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Stanley Lombardi

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Everything posted by Stanley Lombardi

  1. For your information, MO-ron, Edwin Moses would have made Deion Sanders look like the fat lady who sings at the end. How idiotic are you? Please reply, the world is waiting for your wisdom.
  2. Mike Schoop (WGR talker) says that anyone who frequents internet football message boards has an IQ below 50. I heard it on the way home and I just thought you should know what they're saying about you. And he wasn't being playful or rhetorical. He was strident and he was serious. He said that you should not be allowed to drive a vehicle because of your idiocy.
  3. Mike Schoop (WGR talker) says that anyone who frequents internet football message boards has an IQ below 50. I heard it on the way home and I just thought you should know what they're saying about you.
  4. I heard it. He said that people who frequent internet football message boards have an IQ of 50 or less.
  5. I can't stop laughing!
  6. Reid's in Lockport is legendary. Anything you order, get it "with." (With Sauce.) You will have found your fast food for life.
  7. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  8. I seldom post, and when I do, more often than not it's in a thread that doesn't involve football. But whenever I see that "Gringo" has posted, no matter the subject I'm interested; I simply enjoy the way you say things. May there be many 1000's of posts in your future.
  9. First, todd, don't flatter yourself about getting me riled up; you don't have the capacity. And, yes, if you want a passage, here's one: "Don't cast your pearls before swine." So I won't. By the way, humorless one, saying that "todd seems an authority on stevestojan--and delivers a mouthful" would strike most people as amusing. But you are too much on the defensive to read it that way. So who is riled, Todd? And before I leave your inane presence, try reading the book you excoriate. And don't you even dare to compound your transgression by lying to us and saying that you already have. Now, oink away! And wallow away in your favorite element. I won't be reading your reply, for you have nothing to teach me.
  10. I don't know as much about the important matters discussed on this forum as "todd" seems to, but I do know that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Whatever "stevestojan" might be, I can assert without question that it appears nowhere in the Bible. Todd seems an authority on the issue of "stevestojan"-- and delivers a mouthful.
  11. He's tried to be what you wanted and needed him to be. But the hits and the years and the attempt to rewire his clock have left him emasculated, his instincts shot. I am not blaming you, or Clements, or Wyche. I think you are all smart, sensitive men and accomplished QB coaches, as shown by your rescuing the careers of Maddox and Kordell. Drew has seen many years in the league, but he's still a lead dog and not really suited to running anywhere but in front. As the sun sets on his day in Buffalo, please let Drew be Drew. Let him go down blazing and not worrying about footwork and alarm clocks and dink passes to the flat. He's still highly regarded and, indeed, beloved by many of the fans who follow the team-- especially those who are not the type to devote themselves to talk shows and internet message boards. For his sake and theirs, let him go down with his gun loaded and his instincts unleashed. It would be the fitting thing to do for an estimable quarterback and an even more estimable human being. I know there are some football reasons why this might not be advisable, but wouldn't it be worth the risk?
  12. I agree. There's a guy I work with who acts like he's down about the Bills losing, but underneath it all he can't conceal his glee. Sullivan reminds me of the same. I don't think their Mommies gave them enough attention; and/or the love of his life dumped him for a jock. He's an extremely odd duck, and what is worse is that his columns are consistently tedious. Rarely do I read his bile anymore.
  13. ....another simply fantastic post! This little Dave Pruce string is renewing my faith in the latent talent here on Two Bills Drive.
  14. What a post!...legendary! That being said, I actually met David Pruce once after a road race (Subaru 4-mile Chase) on Elmwood Ave. (He was definitely not a runner; he was at the time my friend's daughter's boyfriend. Speaking of legendary--you should see my friend's daughter, but I digress...) I spoke with him for quite awhile. He was polite, friendly, smart, humble....and HUUUUUUUGGGGE. I wish him the very best.
  15. I'm with ya, realtruelove. Bless your heart.
  16. "Labron [whoever that is] is a Daddy" is a topic that is significantly less interesting than "Phyllis Diller is a Grandma." Who in his right mind cares? People, please, get a grip and get a life.
  17. I like Earnhardt, but I'm glad he got fined. The absolute beauty of all this is that there are 3 stations in America--CBS, NBC, and ABC--where you can't show, well... where you can't show porn during the Saturday morning kiddy hour. But Dale Jr. says sh*t on broadcast T.V. and the soap opera peddlers get righteous. Yeah, America, feel righteous for awhile.... until you walk over to YOUR T.V. and turn on the real sh*t. You are the one who is paying for all those other channels that, believe me, your kids are watching. But you're really a "good person," I am sure; it's the guy next door who is the real downfall of this country, right?
  18. I laughed right out loud the first time I heard the faggot with the quivering falsetto sing, "I'm sailing away." Then I laughed right out loud when I saw the fem boys running around the malls with Styx t-shirts. Now I'm laughing right out loud at you.
  19. Blue on blue is absolutely where it is!
  20. Tolstoy, you are my idea of what being a Bills fan is all about! Well said; well done.
  21. Mike Mularkey. We've got a big winner growing right before our very eyes.
  22. Given the NFL average amount of time before being engulfed by the opposition, Bledsoe would be an above average NFL QB. Watching other games, the QB's consistently get more time to decide what to do than Bledsoe gets. I'm for him. I think he's smart, has a good arm, and he puts a classy, marketable (ticket-selling) face on the Buffalo Bills--which will keep the franchise in town, which is the biggest of all considerations. And people just simply like him. Now exactly when are we going to replace all of that with...with whatever the name of the 2nd-string-guy-at-the-moment happens to be?
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