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Stanley Lombardi

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Everything posted by Stanley Lombardi

  1. I'd gladly take 1978 over the current shitshow.
  2. I would shudder. I would miss rooting for the Buffalo Bills until he was gone.
  3. Tariq Woolen, cornerback, University Texas San Antonio
  4. Real buffalo charge defiantly against the wind.
  5. I root for Buffalo, and the Bills/NFL as a part of that. If the NFL had no team in Buffalo, I am sure I would dust off my Scrabble board for some titillating Sunday afternoon action.
  6. The commercials looked like C or C+ for an 8th grade video project.
  7. I have Yahoo mail. Whenever you empty your inbox or spam, immediately a short video plays whether you want to see it or or not. Today's little clip was all about what the Buffalo Bills fans threw on the field. No mention of the score, or anything else about The Perfect Game. Maybe 250 million worldwide will glean their impression of the game from that blurb. So if it were possible to ruin The Perfect Game, the classless moron who threw it might have achieved it. Well done, bozo.
  8. Monumentally classless. If it were possible to ruin The Perfect Game, the moron who threw it might have achieved it. Well done, bozo.
  9. While you're all harrumphing, Rodgers in his own abrasive way is becoming something of a folk hero, a voice for the voiceless who feel they are being pushed around by the Man against their will. Just so you know.
  10. Your comment does not address the issue of vaccination. Instead, t addresses wrong-headed NFL rules about vaccination. [mod edit: yes, that's what we discuss here - the NFL-relevant impacts of covid and covid vaccination, not general "issue of vaccination"]
  11. "Red Tulsa Tango on Blue Winnebago 2" Works every time.
  12. Stink, stank, stunk.
  13. I am grateful to the OP for this sad but beautifully thought-provoking subject. Like so many others, my Dad introduced me to the Bills (when I was ten.) That was 1963 and I have watched every Bills game since. He died in 1984, so the golden-era Bills (for him) had names like Kemp and Cookie and Golden Wheels and Sestak and Shaw. When the Bills win this thing -- and they will -- and the game clock expires, I will instantly revisit a kitchen table holding a portable black and white TV, a white and red can of Genny beer and a green and gold can of Vernor's ginger ale.
  14. Is there a way to sync the radio and tv? A method or a trick I can use?
  15. To be fair-er, In the wider world (yes, there is such a thing), above and beyond the self-acclaimed hipsters of TBD, Murph and Tasker are liked/loved, respected/revered.
  16. I listened to that show regularly when John Murphy was the host. He was professional, informative, and often compelling. Then Steve Tasker came along, a primary source with an authentic voice. As much as I now appreciate the efforts of all the podcasters out there, One Bills Live with Murphy was light years ahead of the rest. Then Chris Brown came along and I just can't listen. I've got nothing against Chris Brown, so I chalk it up to chemistry. 'Tain't my cup o' tea.
  17. Isn't that what Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake served up at the Super Bowl XXXVIII Halftime Sh!tshow?
  18. Not to be scatological, but I love the Super Bowl halftime show. It affords me extra time for my yearly Super Toilet Bowl bowel movement. What I leave behind has usually proven to be superior in quality to the sh!tshow on my tv screen.
  19. In the autobiography of my daring, dashing, and fascinating life, I will devote a chapter to this sacrificial civil disobedience -- adding to the mystique and the insouciant panache of my story.
  20. How about a committee of Beane, McDermott, and the Pegulas approach him to cut his fat, shirking ass.
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