Blah blah blah the only people who are offended by this name are ignorant white people with nothing better to do.
Robert Green, Chief of the Patawomeck Tribe tells theRichmond Times-Dispatch the name isn’t an issue for the vast majority of members of his tribe.
“About 98 percent of my tribe is Redskins fans, and it doesn’t offend them, either,” Green said.
Dodson is a full-blooded American Inuit chief originally from the Aleutian Tribes of Alaska, and said he was tired of being spoken for as a Native American.
“People are speaking for Native Americans that aren’t Native American. Being a full-blooded Indian with my whole family behind me, we had a big problem with all the things that were coming out [of the discussion],” he said. “I think they were basically saying that we were offended, our people were offended, and they were misrepresenting the Native American nation.
“We don’t have a problem with [the name] at all; in fact we’re honored. We’re quite honored.”
My Uncle is part Cherokee, as are my cousins (obviously) and they couldn't care less. My Uncle is a big Chiefs fan too.