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Everything posted by Strethor

  1. I changed my Pick'em last minute and was almost certain we were going down a "Roman part 2" type offensive collapse and ready to throw Peterman in there -- I'll eat crow in two places: -Criticizing Beane (thought we were surely headed for a tank..) -Blaming Taylor for Dennison's horrible calls My criticism at least thus far directed at TT should have been more directed at Dennison. Proud of the direction our team is headed specifically the defense and McDermott - although he needs to learn how to call time outs!
  2. Going into the season our schedule looked very very tough. Now it looks manageable and if our defense keeps up it could be a magical year!
  3. I'm not going to lie, I thought secondary was going to be our biggest weakness due to the turn over. Every edition has been absolutely fantastic - I couldn't be happier.
  4. This is what it's all about right here! Grinding it out!
  5. Impressive considering all of them are fresh faces and balling out
  6. Bad choice by Vance.. The momentum is already all on our side
  7. PA + rollouts it only took what 3 games to figure out
  8. This Taylor is fun to watch.. Sadly you never know what your gonna get
  9. The man who formally screamed his name in Eagles practices as he juked defenders is calling people !@#$s.. Like Trump or not he's no Mother Theresa that's for sure
  10. Taylor should be able to audible out of runs on first down.. What a disaster 1st down McCoy no gain 2nd down incomplete 3rd down short of sticks
  11. Thats such a slap in the face to the defense.. I need more time to judge Dennison
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