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Stanley Lombardi

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Everything posted by Stanley Lombardi

  1. Agreed! Smart people don't go around telling people how smart they are, and how stupid the rest of us are.
  2. Bear with me whilst I list the names of half the people I know. This may take a while...
  3. What would all you fanboys be saying if the object of your devotion sported a "F*** Obama" hat? Think about that. No, I mean think about that.
  4. And if he weren't a Tom Brady, for instance, but just another F*** Trump kid? Just askin".
  5. The F*** Trump kid is likely to create a QB controversy on grounds that are cultural/political. If you think not, try to honestly ask yourself, Would you be enthusiastic about drafting a kid who wears a F*** Obama hat? Just askin'.
  6. Do you seriously think the Bills Mafia will be on board with the F*** Trump Kid? Just askin'.
  7. Your home-cooked report represents what's best of fan message boards -- a respectful and informed opinion on a matter of interest to the rest of us. I don't follow each day's rising and setting tides concerning these QB's, but I follow enough to know that a.) everyone agrees Allen has the biggest arm, and b.) Allen had the best Wonderlic, by a significant margin, over any of those who regularly get mentioned as first-rounders. Biggest arm and biggest brain amongst the blue-chip QB's, with no character problems and a real desire for success. If that's what the Buffalo Bills manage to pick in the first round, I will be glad.
  8. Doug Marrone's daughter holds the key to all of this speculation. Whaley knows what I am saying, and the Pegulas are complicit in the cover-up. Beane and McDermott are rugs brought in to sweep the dirt under. John Murphy knows all, but is unassailable. The answer is contained in this question: Why was Mike Tolbert on this team?
  9. Santora's, within walking distance of the Marriott on Millersport Ave., would be a good choice (I think).
  10. I appreciate your replies! Someday, somebody is going to re-think this game from the ground up without any deference to convention or tradition. Then we shall see what we shall see...
  11. I wasn't looking for lots of running and little scoring. I was looking for variety of any sort, and for nonconformist thinking that could free the game from its present QB-centric structure and strictures.
  12. I can remember when the primary position in the NFL was running back. Running backs are now paid on a par with kickers and punters. Over time, the game became so QB-centric that a five-game starter in San Francisco becomes the league's richest player, until (weeks later) a QB with more career losses than wins becomes the league's richest player, until (a few months later) teams are scrambling to give away years of first round picks for any of four or five unproven college quarterbacks. Could there/will there be a visionary (or a visionary coach/GM/owner troika) who envision a new way -- to draft, pay, trade and play the game on the field -- in such a way that leverages the a$$ets now devoted to QB into a competitively superior team with a totally different approach to the game? I invite comments from any free thinkers out there who know way more about this game than I do, and who are sick of reading about hand size and how many years of first round draft picks it will cost us to see if Joe Schmoe from Kokomo State will ever pan out. The game is over-due for a revolution.
  13. James "Howitzer" Harris of the Buffalo Bills. (O.K., he was never called "Howitzer," but he should have been!) He was the first black QB to ever start a season (1969) opener in the NFL. He was the first QB I ever saw who 'flicked' the ball, effortlessly.
  14. Rosen's snooty "I don't want to play in Cleveland" rhymes with Hillary Clinton's "deplorable." Losers, both.
  15. Godspeed, Tyrod Taylor. You were always a warrior, brave and true.
  16. Godspeed, Tyrod. You are a warrior and a winner and we will remember you.
  17. Moving, in order, from the sublime to the abominable... Murph is great for the Bills and for Buffalo at large. Kelso is sometimes interesting and always authoritative, but his technical chalk-talks leave me cold. Schopp hates his customers almost as much as he hates himself. What a miserable experience the post-game show has become.
  18. They've managed to politicize a frickin football game. I give as much of a s*it what the left guard of the New Orleans Saints thinks about politics as the left guard of the New Orleans Saints gives about what I think of politics. It 'tain't fun anymore.
  19. I'm still in the process of processing The Process, but I know progress when I see it and I saw it in Atlanta.
  20. This guy has all the macho bona fides. Does he get a plaque or a ribbon, or something?
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