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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. Wanna know why there are multiple threads? There is no way anyone can read through 22 pages of one topic front half hour old news. Look at this thread, started 3 hours ago, already four pages long full of meaningless drivel. Who wants to read that? Or even has the time to???
  2. Solder blows. Have u ever watched him? If Brady doesn't throw it in 2 seconds he tackles the guy and gets away with it cause he is on the pats.
  3. Its painfully obvious that he is the best there is. I hate to say it but he reminds me of Brady with maybe 1/4 of the bitchyness. I cannot imagine him not going #1 overall. Well the Browns are dumb so I cant see him getting past #2. The Giants aren't dumb enough to pass on this kid. We have to trade up to #1 for this guy.
  4. The fact that he is still in the league does say something. It's very rare to have a career backup these days, with most teams just replacing veterans with cheap rookies instead. I think that really says something about CD as a player. And I think he would be cheap.
  5. Guys this makes sense. We are going to be adding two QBs. One highly drafted rookie and one seasoned veteran. I don't expect the vet to start more than 4-6 games on the high end. But a rookie needs a mentor. So it could be Bradford or someone else. If we sign a guy like this it guarantees we draft one early. If we sign a Kirk cousins or trade for Foles then no, we won't be signing anyone else.
  6. Our OL is really gonna stink when we get this new QB
  7. FWIW I believe that if we draft Rosen we are almost guaranteed to make the playoffs. He is a very good QB and could start and produce well as a rookie. Certainly an upgrade of Tyrod even in year 1. We would absolutely need to improve the line and maybe add a WR but that is very doable.
  8. This is another good article worth reading, focuses more on the football aspect. http://draftanalyst.com/tuesday-draft-notes-110 In short the only knock on Rosen is off the field personality stuff. Otherwise scouts think he is the best QB years. I think people are reading into the personality stuff too much too. It's the NFL. It's a job. People go home to their kids and families. So not, personally, being liked by team mates and all....Big deal. I guarantee you Tom Brady isn't liked by his team mates off the field either. Dude is the spokesman for Uggs. But they love him when they win. Rosen will be loved too when he wins.
  9. Please keep in mind that other teams pass rush was slowed down due to Taylor's legs. Keeping their lanes and keeping TT contained is the priority over just rushing the QB. There is a word for it in football lingo but it's slipping my mind right now. Either way re watch Peterman v the Chargers if you don't believe me.
  10. I've been saying they should do this for months now. Take Rosen, trade him to the Giants, take a non QB stud, then take your QB at 4
  11. Nick foles just won a SB. Let's trade for him and run a similar offense that fits his skill set.
  12. This is true for Seattle. After the Superbowl the DB who picked off that pass was quoted saying.... BB told him they were going to call that play at a cruicial point in the game and to pick it off. Somehow he knew. My guess is....it wasn't a legal way of knowing. Well, lets see. 1- The Pats came back only AFTER Matt Ryan's helmet radio malfunctioned. The Pats have a long history of blocking and/or eaves dropping on the radio communications. 2- This was the SB where a guy from Boston was in Pheonix flying his drone over the Seahawks practice and got arrested.... 3- your last point. Yes, teams do rehearse in broad daylight. Some even on TV. For example, in the Bills/Cowboys Superbowl, i forget which one, Jimmie Johnson was watching the news and the reporter was on location at the Bills practice. He saw Kelly doing a shuffle pass to Thurman. He thought this was odd as the Bills hadn't done that all year so, he prepped his team on it. Sure enough, the Bills tried a shuffle pass, and the Cowboys were ready for it. I do. Look up the DBs quote if you can. I posted it on this site years ago, just after the SB.
  13. The game plans would have been wildly different. The eagles coach said they put in a lot of run/pass option plays because Files was so comfortable running those plays. NE had lots of trouble with that, obviously. I admire that in a coach and has always complained that in the NFL, coaches too often stick to "their system" instead of.building around the talent they have. I'd love to trade for Foles, but chances are our offense would have zero run pass option plays in it, because our coach would have "his system" which doesn't include them....
  14. especially with fair officiating! One can hope right!?!?!
  15. A LOT of that stuff falls on the QB to get them in the right play and calls etc
  16. I understand the argument but, that is the college rule and this stuff doesn't happen in college.
  17. Me too. The first pats game I watch in two years was the 2nd half of the Steelers game. I was quickly reminded why I stopped watching that rigged crap of a team
  18. He wasn't good in college. Boy I'm glad they fired all our scouts
  19. I'm very happy to see more people coming to this conclusion. I've been saying it for years. I made a thread exacyly like this one a few years ago, trying to get everyone to boycott pats games. I didn't get as warm as a reception as you are, which is nice to see
  20. Wasnt his trainer arrested for something fishy? Like pushing illegal Chinese supplements or something??? This franchise has weird **** going on everywhere you look. They've been caught twice. And people still give them benefit of the doubt. I don't get it.
  21. My good friends brother lives in Buffalo and the brother has friend who is an assistant equipment manager for the bills (yes this is true and yes it's one of those) I heard Darby was a locker room cancer type and traded for that reason. Not buying into the new system, badmouthing the staff, etc. Had nothing to do with how good he was.
  22. What was with the spot after the call? Shouldn't it have been a spot foul? Wasn't decker near the FG line?
  23. I'm talking about the rigged reffing
  24. What can we as fan's do this joke officiating? This. Has. To. STOP
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