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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. That's the narrative, many people from the left live inside a bubble, and only believe what they are spoonfed, and it's hard to blame them because you have "journalists" from left wing organizations that purport to be "objective" media outlets that like to depict their own false accounts. Think about it, look how loony jw is, he's a reporter for the AP, and you know the rest of the loons that he works with are on par with him.
  2. The AP "objective" ? Remember the time they sent 15 reporters to fact check Sarah Palin? That was a good one
  3. The anxiety from the loony left is beginning to peak
  4. You would of never noticed the ethnic diversity of the speakers if you were watching it on MSNBC.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, which I may be, he was "outed" by FOX
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obamas-evolution-behind-the-failed-grand-bargain-on-the-debt/2012/03/15/gIQAHyyfJS_story.html The Right Wing WAPO has a totally different take on what transpired on the debt deal. Let's put it this way, it was Obama who backed out of the deal, and he backed out because he was afraid of his base. And that's what happened.
  7. CNNs has excellent election night coverage, their convention coverage not so much.
  8. Colin Powell, yeah like that would ever happen
  9. I don't believe he's "trolling", he honestly believes the narrative that has been propogated from the left.
  10. I can't help that you have the memory of an old fart with alzheimers. We've had this discussion before, if you aren't capable of retaining the information from previous discussions, then I can't and won't help you by repeating it once again.
  11. How about ambassador to Austria?
  12. uh oh, he said "plain and simple", so I guess that settles it.
  13. assurant mack daddy plan.... emailed him quotehttp://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80306.html?hp=t1_3 The great Unifier
  14. It's humorous to see how loony leftists view things. They believe that if you object to their asinine policies, that have without doubt failed the country, you are somehow an obstructionist. I'm glad that their is a party that is completely opposed to virtually everything the president does, because if he had his way, we'd be in worse shape than what we are today. Obama had full control his first two years, and they passed everything he wanted during that time period, and what do we have to show for it? A ****ty ass economy. That's the incompetent Obama for you.
  15. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80288.html?hp=r11 Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80288.html#ixzz24sIlOtHq So they protest against the ex Bush administration but are largely silent against the current administrations stance in the middle east, even though they escalated the war.
  16. You know what I find to be compassionate? When you support a man whose ideology you share, that bets against the well being of a country, and as a result of his own greed, bankrupts thousands of middle class families. I find that to be compassionate.
  17. If there is anyone who looks foolish, it certainly isn't GG.
  18. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/27/gingrich_to_chris_matthews_racist_to_say_food_stamp_refers_to_black.html
  19. So I suppose you were one of the left wing dipshits who voted for the lefty radical Obama. Thanks for nothing
  20. I happen to agree with you... The debates will be extremely important, as well as the conventions. Obama is already a known product, the verdict is in, and he gets poor marks on the economy. No matter how beautiful of a speech he gets, it won't change how they feel about his stewardship of the economy. Romney stands more to gain and lose regarding the conventions, he is more of an unknown product, if he comes across as competent, he will gain a structural advantage of gaining some of those undecideds that disapprove of Obama. So I believe the conventions are vitally important for Romney.
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