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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. <p>

    asked and answered. see the newsroom thread. there's no inconsistency there. he's on the right side of issues the vast majority of times. the koch's- almost invariably the wrong side

    It's just too easy :lol:

  2. Remember, you're talking to a loon, who criticizes the Koch Brothers for not espousing the moral high ground, yet supports another Billionaire who bet against England and literally bankrupted thousands of middle class families as a result of his greed.



  3. You know it's bad when Politico discusses the topic:





    Debbie Wasserman Schultz and CNN’s Anderson Cooper engaged in a heated exchange Thursday night when Cooper charged that the Florida congresswoman “misquoted” the Los Angeles Times in a letter that the anchor also said misrepresented Mitt Romney’s stance on the Republican Party’s abortion platform plank.


    The segment, which has gone viral in the conservative blogosphere, features Cooper, on his CNN show “Anderson Cooper 360,” pointing to a fundraising email Wasserman Schultz signed. He said that a quote she used from the Los Angeles Times in the appeal was taken “completely out of context.”



    “The DNC chairwoman calls out Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for saying they don’t entirely agree with that plank,” Cooper said. “And here’s how she backs it up…’But guess what? ‘The Los Angeles Times’ reported yesterday that the platform was, and I quote, ‘written at the direction of Romney’s campaign.’


    But Cooper said the quote “was ripped, in fact, out of a sentence,” saying that the real piece read, “Delegates for presumptive nominee Mitt Romney are voting down substantive changes to the platform language that were written at the direction of Romney’s campaign.”


    “Do you at least acknowledge that the quote that you gave from “The L.A. Times” is completely incorrect?” Cooper asked, after a back-and-forth over Romney’s record on allowing for abortions in certain instances, like rape.


    “No, I don’t acknowledge that. I know that is what you’re saying,” Wasserman Schultz shot back. When he started to read the quote, she interrupted, “Anderson, what I’m saying is, it doesn’t matter.”


    “I think what you say does matter,” he said. “You’re quoting the LA Times and, again, you’ve misquoted them to back up a position.”


    Wasserman Schultz said that the point of the fundraising email was to highlight Romney’s connection to his party’s platform ban on abortion, which doesn’t specifically designate exceptions for victims of rape or incest.


    “There’s no way a presidential candidate can separate himself from that party’s platform,” she said.


    Cooper challenged her assertion there, too, but the most fiery moments of the segment centered on the question of the quote from the Los Angeles Times.


    “Just as you don’t like being misquoted, I don’t like being misquoted, I’m sure the LA Times doesn’t like being misquoted to back up your political position,” Cooper said. “I don’t understand why you’d need to do that.”


    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80088.html#ixzz24TQnK8lZ

  4. The problem with Anderson Cooper is he's too good for the network he is on. He is one of the few who has no problems holding everyone accountable, regardless of party.


    My apologies to the DWS fans (you know who you are) for taking you to a conservative site, but I have not been able to find this video anywhere else...even at the CNN website. But you can see, clearly and openly, that the progressives like DWS/Obama/Axelrod/etc. have no problem openly lying and taking quotes COMPLETELY and unethically out of context as long as they get to advance their larger position.


    It is amazing to me that DWS is allowed near an online computer, let alone a TV studio. She represents all that is wrong with this administration and campaign, and I look forward to her going the way of her batschitt crazy brother, Alan Grayson. Anderson Cooper makes her look like the petty, embarrassing mindless dolt that she is.




    We've discussed this before, surrogates are known to bend the truth, but she flat out lies, and this isn't the first time she's been called out, when confronted with her lies, she presses on. She doesn't care, she has no self respect for herself. I know if I got caught lying I wouldn't continue with it as I'm getting busted.


    Really, she is an embarrassment and according to politicos Glenn rushes book, Obama even dislikes her and sees her as an in effective DNC chair

  5. <p>

    Funny reading now that the Dems plans to make their convention a full-court press about the GOP War On Women.


    I understand how they have nothing good to say about Obama's accomplishments on a day to day basis, but you'd THINK the convention would at least be an opportunity to suggest their plans for the next four years.


    But no. War on women. Abortion. Sandra Fluke as a speaker. Wow. I guess the plan for the next four years is more of the same. High unemployment. Struggling economy. Another four trillion in debt. No budgets. GM going bankrupt. Houses being foreclosed on. And non-stop finger-pointing and divisiveness.


    Obama/Biden 2012: We Got Nuthin.

    I stand correctedObama's mandate if he wins the election would be to make abortions legal and free contraceptives for everyone!
  6. So there was a poll that was recently commissioned by Nytimes/Quinnipiac and it showed Obama up 6 in Ohio.


    So naturally, I looked in the internals and I saw that there was a D + 8 voter registration.


    So I looked up the state wide voter registration make up of Ohio and as of 2010 it was R + 1


    So that is a discrepancy of + 9



    Then I read an article from Nate Silver. He had noticed that the swing polls had tightened up, and was a bit miffed how he believed that they were oversampling Republicans.







  7. This is what Obama has done:


    Household income is down sharply since the recession ended three years ago, according to a report released Thursday, providing another sign of the stubborn weakness of the economic recovery.



    From June 2009 to June 2012, inflation-adjusted median household income fell 4.8 percent to $50,964, according to a report by Sentier Research, a firm headed by two former Census Bureau executives.


    Incomes have dropped more since the beginning of the recovery than they did during the recession itself, when they declined 2.6 percent, according to the report, which analyzed data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. The recession, the most severe since the Great Depression, lasted from December 2007 to June 2009.


    Over the past three years, the inflation-adjusted median income of households headed by whites was down 5.2 percent to $56,255. Households headed by blacks sustained a staggering 11.1 percent drop in median income. Hispanic-led households saw their real income decline by 4.1 percent over the same period, the report said.



  8. Out of everything that has been discussed, this is an extreme view. If I were one of the Super Pacs going after Obama, and considering how they have used the words rape and incest through PP ad's hitting Romney, which fact checkers have proven to be false, then as a direct counter, I would begin airing ads of Obama supporting infanticide, specially in rural areas.






    Here's an audio recording of Barack Obama arguing as an Illinois state senator in 2002 against legislation protecting infants who had survived an attempted late-term abortions:


    Obama's argument against the bill is that he trusted an abortion doctor, who had just failed to kill a child in utero, to provide medical care to that child if it survived the abortion attempt. "If these children are being born alive, I, at least, have confidence that a doctor who is in that room is going to make sure that they're looked after," Obama said.




    OBAMA: I just want to be clear because I think this was the source of the objections of the Medical Society. As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child - however way you want to describe it - is now outside the mother's womb and the doctor continues to think that its nonviable but there's, lets say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they're not just out limp and dead, they would then have to call a second physician to monitor and check off and make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved. Is that correct?

  9. Notice the only topic that riles up the loony left?




    Gay Marriage






    When the discussion revolves around the economy, energy and debt?







    Of course, there is no substance, no record to defend, only blame and excuses.



  10. <p>

    Thin-skinned :doh::D :D    Paul Ryan got testy at 2 women hecklers in Wisconsin. Romney has been irritable on more than one of his campaign stops.


    Isn't it just wonderful when it's OK for the R's to do it, but n one else ...

    :blush: :blush:

    Testy?I've seen them, and no rational person on this earth would come to the conclusion that Paul Ryan looked "irritable" .Provide link you silly (*^*&amp;%^&#036;^# :lol:
  11. <p>

    An anti-Obama judge in Texas has just predicted civil war if he's re-elected. A GOP candidate in Missouri says if it's REALLY rape, the woman won't get pregnant. And that's just this week. THESE are the views of the right that you all think is so much better? No wonder everyone laughs at Buffalo.

    Only a mentally handicapped loon from the left that still obsesses over Sarah Palin believes this is emblematic of the Conservative movement.


    Hee hee. I was wagering which window licker was going to bring up that poll and omit the crucial detail that the majority of INTERNATIONAL CEOs favor an Obama re election. I wonder why they would feel that way, and a majority of US CEOs feel the opposite?


    Of course foreigners would like obamas plan better, he wants to place more regulations and higher taxes on our US multi nationals, which by default make our corporations less competitive against foreign corporations.

  13. <p>

    One might say he's raping the Romney camp, whose natural defenses against becoming impregnated by his remarks have thus far not worked, and who given their druthers would retroactively abort him if they could.

    Just admit it, you want to have Baracks baby
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