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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. I dont want to fire Chan because Fitz sucks. As for the D, I'd rather bring in a real DC than a whole new regime. Chan has done a good job with the entire offense, even Fitz to a degree. We just need a QB, plain and simple.
  2. Fitz would never have a roster spot on a team like SF because of TURNOVERS.
  3. Is that you Fitz? Stop trying to divert attention to other players. We all knwo you stink.
  4. Its going to be a close game but the Bills winning is a stretch. Then to go back to the west coast to Arizona right after? The only way we win either game is with a 2 or 3+ in the turnover ratio. The only way we do taht with Fitz at QB is to get a minimum of 5 turnovers on D! Good luck Bills lol
  5. I think T Jax would perform better, but either way I see the wheels coming off the circus wagon in the next 4-5 weeks. Unfortuantely we will likely 'finish strong' against the other door mats that finish out our schedule and be in prime posistion to draft Marcus Lattimore because the Bills dont like any of the plethera of QBs avaiable and Fred is getting old. WE NEED MORE RUNNING BACKS A CORNERS!!!!
  6. I leaned over to my boyfriend and said that if Brady had got hit like Fitz did, there would be a 15 yard flag. Two quarters later, I was right!!!!
  7. Seriously? You are going to argue against that? Average QBs like Alex Smith can bring their team back in that situation. Rookies like Luck and RG3 can too. Fitz sucks simply because he cannot throw a football with enough accuracy or arm strength. This year, he has even shown a lack of timing, which used to be his only saving grace.
  8. So since he is making a ton of money he gets a pass? Im certain thats how all the good teams do it.
  9. He isn't getting double teamed, thats a farce. Dareus and KW are still drawing the double teams. Yes he gets chipped once and a while but so does every other DE in the NFL. I saw two plays on the Pats first drive yesterday where Mario was blocked by Gronkowski, just Gronkowski. Our 100 Million dollar DE being blocked by a TE with ease. He is playing soft. He is slow off the ball and plays pattie cake with 3rd string backups (jets) and gets owned. I can't believe I am saying this but Carrington, and even KELSAY have had more of an impact when they are in than Mario. I think Carrington should go back outside to LDE and him and Kelsay should take the majority of the snaps for a few weeks until Mario decides he wants to play with the big boys again.
  10. QB and new DC QB and new DC QB and new DC QB and new DC QB and new DC
  11. The sooner this team the better it will be for the fans. (Yes I am aware that the team may move, but no team is better than this team)
  12. Fitz is clearly smarter than all of us. He throws a couple pics to let the other team get a huge lead, then throws a bunch of TDs against the backups to make him statistically look 100x better than he really is. That wasnt true of this game, but it has been in many of the games. PS, as schitty as Fitz has been, he is the 4th highest scoring PLAYER in my fantasy league. So I picked him up!
  13. Defense is 90% coaching and 10% players. Thats why regardless of where ever Wade Phillips and Mike Nolan go they have top 3 defenses instantly, regardless of players. With the talent we have we should be able to lure one of the 4-5 defensive masterminds to our staff.
  14. Our biggest enemy is going to be the refs. Watch their tackles, Solder blows and he needed to hold KELSAY every stinking play last year. It was blatent. Not called once. They can't block our ends without severely holding them but it wont be called with the 'real' refs. Bring back the scabs!
  15. He knew exactly what he was doing
  16. Its simple by NFL standards, but simple works. The Pats threw screen passes and drag routes on their way to three superbowls. Promo is right to say Fitz does a lot of checking at the LOS but every team does that in the NFL and college. My HS team did it too. (We called a run play and the QB had to deterime if we were running right or left depending on how the D aligned. Simple, but same idea) The 49ers/Packers/Saints offenses are much more complex with their route combinations and it shows when you watch their games. I also really like our blocking schemes Chan runs. Those seem to work great with our personel.
  17. I'd sign Urbik to a low contract first, that way he isn't pointing to the much larger deals Levitre and Wood are going to get and say 'but I'm just as good as those guys' it should be easier to get done too.
  18. I saw Levitre miss a few blocks in the Chiefs game.
  19. 1-5 is the most likely outcome. I'm hoping for 2-4. Playoffs don't seem likely with our RBs down.
  20. Exactly my point - that the 'real' refs are just as bad as the replacement refs
  21. If you saw anything other than an interception you may want to get your eyes checked. Its black and white, no argument. That being said, the replacement refs are no worse than the regular refs, who may have made the same call. There are thousands of terrible calls made by the real refs every year. People are just complaining about these calls so much more because they know its the replacement refs.
  22. That was the 2nd worst call I have seen all season. The first was the ref throwing his hat on the field for no reason haha. But honestly, as a whole, I like the replacement refs better. 1) They let the WRs/DBs play more physical like they used to before all these BS rule changes and 2) The real refs are equally terrible. At least these refs have the excuse of being replacements as to why they suck so terribly. Seriously, you guys don't think the Pats have had 10 calls like that go their way over the past few seasons? There were more than a few - just totally awful awful calls - in that Ravens game when they went 16-0* Randy Moss caught half his touchdowns with the Pat*s by throwing the other teams DB to the ground before jumping up for the ball - and it wasn't called once. Yet every other receiver in the league was getting penalized for that and wasn't doing it. What about when the refs got the coin toss call wrong in overtime with Jerome Bettis and the Steelers? Stevie Johnsons catch that wasn't v the Bengals last year. And lets not even bring up the 'tuck' rule I also think people are more likely to criticize the calls because they know its the replacement refs. I have never heard complaints like this on TV or by players when the real refs are out there, even though the calls are just as bad.
  23. Can anyone post a video? On my 52" HDTV with slow-mo replay I and the 5 other people watching it (3 non-bills fans) clearly saw the ball slip out of his hand as he attempted to throw it forward which resulted in an un-arguable incomplete forward pass.
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