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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. So the materials that went into the ten bicycles you put together, and all the labor downstream expended to turn those materials into a bicycle that you put together, have no worth? The only worth in that $1000 of bicycles is generated by the guy that puts all the parts together?




    That is one of the most ignorant and downright idiotic things posted on this board in the past seven years. You want to know how utterly stupid that is? Ikea furniture is worthless, and you have to put it together yourself, and that logic STILL doesn't work for Ikea.

    You must have a lot of time on your hand to read all that, specially considering the source.

  2. Is that why you took the time to PM me asking you to repeat what I said here in person at the home opener :lol:


    Yes it bounces right off you :lol:

    Did he do that for real? If so, that would be incredibly hypocritical. Specially considering all the talk coming from him chastising " Internet tough guy" talk.



  3. You got me good. You know for someone that goes around calling people an idiot, and at the same time implying that you yourself is not, you should really try to hit me a little harder than, "you're an idiot".


    Next time stay out of crap that doesn't concern you and I'll spare you of my superior ranking skills, okay?


    As far as butchering a movie quote goes, I copied and pasted it from another site. The only change I made was to the F bombs.


    A racist? Me? That's laughable to say the least. I shoot back at others that take shots at me. Check my history, fool, I never start hurling insults until some idiot dogs me first. That's when I annihilate all that come in my path.


    For self proclaimed geniuses around here you people sure don't know how to rank worth a crap, because that's what you're doing when you call someone an idiot, you're saying that you're not. Get off your high horse or I'll knock you off it.

    You're an odd character, who happens to think very highly of himself and I'm guessing a lot higher than what your peers think.

  4. So they can't argue without throwing insults and you proceed to throw insults. :wallbash:


    And I'm glad you like my nickname for you but you do realize it's because you have sticky dough for brains right.

    "You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults"


    I don't even know where to begin

  5. Maybe 2 years ago when he was juicing and still in his prime. Not anymore. Both fighters are on the downside of their career but Mayweather is probably the hardest working professional athlete in the world and one of the most impressive physical specimens the sport has ever seen.


    Pacquaio had a chance to beat him, but that window has closed. He knows it, which is why he's running.

    He's not running, Mayweather wanted him to retake the drug test, the test which pacman had already took , so it was Mayweather who backed out of he first match, the vast majority of ringside analysts agree with that. Now Mayweather wants a 60/40 split, that's the holdup. Pacman has a damn good shot at beating Mayweather, not to mention cotto exposed Mayweathers vulnerabilities.

  6. Doesn't matter, most business owners, corporations, independents and Americans don't like it, oh and the supreme court isn't too hot about it either. The bill will most likely be struck down and as a result more certainty will filter its way into the economy, which will lead to more job hiring and net net, the undoing of the bill will be a good thing that will be cheered on by most Americans

  7. That is one of our main problems here and I don't think anybody has an actual solution to the problem. The Republicans have came up with nothing here. Lowering taxes I guess? And the Democrats approach of just taxing the wealthy isn't going to work. We need more income equality here or wages needs to go up. They have been stagnant for years.


    China is going to be a player in the coming years as their economy grows. They still have a way to go to get the reputation of the U.S. We are going to have to get better at things we are good at - higher education, energy policy, tourism, etc.




    I love this place. Haha. I don't consider myself a "budding economist" by any means. I do enjoy researching and talking about it though. I start my Masters in Applied Economics in the fall! :thumbsup:

    I didn't say that you did, just merely making an observation.



  8. That's what a complete dolt could discern from those articles. Since you fancy yourself as some type of budding economist, you may want to read deeper and see that demand is skyrocketing in China and much of Southeast Asia for luxury goods, not just cosmetics. The growing middle class and wealthy classes are looking to join the game and desire the same creature comforts that their American and European counterparts enjoy. The auto industry is paying particularly close attention to China, where millions of licensed drivers are waiting for the chance to own a car.


    According to a few reputable sources, private equity investment in China and SEA surpassed investment in the US. Its not just China driving PE investment either. Indonesia is the hot market in 2012.


    Shrug it off if you'd like, but American and European investors are looking East right now.

    Based off of the body of work he has provided, not by any stretch of the imagination could any sound thinking person possibly consider him to be "a budding economist".

  9. It's tough for me to B word. My life has been awesome lately because I worked hard at it. too many people want to spend their time complaining instead of making things better for themselves. I'm sorry but if you think the President is holding you back, you're a loser. also, if you think Mitt Romeny is going to change anything, you're out of your mind. It's like poor Southern people who will vote blindly for MR because they don't like BO's "politics." A guy like MR couldn't give 2 craps about those poor folks.


    I hate the 2 party system. I find the crying about left and right mind numbing. It's a classier version of the bloods and crips. Both parties have good stuff and both parties have things that suck. Personally, I went to public and private schools. I have friends and dated people of all races and economic levels. IMO, what makes America great is how diverse our Olympics teams are. But people would rather spend their time bitching about how bad things are. I work in a school and work with Special Olympics. I also coach. I thought Obama was a better choice for President than McCain (who was a better candidate than MR). But I guarantee you this. IF McCain was elected, I'd support the guy 100%. I'd do the same for MR. Because I respect the office and this country.


    IMO, too many people want to make politics RJ vs. Flutie. Personally, I just want to have the guy that wins.

    You are one naive nincompoop

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