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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. That people get their news from Comedy Central
  2. That's not what I asked, you said that the GOP has a gender problem, and considering the polls are dead even, and that there are only two genders, if the GOP has a gender problem, then I guess that means.....
  3. I didn't say you were, you said the GOP had a gender gap issue, so I'm asking you if the Dem's do to?
  4. If the GOP has a gender gap problem, then I guess the Dem's do to, right?
  5. Gov. Walker on MSNBC : Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80439.html#ixzz252wgDEBq
  6. She did have a great speech by nearly all accounts, and of course, Ryan did exactly what he was suppose to do, which was speak highly and effectively of Romney, placed a searing indictment on the Obama administration, and not in such a partisan way, but in a way that didn't turn off independents, and his jabs towards Obama were extremely poignant That was hilarious and this Ouch! I saw CNN had a focus group of "swing voter independents" and asked of the effectiveness of his speech, they almost all raised their hands. Then the moderator asked, do you believe that Ryan appears to be "extreme" the way the Obama administration portrays, and not a single hand was raised. This guy has won elections in a swing county in Wisconsin with over 60% in every single election, the attempt to portray him anything different than he is will mainly fall upon deaf ears, except of course for the hard core loony lefties. He did what he was suppose to, and now we'll see how Romney does, which of course is much more important.
  7. Condi and Ryan both had excellent speeches. Ryan eviscerated the Obama administration. And good luck trying to paint him as an "extremist".
  8. Obamas convention theme: 4 more contraceptives! We're all getting !@#$ed It's on me
  9. You gotta understand LA, this is a highly polarized election, and "journalists" are largely left wingers, they can't help it, they see things from a particular prism and they are naturally going to write pieces that are going to show everything conservatives do in a negative light and liberals more positively. For instance, I was checking out CNN's coverage yesterday, everything Dana Bash was reporting she was trying to find a conflict. She couldn't do any fluff pieces, nothing to celebrate their "moment", just conflict. Same goes with Politico. Look at the articles that are written, 75% of the articles somehow have a negative tilt to it. I guarantee you that when the Dem's have their convention, that it won't be the same sort of coverage. I'm sure you've heard how Mitt Romney has this "gender" problem. Right? Here is what I find to be hilarious, and it's amazing how no one has busted them on this. If Romney has a gender problem, and considering that there are only two genders, and the polls are tied. Then guess what? Obama has a gender problem too? If I was a Romney surrogate and I was asked that question, I would repeat the point I just brought up, and ask them if they are going to bring up this gender issue the next time they speak to an Obama surrogate.
  10. You know what else they did yesterday? All the minority speakers, latinos and blacks that spoke at the convention yesterday, they cut from their speeches to their commentary so that they could not show the diverse ethnicities at the convention from the GOP. Really, they are much worse than FOX, I mean FOX at least pretends to be "fair and balanced" MSNBC are just like straight up hard core loons.
  11. You can't make this **** up. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/29/msnbc_mitch_mcconnell_saying_obama_wants_to_be_in_pga_is_racist.html
  12. Yes, Sandra Fluke will be promising that Obama will protect women's vagina's across the country, Eva Langoria will promise that Obama will protect Latina women's vagina's, and Obama will hope that everyone has sudden amnesia of the horrible economy of the past four years, and run on Clinton's economy. Should be awesome
  13. This thread has suddenly become bizarrely gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  14. Lefties can say it till they are blue in the face that "Obama was taken out of context", and it's still not gonna change the fact that in context it was much worse than the snippet in question.
  15. The mandate for Obama if he wins: To protect womens vaginas from GOP extremists.
  16. He's on your "team" (*^*&%^$^#
  17. On a hot mic, reporter David Chalian of Yahoo News said that Ann and Mitt Romney are "happy to have a party with black people drowning." Here's audio: The comments were made during an ABC/Yahoo livestream, when the reporters believed that microphones were off. The comments appear to be in reference to the Republican convention going on even as Hurricane Isaac hits the coast. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/reporter-romneys-happy-have-party-black-people-drowning_651119.html It's like they share the same mind.
  18. I suppose so, I really haven't read up on it, just seemed to remember something along the lines of him getting "outed" by FOX. I would have to agree, it does appear to be pretty stupid, and he very well may be incriminating himself.
  19. I don't give two ***** about Sarah Palin, I find her to be insufferable. This goes way back, well before you arrived here at PPP, and anyone who has the capacity to see things objectively knows that AP is a left wing media outlet.
  20. When you talk politics, people have stopped taking you seriously a long time ago jw.
  21. Sure sure, you keep telling yourself that
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