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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. Woods was very good up until this year. I chalked it up to chemistry with TT and the new offense. Considering the injury I defiantly want him back.
  2. Rex sucks but I do feel good about going 4-2 in the division ( plus I feel like we should have and would have beaten the Pats*** with better officiating, at least one game if not two) I am also embarrassed that we went 1-3 v the NFC East - the worst division in football.
  3. I It's a bad sign that he has played the last 3-4 weeks . Rex is terrible and we need to cut him loose so we can start to win
  4. I thought Rex had a complicated D that heavily relied on safeties knowing what to do? Leo might be the dumbest player in the whole league. I do t think he is up to it mentally
  5. Let him heal from the injuries and get him in te right system. I do not think he early success was a fluke
  6. Sounds like they are just angry at their team and saying they don't deserve to make the playoffs. Man I would love to have their team with their success and be upset with the season they had. They are much better than us in almost every way and they are angry.
  7. I'm no doctor but the same thing happened to me when I played football. Got a so called "Stinger" but I partially tore the nerves in my shoulder which made it go numb and I also lost 75% of my strength because I couldn't make the muscles fire. They did all sorts of tests on it poking me with needles and shooting electricity through my arms. It can definitely be a long-term issue. I had my first one and got 3 more in the subsequent weeks. My neck has hurt every day since the first one and that was over a decade ago. Mine was pretty bad though maybe Dareus' wasn't as bad.
  8. He probably stretched some nerves in his shoulder, which woul cause the numbness but also take away his strength too as he won't e able to fire his muscles. He will be out next week I am sure.
  9. If we had Todd Bowles and they still had RR we would be going to te playoffs and the jets would be staying home.
  10. All four of our D lineman were on that all pro list from last season. ALL FOUR. Now they are all a bunch of bums. All of them (I know KW is hurt) Hughes is te best but he is barely above average. And it's very evident he is trying his heart out. Hughes is a great example of using a aterrible their strengths. He stunk in Indy became an all pro in B-lo now he is average. Schem scheme scheme. All o these all pros suck now. I know Mario has given up but he sucked before he have up too. The bills roster is like an F1 race car is 1200 horsepower ..... Being entered into a demo derby- while a F1 race at would win most any race on pavement, it's not going to survive a demo derby.
  11. Well there you go. Negro is not offensive. I'm white and get called white all te time. Black people prefer being called black over African or African American and that is not considered racist either. In both circumstances being labeled by your skin color is perfectly acceptable. And FWIW, my uncle and cousins are Cherokee. They don't care at all about redskins or Blackhawks or Indians or braves or any of those names. You know what they and the peoples at the Ganondagon center near Rochester find more offensive? Being called Indians. Redskin Is simple not a derogatory term, it's just that some people who mainly aren't native Americans feel like other people shouldn't say that word.
  12. I am curious, do the people who find the name Redskins offensive also find the word Negro offensive? ( just in case this is censored, I'm referring to the Spanish word or black that begins with the letter NE and ends Gro). I ask because a lot of silly people do think that is an insult, but it's not. That is the proper scientific term for their race. My black friend born in 1987 has it on his birth certificate naming his race. Yet lots of people who scoff at you if you used te term in public. Yet it's quite simply not a racist nor derogatory term. The same can be said of Redskin.
  13. According to google Pegs is worth 4 billion. If Pegs eats 20 million of Rex's contract that is 0.5% of his total net worth. The average american's net worth is 300k. 0.5% of 300k is 1500 bucks, which is basically the cost of 2 season tickets plus parking/tailgating expenses. Pegs can certainly afford to fire rex and not even notice.
  14. I think the cows will win this one.
  15. Those guys were building teams. You get a few years to build a team. Our team was BUILT. Specifically the D which Rex ruined. Even Marvin Lewis had Palmer hold out and then had to get a new QB. But then they drafted after us (dareus/AW and AJ Green/Dalton) and have been playoff contenders while we have been a bunch of losers.
  16. Dont forget Marquis Grey looked good at TE last year. He is very similar to Clay. I also dont think we should cut KW he is too good.
  17. Pegula is worth 4 billion dollars and it would cost him about 22 million to eat rex's contract. That is half a percent of his total net worth. 1/2%!!! if the average Americans net worth is 300k, which is what google just told me it was, thats 1500 bucks to the average american, which is like 2 season tickets. Pegs can afford to can Rex's sorry ass You are right I meant the Seattle OC. I will fix it
  18. I disagree completely. I see no reason to throw away the next 3-4 years with Rex. This team is built to win NOW. He has studs all over the D and O. By keeping Rex we need to re-tool the entire front 7 which will take 3-4 years in itself at which point we would fire Rex anyways. Hire D. Bevell from Seattle. His offense is proven to work with the same type of players we have on O. Bring back Schwarts and our D will be top 5 next year guaranteed. We would be looking at what, 11-5 or 12-4 if we made those exact moves last off season??? WE ARE SO LUCKY TO GET A MULLIGAN we can make those same moves right now and become an instant playoff team.
  19. He is playing over the nose a lot and is eating up 2 blockers. That is what Rex is asking of him to do. He is doing it just fine. But it is a huge waste of talent and money. ding ding ding
  20. So Russell Wilson isnt that good, according to you, and won a SB bc of a great d and runnin game. Well, since you think TT isn't that good, it sounds like all we have to do is bring back Schwartz to run the D and draft a few good OL for the right side and we should be in the superbowl!!! So why do you want to get rid of TT again?!?!?
  21. As bad as the bills are I can think of one game when had no chance of winning. In fact if our D was top 5 like last year I think at least half of our loses would be wins. This is a weird post today where basically the only two players who showed up with any energy or heart where TT and Hughes. TT had no time for most of the game, kept drives alive all on his own, led the team in rushing, he is our own Russel Wilson and that guy won a SB.
  22. The bills really need to be fixed. Fix is spelled F I X. F and I are the first two letters of FIRE and X is the last letter of REX. Coincidence!?!?!? I THINK NOT!!!!!
  23. Can't we cut rex instead?? Also I wouldn't cut urbik he is our best G if Richie walks.
  24. No. I'm only pissed that Carolina isn't on TV so I can't watch that instead
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