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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. Shouldn't you be jerking off to some mitt Romney rafalca YouTube?
  2. Relax little fella, tomorrow will be another day.
  3. What's an over generalization?
  4. Yes, the man who pays millions a year should be compared to a guy who looks to never work and take money from taxpayers. Again, somehow he thinks it's the same...
  5. You guys do realize that you are attempting to reason with EII?
  6. Somehow, in his mind, it's the same. No worries tomato, the entire democratic party has the same belief that you do.
  7. 538 is a left wing outfit. I tracked it during the primaries just to see how accurate it was. Horrible.
  8. The ad was made well before Douglass won, this is stupid
  9. I just can't help hearing this with an Asian accent
  10. I never reply with any substance when responding to Eric. However, I do mock the hell out of him
  11. Why should I bother repeating what I've already opined about at length to a thick-headed person such as yourself. I've made my views clear if you can't comprehend them, that's your problem. Why don't we try this, how about you go back and re read each post I wrote and then we will try it again. If you come back with the same nonsense you will receive a response that is appropriate to your reply. Deal?
  12. If the discussions involved something that made sense from a political POV back home, and the sitting US president could effectively communicate this, while proposing sound policy, then I would agree with you. I suppose my skepticism is based on the fractious and disjointed nature of the Euro zone leaders.
  13. ummm, yes you basically did.
  14. Yes, but proportionately speaking, Brazil, Peru and Chile are also expanding very rapidly.
  15. Well, you can think it's "funny" but it's not. Domestic Policies do have an impact on the economy, and there are significant differences being proposed by both the candidates, and each of those differences have real life implications on the macro economy. Basically what you are suggesting is, "well, since Europe's economy sucks, it doesn't matter what policy is in place, because, well.... Europe" That's an awfully naive way to see things.
  16. How would you propose that a sitting American president would "fix" the European economy, when you have 13 separate voices that make up the Euro, and not a single one of them can agree on one thing? Let me just save you the time from responding, we can't do anything other than make suggestions and even with those suggestions, they have their own politics to think of and they could give a flying rats ass what we think they should do.
  17. Yes, I read that same article yesterday, it appears that this would be the case, we should be able to get a better idea in the next few months.
  18. The headline number there were, but when you take the household survey into account, which is counted in the actual U-3 and U-6 unemployment numbers, there was a net loss.
  19. I think someone forgot to take their meds today.
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