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Everything posted by Strethor

  1. Tyrod always plays well against Miami, the play will dip vs NE but it could be enough to inch us in the playoffs
  2. Saw this on reddit "Mowins sounds like a 13 year old boy practicing his newscaster voice"
  3. Remember the Shady - Alonso beef on Instagram? Shady making him look like a fool
  4. Cadet's burst... Tolbert was taking his spot for 75% of the year unbelievable
  5. Taylor just earned us a 4th round pick instead of a 5th
  6. I feel like McCoy almost dies at least 3 times per year.. Please be okay
  7. Drake was super open thank god cutler chose to miss deep there
  8. I would not exactly call that a drop, just a horrible throw to the flat tbh
  9. Just tuned in, did not expect us to score so fast haha
  10. The investment in surrounding areas interests me if you could link me to something that shows that that would be cool
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