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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. I watch both stossel and zakaria, zakaria has good segments on foreign policy and stossel has excellent segments on burdensome regulations and exposes the corrupt nature of many public sector unions and points out the absurdity of certain regulations. I believe them to be both good and serious people. Oh and fared zakaria is a "lib", if you are a liberal, I don't understand why you would be offended by that. He is not a bombastic liberal but a serious thinking one who is very sensible, just like stossel, who simply put is a serious minded and sensible libertarian
  2. It will take either a strong leader to reform the entitlements or the bond markets.
  3. You can lower top marginal rates on both personal income and corporate taxes, broaden the base and that could provide more certainty to the business community while generating more tax revenues.
  4. Bill Clinton knows exactly what he is saying. Without a doubt, the Obama team must be pulling their hair out.
  5. Watch it, that sort of rhetoric could land you in a polish deathcamp.
  6. I believe you are suffering from trauma.
  7. I think what he said was to " arm" them and my guess is that is what Obama will decide.
  8. A couple observations. One, people still get suckered by crayonz. And two, funny how American Jews vote overwhelmingly for liberal politicians, yet it is their own party who is most intolerant towards Israel.
  9. What is wrong with making Wisconsin a right to work state? What is wrong that he is speaking with an out of state 'billionaire"? I'm sorry, but centrists don't share your view, people of Wisconsin seem to be solidly behind Scott walker, and they believe he is doing well for their state. Any sound thinking person should look at the results of how he has saved that state so much money without raising taxes and be appreciative of his efforts. I would suggest listening to less extreme left wing outlets.
  10. I would say that you are being swayed too easily to left wing propaganda
  11. What do you do for a living, to pay your bills etc.?
  12. There was another poll released today that had walker up by 12. I don't believe he will win by that much..,
  13. I'm sure Hillary trusts him to behave well.
  14. Again! Why do I torture myself reading these posts?
  15. I've seen Colin Powell on several networks , promoting his book. I don't know what he's waiting for, he may as well endorse Obama now and not go on with this charade, where he is pretending to see how the campaign unfolds, he's behind completely behind Obama
  16. He's like OC, but with half the brain cells.
  17. You know what pisses me off? I just read that damn post
  18. Who'd a thunk it, Obama, the original tea bagger
  19. That made me laugh out loud silently
  20. There is a market out there for people who appreciate quality and that are willing to pay more. And why am I even responding to marcell?
  21. Virginia, Ohio and Florida are the big three
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