey’s goto plays and so schemed to take away Josh’s first 2 reads. Since our O-line was a friggin sieve, especially Roger Turnstile Saffold, Josh never had the time to get further in the progression so it always looked like the play call was “Hey Josh, go make a play” Good play callers adjust to the defensive adjustments. Dorsey never did. Moving forward can he? Idk. We are going to find out. Without a significant overhaul of this horrendous offensive line I don’t think it matters who’s calling the plays.
  20. I’ll believe it when I see it. McBeane love Edmunds. I think they will pay him. I’m not saying I think it’s the right move, I just don’t see them letting him go.
  21. Worst call in SB history. Refs ruined what was going to be one of the best SBs ever played At least KC gets an asterisk now like all of the Pats* superbowls
  22. The reason Gabe gets all the deep shots is because he is horrible at getting separation in the short/intermediate area. That DB in the beginning of the season nailed it- Gabe only runs 3 routes. We all dismissed that as garbage but in retrospect it’s true. I don’t blame Gabe for not meeting the expectations as a true #2. He got the chance to step up, he failed, so this team must get a better option at #2 for next year and put Gabe back in the 3/4 WR position where he can excel.
  23. Gabe has proven he is not a legit number 2. He’s a very good #3. I don’t think we can waste another year hoping he will progress without bringing in someone who has a better than average chance of winning that #2 spot. Gabe is a limited route runner without speed who does not separate early which accounts for his abysmal short and intermediate route numbers. I’m not even talking about his drops and lack of contested catches. He’s been figured out and he isn’t making teams pay for doubling Diggs on almost every snap. We need a legit #2 who can run the whole route tree or at least more than Davis is capable of.
  24. Late to the party but Shanahan not challenging that 4th down catch is a humongous big game coaching disaster. It will be completely forgotten about since Purdy injured his UCL same way Josh did. He’s done, 49ers are done. Eagles with the easiest path to the SB in history. Good for them, they took advantage of it and actually had a DE who could get to the passer to force Brock out. No one on Buffalo outside of Von would even have that opportunity to make the play.
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