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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. Wasnt Brandon Marshall a round 4 pick? He should be a star for sure. Led the league in catchs this year, and isnt a one year wonder by any means. **oops, i see how you qualify that, my bad.
  2. Ive never had a job where I got Presidents day or MLK off. Or the day after Thanksgiving, or Good Friday, or a bunch of other holidays I can think of. Other than Union or government workers, or the governments cronies, ie banks, I think most people work those days or take a vacation day. Unless they work for a private school, then teachers are government employees. A fact that could not be argued.
  3. My guess is it has something to do with all of his Special Teams reps. Besides, doubling his salary isnt a big deal in teh NFL, it was small to begin with.
  4. Hahaha thats perfect! I don't watch many 9ers games, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis......and I usually see a TE catching a TD pass on Donte Whitner The Bills suck, I've accepted it
  5. We should let him walk then draft Warrmack at 8. Gotta keep with tradition
  6. D ont remind me of that stooopid Maybin pick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gRAhhhhhhh!!!
  7. I think more people would watch if it were on a Saturday. I know people argue the opposite, but I have been at a number of SB parties where the game is boring and people leave and go to bed or turn it off completely after halftime because they work the next day. If it was a Saturday they would likely stay up, and even if they arent watching the game, they would have it turned on which is better for the rating than going to bed. West Coasts fans would turn a SB saturday into an awesome pregame for a good night out, where now its over at 8-9 for them and its just another night I would imagine.
  8. Most of the scouts leave on Thursday after the last day of real practice and pay no attention to the game at all. The game played no difference in who I want/wanted. I didnt bother to watch the practices, but I did read report about them. It sounded like Glennon had the best week, with Nassib and Wilson also doing pretty well too. The guy whose aritcles I read said Nassib was a close second to Glennon being the best. Dyzert he said struggle to throw accurately, likely because fo small hands. No one else was very impressive. I still like Nassib as our guy, then Glennon
  9. Ezekial Ansah. Talent is in the pass rushers this year, so if not Ansah, then hopefully Werner/Jones/Moore/Mingo etc.
  10. Directly from the article: Fassett told the police he’d seen Sweeting, Oakley and Lewis all fighting and provided details that only an eyewitness could know. He said he’d heard Oakley boast, “I stabbed mine,” and Sweeting reply, “I stabbed mine, too.” Thats two stabbed people and two others, neither of which Ray Lewis, claiming to have stabbed one man each.
  11. They cheated. They choke when they haven't. Classless losers. The world will be a better place when the Patsies* go back into their hole and have no fans like they where before 2000
  12. This guy seems to have had an opposite opinion of Glennon. • North Carolina St. QB Mike Glennon was already having a great week in Mobile but today was his best performance yet. Glennon really excelled going down the field deep, connecting on a number of long passes to multiple targets. Now Glennon had a bad moment or two as well but if there were any doubts about who the most impressive quarterback in this game was Glennon put them to rest today. http://www.draftcountdown.com/features/SeniorBowl/reports/Practices/North-123.php Here is what he said about Nassib, both these comments are following Wednesdays practices •Syracuse QB Ryan Nassib had what may have been his worst performance of the week so far but he's still been better than every signal caller in Mobile this week with the exception of Mike Glennon of NC St. and perhaps Tyler Wilson of Arkansas.
  13. Nassib throws lazers. If anything, he needs to learn to take some off of it. He can throw a deep out, dont worry about that. Neither do I. I like the fact we have Nassibs former HC and OC though, that should make the decision on him almost full-proof (this is still the Bills thought).
  14. Not sure but I saw one that compared hand size to completion % once. Bigger hands ment more completions. its hard to hold onto those big NFL balls. PS that Ezekial from BYU is going to be a player. top 10 pick when all said and done I bet. From the players to watch link within that article, Ryan Nassib is #1 for offense 1. Ryan Nassib, QB, Syracuse (6020, 228 and 5.05): Already rising up draft boards, NFL personnel are excited to see Nassib matched up with the best senior talent in the country. Quick and athletic to avoid pressure, re-set and make accurate throws, Nassib has NFL teams intrigued. After charting out Nassib in five games we consider him to be the best quarterback in the 2013 NFL Draft and worth drafting with the first overall pick, so we are excited to see how he does in Mobile. Blessed with a strong arm, the ball bursts out of his hand and he can make 15+ yard throws with zip even when a defender is about to hit him and he cannot stride into his throw. Having played in the Big East where the defenses are not the same caliber as the SEC and some of the other conferences, NFL teams are interested to see how he does against top defenders. The big thing that Nassib must work on is his deep passing as he tends to put too much air under his throws which forces his receivers to slow up and wait for the ball. This allows the defensive back to close and make a play on the ball. He could be the story of Mobile if he has a strong week and begins climbing up into the high first round
  15. If you know what to look for you can see players on the sideline chewing all the time. Lots of times even the starters. I forget what team, but I saw a punter on the field with a fattie in a few weeks ago. Maybe the texans punter. reminded me of that scene in The Replacements where Madden goes 'I think hes smoking on the field!?!?!?!'
  16. Cool. a good site with reports in the past has been footballsfuture.com. They also have good stuff come combine time. My top three QBs are all on the north roster. lots of other good players too. Anyone know if practices are televised at all?
  17. Dead ball, personal foul, Unsportmanslike Conduct, #12, ofeense. Kicking the defender while sliding, 15 yard penalty, (not sure what down it was but insert down here - note you do not replay the down as it was a dead ball - ie he had already slide which makes the previous play over) down.
  18. I dont follow baseball too closely, but three otherwise 1st ballot HOFers were not voted into the HOF this year because of steriod use. They may never get in at all ala Pete Rose. I would like yo see the same gratitude passed on to the Pats* Last night I watched the 2nd half of the game. On the Ravens 2nd TD drive, to go up 14-13, I noticed a very-obvious PI or illegal hit on EVERY SINGLE RAVENS PASS PLAY. There was only 1 flag thrown, when there should have been 8. Even the announcers mentioned how physical [read illegal] the corners were playing. Then Spikes smacked Pita right in the head - no call. It was total BS. And it was F'ing Awesome to see them score anyway. Then they steamrolled right over them. F'n sweet.
  19. This guy belows on a team that plays the Patsies twice every year. The rest of the league would cheer!
  20. Deploy full POS system for all existing and new concession stands People eat ****? What contractors are getting this work?
  21. Not baseless at all. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/02/09/10362607-white-firefighters-awarded-25-million-in-discrimination-case?lite Similar cases in CT and LA were also filed and won. Affirmative action anyone? O, and the Rooney Rule, how come it doesn't apply to white players? Every try to get into med school or get a civil service job as a white male? Its exponentially harder than if you are a woman or a minority.
  22. I agree. I think its hilarious that Obama is catching flack for having an all-white, all-male cabinet in his 2nd term. I mean really? Isn't looking at these people only by the color of their skin and gender 100% racist and sexist? Or can only non-whites and non-males be victims of racism and sexism? White males = the most discriminated against people in America.
  23. Enough of this trade back crap. Ponder, Locker, and Gabbert were all what, top 12 picks two years ago? Thats after Newton was picked too. What makes anyone thing we are going to get our top QB if we trade back? We may need to trade UP. Nassib is big and tall and throws it a country mile. He has dispalyed great accuracy on a number of throws. His entire coaching staff is now our coaching staff. If they like this kid we arent trading back.
  24. Changing our name the the North American Bills could solve this problem.
  25. Well he couldnt play for KC so thats not a good sign. Unless you use reverse logic and assume a bad team wouldn't notice the talent right in front of their face. Thats how the Bills have seemed to be for 10 years!
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