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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. That's the narrative, many people from the left live inside a bubble, and only believe what they are spoonfed, and it's hard to blame them because you have "journalists" from left wing organizations that purport to be "objective" media outlets that like to depict their own false accounts.


    Think about it, look how loony jw is, he's a reporter for the AP, and you know the rest of the loons that he works with are on par with him.

  2. How about the weather in the gulf area stirring up images of Katrina and a negative association with bush Romney'd rather not have? I think the media like Anderson cooper got away with murder painting an image of insufficient response on an uncaring George bush, but fact is they did and after Akin-gate another negative association this is last thing Romney needs right now


    Ghost of Katrina hovers over Republican National Convention in Tampa http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/stateroundup/ghost-of-katrina-hovers-over-republican-national-convention-in-tampa/1248241

    You're like a parrot, but dumber

  3. assurant mack daddy plan.... emailed him quotehttp://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80306.html?hp=t1_3


    With two days on the road as a hurricane heads toward New Orleans, President Barack Obama is shredding the final remnants of a venerable tradition in presidential politics: Each party takes a break from campaigning during the other party’s convention.

    The notion of a convention “truce” took a hit four years ago, when both Obama and Republican John McCain opted for a few campaign jaunts during the other’s party gathering.


    But such a high-profile campaign swing — the first by a sitting president during his opponent’s convention in recent history — marks a counter-programming offensive that ends what traditionalists consider a last vestige of civility in an age of non-stop partisan combat.




    The great Unifier


  4. It's humorous to see how loony leftists view things. They believe that if you object to their asinine policies, that have without doubt failed the country, you are somehow an obstructionist. I'm glad that their is a party that is completely opposed to virtually everything the president does, because if he had his way, we'd be in worse shape than what we are today.


    Obama had full control his first two years, and they passed everything he wanted during that time period, and what do we have to show for it? A ****ty ass economy.


    That's the incompetent Obama for you.

  5. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80288.html?hp=r11


    Police in Tampa stopped a dozen anti-war protesters from entering an event attended by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after the group said it intended to arrest her for war crimes.


    The protesters from Code Pink carried handcuffs Tuesday and tried to enter a performing arts center. Rice was attending an event in conjunction with the Republican National Convention. They said they wanted to make a citizen's arrest of Rice. She was George W. Bush's National Security Adviser when the Iraq War started in 2003.

    Officers told protesters to leave because they were on private property. They went back to the sidewalk and several lay down under sheets made to look like they were blood-splattered.






    So they protest against the ex Bush administration but are largely silent against the current administrations stance in the middle east, even though they escalated the war.

  6. I happen to agree with you... The debates will be extremely important, as well as the conventions. Obama is already a known product, the verdict is in, and he gets poor marks on the economy. No matter how beautiful of a speech he gets, it won't change how they feel about his stewardship of the economy. Romney stands more to gain and lose regarding the conventions, he is more of an unknown product, if he comes across as competent, he will gain a structural advantage of gaining some of those undecideds that disapprove of Obama.


    So I believe the conventions are vitally important for Romney.

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