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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. Btw, would you happen to know who won the gov.'s election race in Wisconsin?
  2. The drumbeats were beating much louder from the msm during the plame/Bush era than what we are seeing now. Also, I certainly hope that no one is arguing that the plame leaks was somehow more detrimental to our national security than the risks posed with these leaks.
  3. I can't help that you aren't able to understand what I was saying. No offense of course.
  4. The studies that have been performed regarding tort reform only show demonstrable tangible savings that don't include medical practices that would be positively altered due to a more prudent approach. I would argue the net overall increase of premiums from not implementing tort reform does far more damage from a macro perspective and as a whole to ourr society than the few injustices of failures of protections caused to patients and consumers because of the enactment of the reform.
  5. I just can't possibly see how that will play well with some Wisconsin progressives and union members, specially since they put lots of energy and resources into that election, and all they got was a tweet and a "I was busy" ( of course I'm paraphrasing) Btw, Rasmussen now has Romney up 3 in Wisconsin , and let's not forget Rasmussen was only off by 1 in the recall election and it was in Barrett's favor.
  6. Out of all the "conclusions" that people offered, yours was the most partisan
  7. Basically what you are saying is that you are ignorant when it comes to Mormonism, and that you are too lazy to learn more about it on your own, yet even though you self-admittedly don't know much about the religion you are perfectly willing to share your bigoted non founded views based on stereotypes to anyone who is willing to listen?
  8. Well at least you're open about your bigotry.
  9. I think he was playing it out in his own mind, imagining "liberals go crazy"
  10. This made me laugh out loud a little
  11. I see Romney already blasted Obama at a rally for the private sector "is doing just fine" gaffe. And that it's already being mentioned on politico. For an administration and campaign that received so much praise for their discipline etc. they have really failed at the messaging war since the day he took office on just about every major piece of legislation they pushed , midterms and almost all the special elections, and so far they have been taken to the woodshed by the Romney camapaign.
  12. Is he? It wouldnt surprise me, I thought that comment was odd, actually more of a gaffe. I would imagine you will see his opposition bring that up in a rather mocking way.
  13. Maybe I had it on pause earlier. Oops
  14. There is no link to it yet because he is still answering the question.
  15. This is a perfect example of extreme left wing nutty hyperbole.
  16. I was watching Chris Matthews, just a few minutes ago, he just came up with the excuse that the US business community is purposely holding back on hiring to prevent a second term for Barack Obama. Desperation is beginning to take hold.
  17. Could it be that they were elected on a soecific mandate? A mandate to keep taxes lower and slash spending. That is what they ran on and that is why they were elected, to do just that and not eventually morph into the typical rrepublican who breaks his promise and spends just like the liberal. Thy weren't elected on a mandate to compromise in these issues, that's where you and many others get it wrong, you believe that they' should pretend that that what they ran on should be forgotten or that it never existed. I'm sorry new bills , right or wrong this is what they were elected to do. I am under the belief that elected officials should carry through with their campaign promises, and they will be judged by their convictions the following elections, and if they don't follow through with those promises then the primary process will hold their feet to the fire. What s "extreme" is the status quo of the level of spending from both on the federal and state level. What is extreme is not reforming our entitlement programs. People live in their cozy insulated worlds, and live under these extreme conditions, and since we live in it day to day, we believe that it's just normal, and anything to shake up these insane policies is somehow extreme. It's odd how people who promote fiscal sanity and keeping more of their own money through lower taxes has become extreme, yet spending much more money than we have is somehow acceptable.
  18. Without a doubt, despite all the clumsy vetting of some of the candidates they put up in the 2010 elections, it was their energy that led to the historic 2010 mid term landslide. Shortly after the midterms, they had gone silent and as time passed it appeared that they were going to enter into the land of irrelevance. Recently, that has begun to change, we saw signs of that in some of the primary matchups in utah, Texas and Indiana . Now with this stunningly impressive showing in Wisconsin, it appears that they are back in full force. However there is a caveat, they have to feel inspired. In all the instances where they have shown their strength, there was a perceived conservative cause or candidate and on the surface, mitt Romney doesn't fit the stereotypical tea party hero. However, defeating Obama and supporting tea party candidates in swing states may do the trick for governor Romney . I was very impressed with their efforts, they reportedly made over a million phone calls for governor walker, knocked on thousands of doors and proved that they are a force to reckon with. What's most impressive is that they outperformed expectations and that they reinforced the idea that there is a "silent majority" that still exists and my hunch is that come November, if the polls show a dead heat in some of the crucial swing states that they will outperform again.
  19. I think it's worthy to note that out of all the "independent" polling that was done, that the Marquette and Rasmussen polling was the most accurate with Marquette hitting it exactly at 7% and Rasmussen at 5% for walker. Also that PPP was the furthest off with only 3% for walker along withWeaskamerica at 12% The exit polling gives you a rough idea of what voters were thinking, however the exit polling was off by a wide margin, so even though som exit polls had Obama up 6-8%, considering that exit polls were off anywhere from 3-7%, that would most likely make the margin between Romney and Obama somewhere 2-4%. I was very impressed with the ground game that produced their own "silent majority" I believe this could be a harbinger of things to come in November.
  20. I would argue that without the tea party, that the discussion of deficit reduction wouldn't nearly be as emphasized as if they didn't exist. So I'm thankful that they came about, because it is quite clear that the status quo isn't gonna cut it. So it's just a matter of how?
  21. The tea party has a good goal, which is to limit the size of government and spending, it's just that the implementation of their proposals would be nearly catastrophic. Obama doesn't share that same goal, he wants a bigger government financed by higher taxes which if implemented, over time would have the same catastrophic outcome. The solution is to gradually cut spending and reform the entitlements. Tax increases or significant cuts in this economy is the wrong course to take. We know that Obama isn't the man to do the job, and either would a typical tea party guy such as a rand Paul sort of candidate.
  22. I found this to be humorous, on one of the Sunday talk shows, Paul krugman made the case that Obama is an anti keynesian.
  23. Just like in San Francisco or Vermont they sometimes elect full throated socialists, in rural America they elect tea partiers. The reality is that the base if the left has moved to the extreme fringe and the base of the right has done the same. I will say this, romneys core is more closely aligned to the middle than obamas. Obama is an ideologue, driven by nebulus concepts such as "fairness" that may poll test well with certain segments of the population, but that do nothing to reinvigorate the business community ie economy . Romney on the other hand is driven more so by data, he is more of a technocrat, which I happen to find comforting, however technocrats such as Romney don't inspire people nearly as much as ideologues. So in one hand you have the eloquent ideologue that inspires the leftist base who doesn't have the solutions to get this economy moving as quickly as it should against the bland vanilla technocrat who doesn't inspire but has the better solutions to get the economy moving in a better direction.
  24. You couldn't be more far off, I think this just displays your level of ignorance. I happen to enjoy watching both of these men, the fact tha sto sell stands for everything you hate, which is freedom is an indictment of how flawed of a human being you are. Good luck with your narrowness
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