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Everything posted by WorldTraveller

  1. Zing!!!
  2. I get it, you are against education, retard. /Fan in San Diego
  3. You mean like this? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-administration-repeated-same-line-jobs-numbers-nearly-171329360.html
  4. From the WH: If you consider stagnant wages in an enviroment of rising household input costs, and more people feeling hopeless about job prospects in over three decades as proof that this is a "recovery" that "provides further evidence that the U.S is continuing to recover" then yeah, I agree with the W.H
  5. From what I've read, the reviews from the left, center and right have overall been slightly negative.
  6. The PC at my place of employment doesn't allow me to open up that Food stamp link
  7. The Jobs report isn't getting good coverage, usually when it comes to the economy and jobs reports, I've noticed that the reporting usually isn't that slanted.
  8. I would think that the welfare vote number you provided to be somewhat off. Considering there are more whites than blacks on welfare.
  9. I'm not disputing your numbers, but can you post a link to back up your claim?
  10. http://www.bloomberg...rate-falls.html Surprise surprise, unemployment rate dropped because of people dropping out of the labor force. http://www.reuters.c...E88604Y20120907 Which Means that there are more people who have given up hope looking for work in over three decades. Which means wages are remaining stagnant, while the cost of living is increasing. Then you have the revisions from the previous months: http://online.wsj.co..._LEFTTopStories Things aren't getting better, they're getting worse.
  11. We asked you a specific question, how do you achieve all the platitudes that you mentioned? And your answer is : "So let me get this straight. You guys are all against getting a college education. No wonder you guys are all a bunch of retards." okey dokey
  12. I fell asleep. However I read the reviews, and it received mixed results.
  13. I haven't been tuning in tonight, but my guess is that Biden is making an impassioned fiery defense of obamas big stick.
  14. Step 1 : platitudes Step 2 : Step 3 : stronger middle class
  15. Why is that "extreme"? You mean, if you plan on getting rich as a result of your hard work, that's "extreme"?
  16. I'm enjoying this. I'm gonna continue to pile on our verbally challenged friend from PA. You see, when I used the word "just", it implies that it's more than one problem, the first one listed is his economic policies. However, using the word "just" segways to the second issue. Which is "forging relationships". I make mention that "Reagan and Clinton were masters at this", and that "as a result they got things done". Are you beginning to understand where I was heading with this meathead? Then I say "Obama on the otherhand" The word "otherhand" is important. meaning, if we were to juxtapose Obama with Reagan/Clinton "as egotistical, self-indulging and overtly partisan," compared to Reagans and Clintons ability to work with those across party lines, that "and as a result, we have this ****ty economy and nothing gets done." Did you get that meathead? Or do you need for me to continue to embarrass you? I can Just let me know
  17. Here's what I said: It's called context, which is why it's necessary to speak to you as if you are a three year old, and even then you still have problems understanding what I was saying. You're embarrassing yourself meathead,
  18. Wow! You're like a psycho chick stalker and a meathead to boot You're already looking foolish in this and the other thread. Wanna go for three?
  19. What is it that you are pointing out? Im not following
  20. This was just a bunch of talking points. How do we achieve this? Specifics please.
  21. Ouch! or maybe not
  22. How do you achieve this? Which specific policies could lead to this? From their Viewpoint
  23. I don't care about the issue nearly as much as I do fiscal policies. Any half brained twit realizes that it's a pandering position that will never occur, so it's a moot point. However, their decisions regarding fiscal and economic policies can profoundly affect us, such as myself.
  24. It's a platitude. But if you pressed them on the substance, I imagine their response would say to invest more in education, innovations and wealth distributive policies.
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