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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. he mentioned this very same anecdotal account from Rubio in his recent stump speech in Ohio, and he paused as soon as he said his name, as if he were waiting for an applause from the crowd, in which they erupted in aplause. There is no one in the conservative movement that generates as much enthusiasm as Rubio, and he appeals to independents as well. I certainly hope they pick him
  2. It's not likely because elections are about base turnouts
  3. It was not his finest moment
  4. Yes I have, voted Clinton in 96 and bill Nelson in 2006 ( who I will be voting against this year) So what was your point again?
  5. No, more like obsessed, and desperately looking for anything,enough so that you heard the word "poor" come from mitts mouth and you practically jizzed on the screen.
  6. Good, you just showed your true colors. Equating that to the white house leaks , hypocrite In Mattys loony tune leftist wingnut world, it's the same.
  7. It was a politically clumsy statement to make, and showed a complete utter lack of awareness, anyone should know that you don't go to someone's home turf, specially right before the Olympics and infer culpability, incompetence and lack of national pride. Having said that, their press and the London mayor may have taken it a bit too far, but it certainly was an unforced error.
  8. I wouldn't characterize it as "incompetence", that implies a certain level of ineptitude. Actually, one could argue that he is extremely competent when it comes to increasing the size of government, expanding the welfare state through wealth distribution schemes and perpetuating class envy. Obama is the left, he personifies it with great oratory skill, he just happened to make an inartful, clumsy soundbite that was backed up by the rest of his statement that provided all the context for us to see.
  9. Krauthammer has a message for our friend Fjnd: "Yeah, because it was the ultimate gaffe," syndicated columnist and FOX News contributor Charles Krauthammer said when asked if he thinks the "you didn't build it" line has legs. "It betrayed what he believes. And in context you can see because he elaborates on this. It isn't one sentence that slipped out. I think the RNC, Romney ought to run that ad -- ought to run the whole context, the whole thing, in an endless loop until the end of time or at least until the election, which seems about the same length of time. But it is so damning." http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/07/25/krauthammer_romney_ought_to_run_you_didnt_build_that_ad_on_an_endless_loop_until_the_end_of_time.html
  10. You know there is insurrection in the ranks when Mother Jones begins to criticize your decision
  11. Here's another statement that wasn't taken out of context, not withstanding the rest of the video. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/07/26/romney_web_ad_rips_obamas_it_worked_remark.html
  12. You've been having a lot of fun with this
  13. I made a similar point a few days ago, I don't understand why Liberals don't embrace this comment. This statement I contended days ago was that this is INDEED THE substantive issue of the campaign. Which is Big Government vs. Smaller Government , that what Obama is really trying to say is that this is a society that largely depends on government, and that we all work equally hard, we all are equally intelligent, and that we largely owe the government for whatever success we have. Which of course the crux of the entire diatribe is to justify higher taxes. Don't run from it liberals, embrace it and run on this issue.
  14. You see, that's your problem, you have an innate inability to read and comprehend. I said: "microcosm of what is happening out there amongst lots of fiscal conservatives, small business owners and even pro-business democrats that have reservations against the president." Not the "United States" And no, it's not my problem little fella, it's the presidents.
  15. That was actually kinda funny
  16. What we just saw here is a microcosm of what is happening out there amongst lots of fiscal conservatives, small business owners and even pro-business democrats that have reservations against the president. There was a swift response to fjl2nd's statement in this thread, reason being is because people here are genuinely offended by that remark, and it's not just here, there is the same intensity on a much larger level that occurred as a result of the presidents unfortunate yet revealing statement, that's happening out there.
  17. I never caught that, that's sadly hilarious
  18. Here's what you said: "Frankly, I don't like when people just say "I worked hard" for this. A lot of things go into running a successful business - if working hard was the solution, a lot more people would have businesses." These are your words, not mine. You don't "like" it when people say they "worked hard" for what the success they have in running their business. By you saying that first you don't like that they make this claim and second that you don't believe that working hard is the solution, you achieve one main overriding point, which is that you diminish the effort applied from small business owners that work hard for what they have. If there is ANYTHING that we should respect from successful business owners, it's the hard work they put into it. The comment you just made, along with the presidents, infuriates small business owners who have put everything they have into their business, risked their capital and put long hard work into trying to build something that provides for them and their families, and for you to diminish that effort by being insulted or not "liking" when they make the claim "I worked hard for what I have", is insulting. If you don't realize that, then I don't know what to tell you.
  19. Here it is again: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/07/25/the_more_context_you_get_the_worse_it_sounds.html yeah, out of context
  20. People are free to do what they like, and I won't be crowing about this subject, however, it does fit into the article that I linked, it's the election strategy, winning one segment of the population at a time.
  21. It's pretty damning when you read it, but when you hear him say it, you can genuinely see the contempt he has for business people who claim to work hard. This one isn't going away.
  22. Ummm, yes it does. I don't care how many times you tell yourself that it doesn't have any basis in reality, hell tell it to your wife, tell it to your friends or anyone who is willing to listen to you, but the reality is that at least 2/3 of all US business owners disagree with you. And those are the facts... In regards to your second point, unfortunately the president has the same view as you, except there is one difference, he's trying to walk it back. If you really truly believe that working hard isn't THE main ingredient to having a successful business, then you are one naive clueless kid. As a matter of fact, if you put the two points that the president made light of, which is smarts and work ethic and you combine them, the odds of you having a successful business goes up exponentially. But, it's interesting to know that you and the president are offended by people that are happy to tell people how hard they had to work to earn what they have, which really is a shame, because it's a wonderful story to tell. It's a story of success, hard work and perseverance, and "frankly" I think it's something that people should be proud to tell. Don't get frustrated little man, it's a long campaign, both candidates will have their ups and down.
  23. No, because he shows contempt for those business owners who claim to work harder than most other people. Of course you don't see that because you're a left-wing loon and it's natural that you will defend him. But like I said, it's not going away, this will stick with him all the way till November. Simply because it already fits into the narrative that Obama is a big government taxing Lib who doesn't understand the private sector. Oh, and : President Obama's approval rating dropped to 35% among business owners in the second quarter of 2012, according to a Gallup Daily tracking poll released today. "The data precede Obama's much-discussed July 13 comments that small-business owners have had help from others to achieve success," Gallup notes. "Thus it is not yet clear whether those comments have led to further deterioration in Obama's standing among small-business owners." http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2012/07/gallup-obamas-approval-rating-with-business-owners-drops/1#.UBGGzJH329s
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