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Posts posted by WorldTraveller

  1. I saw that, and I'm noticing how the left wing media is beginning to become unhinged and panicky sort of like what we saw from Chris Tingles today. They are seeing the momentum switch and are beginning to feel a lot of anxiety of the prospects of this thing possibly slipping away from them. Obviously it's still early, and there are lots of debates and both their conventions, but considering how they had all the press on their side throughout the summer, the incessant attempt to disqualify Romney early, while giving lots of bad publicity for Romney, and for it to be literally a tossup race and trending against them after all this, along with the prospects of getting massively outspent going down the stretch, a lot of panties are getting bunched up.



  2. <p>

    You want 4 more years of nearly empty promises.


    You want instability in the overall financial environment.


    You want another 4 years of the Republican Congress blocking eveything just to say the President did nothing.


    You want to almost guarantee a Hillary or Biden top of the ticket in 2016.


    You want Harold Koh, Jenn Granholm, or Pam Karlan to replace Ginsberg when she exits the bench in the next 4 years.


    You want Merrick Garland (as the obligatory "moderate" pick) to replace Scalia when he exits the bench in 4 years.


    You want Donald Trump to stay relevant.


    You want people to play the reverse race card for 4 more years.


    You don't care about your financial well-being.


    You don't want the Acura NSX made.


    You enjoy a devisive country that is fractured amongst ideological and racial lines.


    You want a president who is sincere, pleasant, and an all-around good guy.


    You want a president who is unprepared and overwhelmed.

    You pretending to be a conservative is about as believable as saying Obama is a competent "centrist"
  3. It was a joke, and many people laughed at Obama's expense. But hey, he's communicating in "dog whistle" language, and fortunately, the only people who have the "dog whistle" communication decoder are left wing dipshits.



    Mitt trying another angle to see what will push the polls.


    What an insufferable jackass.

    And here is leftwing dipshit #1 :lol:
  4. <p>

    Do you honestly believe that the polls are favoring Romney? Or are you being aspirational?

    Actually, they are beginning to favor Romney. The Big Mo is on his side, many of the recent battle ground polls are now beginning to show either Romney with a lead, a tie or narrowly behind, same goes with the national polling as well.If you don't believe me, go to the RCP site and you will see it there ;)

  5. I'm reading the reaction from the media, and it's hilarious. Words that are being used are "racist", "controversy", "fringe", "birther", "firestorm", "far-right", etc. etc.


    Ya, don't go after their boy, (oh no, I said "boy" that must mean I'm a racist") not with this birth certificate stuff, or they'll call you out on it :lol:

  6. About as funny as O's Seamus dig.




    Obama 2012 Traveling Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Mitt Romney's birth certificate joke is "gutterball politics."


    Psaki when asked about President Obama cracking a dog joke about Romney: It was a light moment in a longer speech about the wind energy tax credit and how important that is for jobs in Iowa, jobs in Colorado, investing in clean energy to help put people back to work. It was a short, light moment and otherwise, a very substantive policy speech that was laying out the substantive choice in this election. So it really was nothing more than that.






    So this is when you will see the double standard, O delivers a cheap shot, the press for the most part remains mum, or at most laments the tone from both campaigns.


    When Romney does the same, it's a "controversy" or a "firestorm"


    These lefty journalists get all over sensitive about their knight in shining armor.



  7. <p>

    so which one of you are the sheep and which one is the farmer? Or do you all take turns?


    You give me schit for treating you like you treat everyone else who disagrees with you. pathetic.


    And FTR I said it was all over the blogs. I never said it was FACT. keep assuming


    clueless dolts

    Even you have to admit that this post is lame
  8. As Paul Ryan so aptly described Obama's "recovery" as an "imaginary recovery"


    it appears, he has "imaginary" twitter followers too.




    President Obama's Twitter account has 18.8 million followers -- but more than half of them really don't exist, according to reports.


    A new Web tool has determined that 70% of Obama's crowd includes "fake followers," The New York Times reports in a story about how Twitter followers can be purchased.



  9. More on DWS


    It's been a bad few weeks for DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.POLITICO's new eBook, by Glenn Thrush, reveals clashes between her and the White House. Internal polling rates her the least effective of all Obama campaign surrogates.But publicly, her biggest problems are on CNN, where she has become the easiest target for a network that -- to its credit -- seems to be putting greater emphasis on calling guests to account for contradictory and inaccurate statements.Earlier this month, CNN's Wolf Blitzer spent four minutes pushing Wasserman Schultz to admit that to admit that, despite her claims to the contrary, Paul Ryan's Medicare reform would not affect people over the age of 54. http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/ "Do you at least acknowledge that the quote that you gave from "The L.A. Times" is completely incorrect?" Cooper asked, after a back-and-forth over Romney's record on allowing for abortions in certain instances, like rape.


    "No, I don't acknowledge that. I know that is what you're saying," Wasserman Schultz shot back. When he started to read the quote, she interrupted, "Anderson, what I'm saying is, IT DOESN'T MATTER."


    "I think what you say does matter," he said. "You're quoting the LA Times and, again, you've misquoted them to back up a position."


    Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz24TlR53OW



    It doesn't matter?



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