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Stanley Lombardi

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Everything posted by Stanley Lombardi

  1. If you say, "He's a backup safety, a guy who overcomes a lack of size/athletic ability to play in the NFL," it isn't racist. To throw "white" in the sentence just before the word "backup" is racist. But it's heartwarming to see two of you race-mongers having a public display of affection for one another. Touching.
  2. It is definitely bothering you. You are way back on your heels, on the defensive. You are easy prey.
  3. This is called retreat, but to be kind we'll call it "cutting your losses." This is the first wisdom you've shown today. Remember, if it's slow you mean, spell it s-l-o-w. Isn't this easy!
  4. Then just say, "Slow," if slow is what you mean. See, wasn't that easy! You'll get your point across and not perpetuate racism, all at the same time!!!
  5. Anybody who mentions race in this context is, de facto, racist. This board is crawlin' with your kind. You can't give one significant reason for mentioning race in this regard. Until you stop, you perpetuate. And don't lay the holier-than-thou tag on me. I am just sick unto death about hearing what color people are. WTF does this have to do with whether or not Leonhard stays or goes?
  6. Wow. Wisdom is what's under 'Kelso's Helmet.'
  7. Despite rooting for the Chargers, I couldn't help but notice that the best player in the game was Tom Brady. .
  8. The Bills got a 1983 draft pick--which turned into Jim Kelly-- by trading what player in 1978?
  9. Which 3 or more cities his child support checks are adressed to will be botherin' his mind too much for him to contemplate any other geography.
  10. I stand corrected-- This classic thread definitely reveals what a pathetic loser IBTG81 is. But one person remains convinced that IBTG81 is not gullible, nor star-struck. Now let the sympathy votes flood in for this pathetic, gullible, star-struck loser who slandered Bledsoe--on the say-so of a person he'd never seen before. Have at it, bleeding hearts!
  11. "Rack him!" This is a classic thread... IBTG81 tried to tell us the inside scoop--that Bledsoe is an as*hole. Turns out we know nothing about Bledsoe--but we find out what a pathetic, gullible, starstruck loser that IBTG81 is.
  12. Sen-friggin'-sational writing!
  13. McGahee isn't nearly as "gifted" (whatever that means) as Thurman Thomas. Whatever it means, let me put it this way: McGahee couldn't tie Thurman's shoes. I can't think of one "gifted" moment that McGahee has had. Thurman, in nearly every game for nearly a decade, was a revelation.
  14. He's slow to get his lackluster talents to training camp, and he's quickly making me tire of his act.
  15. Let "On the Rocks" speak for himself--and butt out of a harmless joust. It could help.
  16. F.Y.I.-- Don't own one, champ. By the way, these are standard English words. Get an education and start over, igmo! ('Igmo' is not a standard English word, but it has a ring to it and is particularly apt when describing sh---for-brains illiterates such as you!)
  17. Umhhh...I don't get it. Please elucidate, expand, expound, illuminate, explicate, and extrapolate, oh sage one.
  18. "Way!" Fantastic, LABillzfan! I send my regards.
  19. You've got me--and it--all wrong, igmo. I'm the least politically correct person in the history of the 21st century. It pained me to say I'm sick of knowing what color the ball boy is because I knew some johnny-one-note like you would call that politically correct. Actually, I think all of the races are equally evil. I just don't want to read about what color our next rectum of a player happens to be, as if it had any meaning. Is that PC enough for ya?
  20. I'm with ya, cantankerous. I'm sick unto death of even the mention of what color our cornerback, quarterback, ballboy, security guard, or concession attendant happens to be.
  21. 19-0. I guarantee it.
  22. Yuck. You and your wife, please stay in LA with Koby. Your whole leprous city should be quarantined. While I'm waiting for your witty retort, just let me reiterate: Yuck!
  23. I could not stop laughing. My wife wants to know why this is so funny, but I just can't explain it.
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