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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. This team is being held back by rex. Our roster is much better than our record. We have committed two straight drafts to the D and have no real holes anywhere on D other than injuries at S. Uet he took them fron top 5 to bottom 10- 15. This is a 2- 3 loss team with Jim Harbaigh at the helm. Maybe even better.
  2. Going for it on 4th down was the correct move because anyone who watched the 2nd half of this game knew with 100% certainty, just like i did, that Miami was going to march right down the field and score with very little resistance. Which they did Its not only in hindsight it was very predictable at the time. In fact its exactly what i said when i saw the pubt team walking out. Its Just like leaving the cheaters 60 seconds at the end of the half/game is guarenteeing them 3 points. It happens and its easy to see coming. In that situation your offense has to play defense. You have to prioritize killing the clock - not scoring points. No one in the NfL has realised that yet and it just amazes me how dense these coaches are sometimes
  3. A defensive coach relying on his defense to win while not being smart enough to reallise his defense sucks donkey nuts and hia O wins him his games
  4. Gilmore has been over rated his entire career. Still good but not great, and he will get better thab great money, which the bills simply cannot afford
  5. I agree its the offenses fault they should have scored 183738393 points that would have guaranteed victory! Anythibg less and its their fault
  6. Maybe rex was told if he doesnt make the playoffs he is gone - technically we have a shot but everyone knows we arent gonna make it - Exo- facto he was told he is fired yet still here. Plus as someone else pointed out Rex would have to resign govig up all his money. You wouldnt stixk aroubd for 3 weeks at a job to take home a million bucks or two? Ps i truely hope the Seahawks OC and maybe their assistant GM are brought in here. That team has done a wonderful job and we should poach some people who have had a ahand on their success
  7. All of this after rex bragged about how good he was in practice. That same bragging is why some fans think ragland was a shoe in for ROY. Jeepers he never played a game! He could be below average if we are going off of Rexs bravado
  8. How many ers and longs has TT converted with his legs when most other league ANd would have been sacked or thrown it away? I can think of dozens. Those don't show up in passing stats. Neither do the "blocks" TT has thrown with his legs to help our RBs get big gains (ie forcing defenders to comitte to him and no the RB)
  9. Very much need to disagree here. TT could have won the SB last year if he was on Denver. Jim Harbaugh could win a SB with TT, heck he was a power outage away from winning it with Kaepernick!!! Bottom line is our team isn't much different from those two teams I mentioned above. 2-3 better draft picks and a real coach and that's it. Rex is our biggest problem. Him Coaching Denver last year they are 9-7. Him coaching that SF team from 5ish years ago and he is 7-9. Harbaugh with this current roster is a 3 or 4 loss team. Replace say Watkins with K Mack, and TJ Graham for TY Hilton and put Harbaugh at HC we would be a SB Favorite easy. For some reason everyone is hating on TT. We have no WRs whatsoever and the right side of our line is HORRID, yet we are the 10th best - TENTH BEST - at points per game. Last year we were 12th. Plus we don't turn the ball over. Thats GREAT considering WR and pass blocking. Plus its his first two years! You people also don;t give TT credit for how he helps our rushing attack. And you dont consider the reason he doesn;t throw it deep - his WRs suck and he doesn;t trust them. Nor should he. They dont catch the ball when he does heave it up to them. Give us a Mike Evans and you will see the balls fly. Give us a Big guy who can jump and compete for the ball and you will see it fly. Bottom line is our WRs suck and arent trusted by the QB, and for good reason.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong but technically no part of NY ha it. NYC gets service through nearby NJ. That's what I always heard
  11. Now imagine that guy is your boss. He hired you and just might fire you some day and then be in charge of hiring your replacement. That's the scary part and that's the entire point
  12. Jim harbaugh 2 and 3 I would let Jim decide what's best to do
  13. Rex is a dumpster fire. Whaley is good not great, way too many missed opportunities, opportunities that would be forgivable if we won more games, but we don't. Therefore - Whaley simply isn't good enough. I'm sure it's a long short to happen but it's also thr most slam dunk option out there. Go get John harbaugh. Pay him whatever it takes. Make him PRESIDENT of the team and the HC. Give him 100% total control over everything. Let him pick thd GM or he can be the GM too. Harbaugh is the best football coach on the planet not named Bill Belicheater and maybe Urban Myer. He took SF to the SB aand when he left they are instantly a 3 win team. He goes to Michigan and with a toilet bowl roster takes them to the top 5. He is a proven guarantedd success. IF Harbaugh says no then try Myer, but he is riskier as his coaching style may not work in the NFL. Harbaighs we know does.
  14. I'm very glad to see this thread. For one the first minute this season, the D has been terrible and allows other teams to pick up big chunks of yardage very quickly. This is no ones fault but the D. It's crazy people blame TT for our 6- 6 season when you can easily show that our O produces yards and points. Hiring of Rex was idiotic. Many said it from the start as it was painfully obvious. What pains me is how close, yet how far, we are from being good. Keep Schwartz and we are a top 5 D. Draft K Mack instead of Watkins and we at maybe the best D I the league. Two simple moves!!! With that D we are maybe leading the divison. Instead we are goig to finiish .500 at best. Woof Plus leaving your DBa 1v1 with the new rules simple doesn't work. Rex needs to adapt and he hasn't.
  15. it absolutely is the D and you guys are crazy to think otherwise. Our O was great when we threw quick passes and ran the ball. You are going to have 3 and outs that is a fact of life. You can't blame Tyrod for Jordan Mills sucking ass or having him block Mack 1v1. We have no WRs who can get open in 1v1 coverage. Aaron Rodgers couldn't make some of the plays you are complaining about. The only thing that made our D look good in the 1st half was the Raiders dropping balls, including two TDs. And luckily the Raiders ran out of clock at the end of the half, that kept them at 3 instead of 7. They still moved 60 yards in 30 seconds to get in FG range though. Seriously, The Raiders stopped themselves in the 1st half and didnt in the 2nd half. They easily could have had 21+ points in the 1st half just by catching 4-5 easy catchs.
  16. I always wondered why it took so long for T Pryor to make the switch to WR. Guys is Calvin Johnson 2.0. I like this move we desperately need size And athleticism in the receiver core.
  17. Is it too soon to consider Art Briles formerly of Baylor? Anyone who has played on a college sports team should know that the HC is completely powerless in controlling his players outside of practice times. Now I never delved into what happened with him too deeply, just read a few articles, but I never found any report that Briles himself did anything bad or unethical. All Briles had was a few players whom sexually assaulted some people (not his fault and completely out of his control) and I guess he didn't suspend them. Well IMO if they are still ALLEGATIONS then they shouldn't be suspended until those allegations can be confirmed. From what I read other administrators at the school did some improper things but I was always under the impression that those where done without Briles knowledge or consent. Besides 50-15 in 5 seasons is dang good.
  18. Refs and league favorability. The pats have cheated for 15+ years. They cheated in EVERY season they won a super bowl. No wins vacated, no tropfies confiscated, nothing. Brady is protected like the crown jewels while QBs like Cam Newton is destroyed weekly and nothing. Pats OL is allowed to hold like crazy. Randy moss and Gronk get away with push offs that no one else gets away with. PI that gets called against the bills wont get called against the cheaters. Seattle has basically won 3 games given to them by poor officiating this year. Maybe they win 1 or two of those games without the help but still, give the bills 2 freebie wins last year and they make the playoffs. No one cared about the Pats in the 1900s. No one. Yet its a huge huge market so the league turned them around and lets them cheat for the CA$H Seattle is a huge booming city with new young people moving there and the NFL sees CA$H. So they are favored. The raiders are on the uptake. Normally the NFL would keep them in the dirt because Al Davis pissed them off years ago. But because they may stay or they may move the NFL wants them to win to drum up support and money for the new team. The Rams just moved the LA and they need to establish a fan base. I expect them to be in the NFC championship game in 3 years, just when they are starting to sell their PSLs for the new stadium. MARK MY WORDS
  19. Illegal contact on Woods too, who was actually the targeted WR on the play
  20. Its not TTs fault he has no WRs and no OL. He is constantly pressured from the right side of the line which is why he drifts left on every pass play. He has to coach his WRs into windows mid play because they cant find opening on their own. TT is the least of our offenses problems. I give all those peole the credit they deserve but the Hawks have been given basically 3 wins this year by the officials. Thats 33% of the games played. Imagine if the bills had 3 wins gifted to them last year, 11-5 and playoffs.
  21. I saw that play on the highlights and my first thought at the time was "The Bills don't have any WRs who could make that catch"
  22. The flaw in your argument is that Nate solder sucks too
  23. the NFL is such a bunch of BS. I cant believe I am still watching this total joke circus
  24. Seriously sign up forthe pats**** board alreDy. People are tired of your endless pats*** cheering. You are worse than Spags, at least he does it for fun.
  25. Who cares? Perhaps maybe 2 of those were deserved? In that Case, That's five made-horrible game-changing calls. Dont you remember when the refs blew the whistle soooo early in our game this year - Brady was still on te field! And the refs gave them the completion (incorrectly) AND a 15 yard made-up penalty on te Bills. ALL because of the "we need to protect Brady" mantra . Seriously Weo, why haven't you joined the pats**** board already? You clearly are more a fan on theirs than the Bills.
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