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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. From the IBD http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/083012-624188-so-called-fact-checks-disguise-media-liberal-agenda.htm?src=HPLNews MSNBC tried to ding Gov Walker regarding the GM statement from Ryan, and Walker took them to school. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/ryan-freaks-out-obamaland/2012/08/30/be97852e-f2ac-11e1-adc6-87dfa8eff430_blog.html
  2. No, it's not practical for a wide variety of reasons. But think about this for a second, the value of paper money if linked to gold, would be partially determined on the supply and availability of gold. Does that make any sense to you?
  3. I thought the substance of Christie's speech was fine, but considering the setting, not so much.
  4. If you mean winning half of the polls in Florida as not doing well, then okey dokey. http://www.realclear...obama-1883.html You come up with some odd stuff and all the states that he has to win, guess what? he's within a point in every single one of them, and the trend has moved sharply in his direction over the past few weeks.
  5. So out of the 5 big speakers, Ann Romney, Chris Christie, Rubio, Ryan and Romney. They all got good reviews, other than Christie.
  6. He's gotta win Florida. And again, the "fact check" is working to their advantage, it remains a story. The welfare and Medicare issues are polling really well for them. They will continue to hammer these points home. It's amazing how they caught the Obama campaign flat footed on the Medicare issue. Who would of thought that conservatives would be tied to winning on Medicare? It's pretty extraordinary
  7. Not at all, first off, what he said was true, secondly, they are delighted that this is remaining to be a story. They were interviewing the insiders and they expressed lots of enthusiasm that they couldnkeep the debate going,mwhich is why they sent Ryan on interviews. I saw his interviews and he answered all of them the way you would expec he would. With clarity. The Medicare argument is a huge winner . The welfare argument, another winner. The GM one,new will see
  8. How's Derek jeter doing this year?
  9. I don't think those undecided voters will care whatsoever about eastwood. They may feel that he looked old, but people like him and will cut him some slack, except the hard core partisans of course. Again, my guess is that Romney structurally improved his likability ratings a little.
  10. Probably not but Michigan is looking good. Check out rcp ...mitt down 1.2%. He has closed the gap dramatically ever since the pick of Ryan
  11. The most helpful part of the night for Romney wasn't Rubio or Rubio but those testimonials. It "humanized" him and showed a side of him that not many people were aware of. My guess is that he structurally improved his "likability" ratings
  12. I don't believe anyone really expects Romney to wow anyone with a speech. What those 5-10% of undecided voters that were tuning in were thinking is " do I think he's competent enough to get the job done?". And my guess is that there are quite a few independents that will be willing to take a chance on him. In regards to Eastwood , I love the guy, looked old and semi confused at times and my guess is that the most vitriolic sleazy of the left will attack the man. Good luck in that being something that will play well with independents.
  13. She's not a politician.
  14. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/08/30/matthews_claims_to_live_in_black_majority_dc_but_lives_in_md_suburb.html These Clowns out do each other every single day.
  15. Dude, you've got some weird taste, but hey, to each his own
  16. Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80467_Page2.html#ixzz254IJZ2On
  17. Die Thread! DIE!!!!!
  18. Did you just say "CHICAGO" ? You !@#$ing racist /Chris Matthews
  19. Paul Ryan, starring in the NY times rendition of 'The Son of Satan' http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/new-york-times-puts-son-satan-ryan-front-page_651233.html
  20. http://thehill.com/conventions-2012/gop-convention-tampa/246703-dems-acknowledge-ryan-gave-an-effective-speech That is about as close as praise as you will ever hear from the other side.
  21. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/general_election_romney_vs_obama-1171.html
  22. you're hardly a hack. I just like busting balls, thats all
  23. In that case, my bad.
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