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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. The initial reaction from a couple surrogates were on the defensive. But that has changed, Stuart, Romney and even Ann have all come out in support, not to mention all the conservatives on the web. Hell, even bill maher thought it was funny. Regarding his speech, your not the type that would ever like any conventional type of speech. Your type of candidate couldn't get elected
  2. They do, I've been reading the interviews with their "insiders" and they are delighted to keep this discussion going. Did you see the Scott walker interview on msnbc? Maddow, sharp ton and some other loon tried to pin him down on the Janesville question, and he answered effectively to the point that you could see the visible frustration on their faces. As a matter of fact he just pinned up an op Ed on politico this morning, keeping the discussion alive. They know this is a winner. Also they trotted Ryan out on three interviews with the networks, and he was so successful with the CNN interview that they conceded to his point. Regarding the network coverage. I like watching CNN's election night coverage, but the coverage for the conventions was horrible. Dana bash the entire time was looking for controversies and conflict at the convention floor the entire time. Also every time there was a speechd from one of the candidates they looked to constantly rebut points. I will look to watch their coverage at the dem's convention and see if Dana bash looks with the same intensity of seeking conflict at their conventions and see if their commentary after each speech is similar.
  3. No one takes the loon seriously
  4. Like anyone really cares what you think And seriously, what kind of loser places his initials after each Internet post?
  5. I believe that the overall popular vote should decide the outcome of the elections, that way everyones vote actually counts.
  6. They haven't said it yet, but I'm guessing sometime soon you will hear from them that the chanting from the crowd of U-S-A will be interpreted as racist.
  7. You're right, you did say that... my bad
  8. I didn't even catch that. Geez, Fji2nd is about as bat schitt crazy as the most extremist voices from the loons on MSNBC
  9. More like "invisible leadership"
  10. I'm predicting that it has blow out box office ticket sales. If there is one thing that Conservatives do extremely well, that is support their own.
  11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/30/poll-romney-takes-lead-ov_n_1844512.html Not likely. The electorate is so highly polarized, I would expect a modest bounce. Most people have already made up their minds, and it's a matter of turnout. Conservatives are much more energized, but there are more Democrats, so the Dem's don't have to match the same enthusiasm as the Conservatives. Poll after poll is showing that Romney has a healthy lead with Independents, so it's up to them to make sure that they show up to the polls, without them, he loses.
  12. Using Media Matters to argue a point that someone didn't act left wing enough is
  13. Personally, he seemed like at times he was struggling for words. Sure, he had some funny moments, but that was my impression. However, when I asked my father of what he thought, overall he thought he was funny. My coworker this morning thought he was funny, and he's a moderate Democratic. When I told him of the left wing criticism of Eastwood, he thought that their criticism was ridiculous, and said "geez, he's 82 years old, he was funny to me"
  14. If I was advising the Romney surrogates, I would tell them to all ACT outraged and shocked that the Obama camp is attacking an American legendary and aging Icon in Clint Eastwood. Political jujitsu
  15. In other words, Oh ****! Romney is going to LA. I better follow what he's doing, I don't want to get outdone.
  16. Fact Checkers are getting hammered over the past couple days. There is pushback coming from all Conservative quarters. The GM, Medicare and Welfare arguments fact checks are all getting smashed. At the end of the day, the fact checkers aren't changing anyone's minds. I was reading how the Romney camp was happy for this to be the discussion, which is why they sent Ryan out on three interviews just to keep the discussion alive. He made such a convincing argument, that CNN reversed their position.
  17. Honestly, I think both camps feel uneasy. And leading and losing in two polls by no rational observation can be considered "securely". Again, declaratives don't have impact when evidence doesn't support those statements. The lead in the RCP is 1 point, it's not "secure" Geez JA, just admit that it's razor tight, no need to be so hard headed And yes, it has changed, OHIO just a few weeks ago was +5 now it's + 1.4 VA was +4 now it's +.6 Florida was + 2 now it's +1 Iowa was +3.4 now it's + .2 Michigan was +7.5 now it's +1.2 NV was +6.5 now it's +4 make that 3.3 CO was +4.6 now it's +1 Those are facts, the only person who is "blind" here is you http://www.realclear...obama-1171.html National polls +.5 smallest lead yet
  18. We have different definitions of "not doing well" leading in half the polls from my perspective is neutral, you see it as "not doing well". I recognize the fact that the polls have all moved in Romney's favor since the Ryan selection, that is an undeniable fact, for some peculiar reason you view it differently. I show you polls to back up my assertions, such as the Michigan polling data. You back up your claims with self-inspired declaratives. so while you call it disheartening, most observers call it encouraging.
  19. Funny you mention that, my father who isn't that political, saw the convention last night. I spoke with him afterwards and we both made the observation that Eastwood is lookin kinda old, and we both seemed to share the view that it was unfortunate (for Eastwood) that he was out there. However, when I told him that hard core left wingers were ripping Eastwood for sounding old and muddled, it elicited a strong reaction from my father. The White House tweeting remarks childishly disparaging Eastwood my guess won't play well with many seniors.
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