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Everything posted by WorldTraveller
Enthusiasm favors Romney in Virginia "The most interesting result in Quinnipiac University's new poll of Virginia, showing Mitt Romney and Barack Obama tied, is that the middle class and upper income groups are more enthusiastic than all other income groups about this election. 45% of those making +$100K/year are more enthusiastic this year compared to past years, and 19% say they're less excited. That's a net rating (+26%) that's 14% higher than the next, most enthusiastic group -- those making $50K-$100K. The good news for Romney? These are his strongest groups. To wit: He leads by 10% with those making between $50K-$100K, and by 5% with those making over $100K. The two income groups Obama leads (the less financially successful groups) are the least enthusiastic about this election. The two income groups Romney leads (the more financially successful) are the most enthusiastic about this election. This translates to the economy, as well. The middle class and higher income groups pick Romney by +16% and +8%, respectively. Obama only leads on the economy among lower income groups (which also happen to be the least enthusiastic). Conclusion? Romney is winning the enthusiasm war in Virginia, and in a state that's currently tied, that would be enough to give him the win" This isn't the only troubling sign for the president, two of his key area of supports, which is the under 30 age voters and hispanics are the least enthusiastic sectors out of the electorate, and we're not talking about by a few points, but in the double digits, the least enthusiastic they've been to vote in a long time. Also, NPR just released their polling today, and for the 12 swing states, they have it notched even at 47-47 On the other hand, as you see here, if you look at gallups enthusiasm ratings, the older segment of the electorate is more enthusiastic to vote than in previous years, which means if this holds true going into November, Romney wins. Its as simple as that
Last three polls to come out of Virginia , Purple state strateg poll, Obama 46-44 Rasmussen Obama 45-44 Today's quinnipiac. Obama 44-44 Keep in mind that undecideds usually largely break against the incumbent and that Obama has vastly outspent Romney over the past6 weeks by a 2-1 margin and tons of mainstream media press against Romney, yet the polls have moved in romneys direction. Considering romneys huge money advantage going forward where he will outspend Obama by a wide margin, you tell me, is he in a good position? Of course he is. Also another point, ny times poll has obamas favors I,it's rating is at 36% and unfavorabiliyy is at 48%. Which is at a -12%. By far his worst showing as president as of yet. People for the most part had always felt he was ill equipped to handle the economy, but they always liked him,. The risk of running thiese distorted ads that were incredibly negative on a PERSONAL level (insinuating mitt was possibly a felon) was that it could possibly hurt obamas image and favor ability ratings.
I do, and it's clear that your level of naïveté is off the charts. I watched romneys speech yesterday on politicos podcast, did you? Obviously you didn't or else you would of seen he articulated obamas , so much so that the dnc made a video of Romney repeating some of obamas talking points from that speech. This wasn't just a sound byte, as desperately as you would like it for be, it was a substantive moment, the most substantive moment we've hd so far this campaign.
"There are a lot of wealthy successful people who agree with me--- because they want to give something back! They know they didn't----Look, if You've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think! Well, it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something---there are a whole bunch of hard working people out there" I don't see why some liberals are trying to say this was a gaffe. It wasn't, it's what Obama truly feels. If you are a liberal, you believe this, you believe that government plays a large role in whatever success you have and that if you become wealthy, it's your obligation to give back a large share of what you've earned. Let's not pretend that this was something that's been taken out of context. We know that we need roads and bridges to get to work, we understand that there are public sector workers that are a part of this society, this goes without saying. This man has a completely distinct view Than That from his opponent, and this was an off scripted moment of true candor Which higlighted the stark contrast of these two competing visions. As much as I know that left leaning folks would love for this campaign to be about mitts tax returns or corporate greed at the expense of middle class workers, I'm sorry to disappoint you, what will decide the outcome of tthis election will be the underlying message from both camps, and whatever substantive message that resonates with the independent voters will become the president.
New bills sees things through myopic lenses, he's unable to understand that THIS IS politics. This comment from Obama was no gaffe, it was the crystallizing moment of the camapaign, and not only is it filled with the substance of what this election will be about, but it will be apolitical club that will be used by both sides. Romney will hammer Obama for his "government centered society" and Obama will hit Romney as the callous corporate raider who ships jobs over seas and protects the wealthy from tax increases .
It's not just a sound bite or gaffe, it's what he believes. It was the way he emphasized it, the way he insinuated that the average worker is just as hard of a worker as the successful business owner, which is completely false. Most workers do just enough to get by, pay the bills, work 9 to 5 and are content with that. Nothing wrong with that, but the successful business owner works 12-16 hour days, does what it takes to be successful and the way Obama emphasized That workers work just as hard as successful business owners. That's bullsh*t!! This was no gaffe, this was a true look of who are president is, which is a wealth distributing social democrat. It's not misrepresentation, it is exactly what it appears. Blue collar Obama???? LOL And youre gonna be wrong, at the end of the day, this election won't be what liberals would rather obsess about, which is about mitts wealth, this election is, has and will always be about the economy. Ummm It's not that it's worse, it's that it's a true glimpse of who he is. No need for him to be embarrassed of what he said or for his supporters to characterize it as a gaffe, it's who he is and what he believes. However, this statement from Obama wasa significant moment of the campaign. What this statement did was crystallize what this election is about. Big government vs small government. It was the most substantive moment we've had up to now during this campaign.
Really? Your saying the tax returns is more substantive than what obama was communicating on the campaign trail? Really????? This wasn't a gaffe, this what the campaign is truly about. Two competing visions, one vision that Obama adopts, which calls for more government and romneys vision of less government. This is the substance of the campaign, this is what voters care about, not your silly liberal obsessions of what mitt Romneysraxreturns. Like I said, this was no gaffe, don't be ashamed of what he said, this is it!! Big government vs smaller government.
What business do you know of sole purpose is to "hire domestically"? This is such a stupid point that I hear regurgitated over and over. If you own a pizza shop, is your intent to figure out to hire more people? How about a construction company? Or bakery? Or just about any business. Almost every single businesses intent is to maximize profits, if you are successful, then job creation is a byproduct of profits. It just happens to be that Bain capital made so much money, not just for themselves and investors, but for pension funds, unions and retirees, oh and by the way, there were tens of thousands of NET jobs created.
I do. Obama has vastly outspent Romney trying to define him. Has it had an effect? Well, if you believe the polls, then the answer is that if anything, it has been negligible , at best. Obama has been out raised by Romney over the past two months, obamas burn rate has been outpacing his fundraising, Romney had over 160 million in the bank heading into July, and Obama didn't even publish his money in the bank totals for June. This is as good as its gonna get for Obama, regarding the ad spending despairity. If Obama couldn't move the needle with all the mainstream media coverage on his side and vast money advantage in political ad spending, then he is in big trouble. Romney will outspend Obama by a 2 To 1 margin come September and October , and that's when most people are truly paying attention. If Romney at least holds his own in the debates, Romney wins
Someone today posted a realclearpolitics poll, suggesting that Obama was up comfortably, however, it shows that Obama is up 1.4%! That is one of the smallest leads he's had since the campaign has began. 3 out of the last 7 polls show Romney with the lead, battleground states polls have mostly tightened up over the past week, and there have been.various polls showing that conservative enthusiasm is by in large more motivated to vote than liberals, and that Hispanic and youth voters are the least enthusiastic they have Been to vote in quite some time. These registered to vote polls to reflect enthusiasm and , if the poll,s are to be believed, taking into consideration the likelyhood that they vote, Romney is up. Also, if you were a lemMing of the mainstream media, you would believe that after this distracting week about Romney, Bain capital and his taxes he'd be down by double digits. Yet miraculously, the polls Have tightened, not just nationally but in the battlegrounds? I think it's quite obvious that people are focused on the economy much more so than mitts tax returns. Also, the biggest true substantive story over the past week is what Obama said. His statement regarding his views on government and small business owners is what tithe election is about. Obama believes in bigger government, he believes in economic policies founded in the name of "fairness" , which we all k ow is code word for wealth distribution. Romney believes in free markets and unfettered capitalism. My strong belief is that independents will overwhelmingly vote for capitalism over big government.
Mr Businessman, You Didn't Build Your Business
WorldTraveller replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is what the election should be about, two competing visions, on one hand one candidate believes that everyone should have a "fair" shot, which is codeword for wealth distribution and the other candidate believes in "free markets" which basically means lower taxes and less regulations., not this sideshow that we are seeing the Obama administration is distracting the public with. -
Anyone Have Legitimate Criticisms of Romney?
WorldTraveller replied to Rob's House's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What we do know is that Obama is utterly incompetent in regards to understanding what makes the economy tick on a sustained basis, and that he is ideologically handicapped when it comes to producing a logical long-term deficit budget that includes meaningful entitlement reform. Obama is the most left leaning liberal in our lifetimes, for crying out loud, he gutted bill Clinton's signature legislation, which is widely viewed as one of the best reforms in quite some time. This president is bad for this country now, and bad for our future. But hey, who am I to refute that the ptivate sector is doing just fine. -
Anyone Have Legitimate Criticisms of Romney?
WorldTraveller replied to Rob's House's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Duck dodgers is a liberal -
Well, at least we know that the Obama campaign is filled with sleazy creeps, and that's just how they do it when their backs are up against a wall.
Obama rewriting 1996 Welfare Reform
WorldTraveller replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This story isn't being covered by the media. I haven't seen it in WAPO, politico, ny times or any other outlet other than the right wing ones. If I was a journalist, I would like to get Clinton's opinion of obamas decision to gut his signature piece of legislation. -
Yet independents support conservatives more so than liberals. Go figure....
I agree with you bean and oxrock, it's one thing to call your opponent dishonest, but to call him a felon?? That is a sleazy, slimy style of politics, obamas team is engaged in the lowest form of campaigning and is dead set on following through on their character assassination plot. Without a doubt, Obama and his cronies are the most divisive administration in quite sometime. The administration would love to have Romney respond like McCain, but they arentgonna get that . Also it's a bit hypocritical that new bills criticizes Romney for running a positive ad because from his view it's not detailed enough yet remains mum on obamas ad that received 4 pinnochios and rebuke from factcheck. Obamas team is not only engaging in a sleazy negative campaign , but they are outright lying and don't even care. Even the ad about Romney supporting abortions in cases of rape received 4 false scoring from fact checkers. I would suspect that Romney would now go after the Obama on a personal level similar to the way they are doing it. By the time this campaign is over, the favor ability ratings if both these men is gonna be in the toilet.
Condi being vetted for VP?
WorldTraveller replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As appealing of a pick she may be, she won't be the one. She's not enough of an attack dog and she's "moderately" pro choice -
I don't believe you