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Everything posted by dlonce

  1. When did the Colts play in the 1st ever Super Bowl? I’m older than the Bills as well,yet I still remember the SBs. Your a Bills fan, just not a die hard Bills fan. Nothing wrong with that.
  2. You are truly not a Bills fan. Being a Bills fan is a way of life here in WNY, regardless of how ***** they’ve been. Fly by night Luke warm fans are usually those who have never lived in this area, or never been hooked on the Bills, someone like you. Thats not saying all are not true fans because there are a hand full, but usually they root for other teams as well. The OP is correct, even though it’s likely not a popular opinion.
  3. My answer is you can’t. I can see transplants becoming tied to another team in their venue but you truly cannot be a fan of another team. if you have a true rooting interest to another team, you were never a die hard Bills fan in the first place. That’s just the way it is.
  4. Nope, never seen them. Been a fan, purchased a lot of team hats, but I have never seen these. I don’t believe these ever made it out of production. I have hats from early to late 70s. All of my 60s hats have disintegrated, just like I am. No kidding, they have rotted. Any 60s hats? I should have taken care of mine and not allow them sit out.
  5. Great work by the OP, thank you. It seems we are in the generation of statistics. I laugh at ESPNs use of useless stats,same with all of these Internet sports writers. I honestly never looked at completion percentage as a pre cursor for success. A QB was judged by winning. A QB was judged by game winning drives and making plays when needed. Now it’s completion percentage and accuracy. Absurd. What was Jim Kelly’s completion percentage? I couldn’t care less but I bet it was below 60%. I do not care about Mahommes touch. His touch doesn’t win football games. It’s about making reads in their system, making plays and being smart. If Allen has a 50% completion percentage, yet wins, that is all that matters. It’s the plays made with those 50% completions and what happens outside of those completions. All this Mahommes love is way out of hand. Let’s see what happens in the upcoming year before anointing him Jesus Christ. We have seen this movie before. QB plays lights out in first year starting, then year two comes and said QB is ineffective.
  6. Ralph Wilson didn’t believe much in paying coaches, therefore he selected cheaper, less seasoned men. We have a different regime, so throw history out of the window.
  7. Then why would he care where McVey is? Why the need to spot? Of course he’s looking for signs, they all do it. Its not difficult to see hand signals from 50 yards away. Bills lasik surgery was successful.
  8. I could have run the Rams routes yesterday. whats not mentioned is the holding he does to stay with said player. He gets away with it in NE because of what they are. Ive watched him burned on many plays this year and I haven’t seen most of his games. Hes exactly the same corner he was here. I really liked Gilmore here, but he’s no All Pro, I don’t care what anyone says.
  9. You can laugh all you want, it’s a fact that really good teams get preferential calls. Theres no way on this Earth that Gilmore is an All Pro. No ***** way.
  10. Now we know why he throws the football like a baseball. Terrible wind up for a QB. I haven’t seen Goff much this year but he’s not impressive at all. I wanted to see Josh Allen out there yesterday. Goffs a statue. I like our guy much better.
  11. People can call you a whiner or whatever, the truth and facts point to these type of calls happening all the time. Most of these calls benefit the better team. Example: Your example. Play before, Pats get a defensive holding call at an important time. Next play Rams have a very nice run, then the flag comes flying out. A fictitious hold. A truly mediocre even up call. That’s what officials do to impact a game. When the Bills were SB caliber they benefitted from a lot of iffy calls. That’s the way it’s always been,it’s not right but that’s what happens. The Rams shouldn’t have been in the SB anyway. I’m fairly certain the Saints would have played a better game.
  12. There are videos out there of Allen throwing 80 yards with ease. His coach at Wyoming says he can throw it 90 yards. Your not by much would probably be 10 plus yards. I doubt either guy will throw with all their strength, an injury could happen easily. Im very confident Allen has the strongest arm in the league.
  13. Yet, that one play,the most obvious penalty I’ve ever seen, was ignored. This happened before in a Super Bowl the Steelers won. The back judge ignored an obvious play in the end zone. That ref was from Pittsburgh. Can’t remember who they played but I want to say the Cardinals. No one can tell me there isn’t bias. Those guys are fans too.The bias was obvious here in the NFCC game. Was this an oversight by the NFL? Which market is most important to the NFL. Why on earth would they place 4 refs in an important game that live in one teams market? Its very fishy and the Saints got screwed.
  14. I hated the Super Bowl in Minneapolis.It was bitter cold there. Everything was indoors. Loved the other three venues,especially Tampa. It was 30 s and 40s in Atlanta for the Bills last SB,but certainly was palatable. Buffalo will never get one. We couldn’t handle the population influx unless people stayed in Canada.
  15. We still sing that song. Chuck Knox was a great coach,Ralph Wilson was a bad owner. Thanks for posting, I looked for that a couple years ago.
  16. It also helps to throw a tighter spiral. At least that’s what my QB friend told me. Some guys like their ball inflated more, but there are very few. Great job by Ace.
  17. There are a few rules that need to be changed, but the rule allowing offensive picks on DBs is ruining the game. Picks were always penalties, but my guess is Kraft/ Bellichek got this changed for Tommy Tutu, under the disguise of more offensive points. We are going to be stuck watching Brady’s small ball for quite awhile. The Pats are masters of pick plays and Brady is better then anyone at it. You cant stop it, there’s no defense against it, especially if Tommy is accurate that day.
  18. I hate to admit this but I feel the same way. Just had this discussion with another fan. Hes the only player,in any sport that makes me feel this way. It’s not right but I can’t help it. Being tired of him is an understatement. He’s so damn good in his system.
  19. Where did I blame Star? The claim is their defensive run game improved, this is about Star, therefore he helped to improve against the run. Theres no proof of that. Hes a big guy that takes up space. If that’s what the coaches want then he did his job. We were number 2 because our pass defense was number 1. Being 16th is an improvement for sure but they were blown off the ball in a number of games. How the hell did we lose any games? I like Star, it’s not his fault he’s making 10 mil per. I just believe we can find or draft better. I didn’t cherry pick anything. Good teams blew us off the line,especially in crucial moments. Stars fault? Nope, but to say he’s worth it is just an opinion,both ways. Do we know what was expected of him? I haven’t heard it from the coaches, but you see DTs making plays, just not Star.
  20. Thats 10 million per to be mediocre,middle of the pack. Not good enough. Good teams crammed the running game down the Bills throat. This is a good topic, not startling. A bit hyperbolic. Im hoping Star gets more comfortable and they allow him to do more things. He may be eating up space because that’s what the coaches are directing him to do.
  21. Stars not a bad player, he’s just Beanes knee jerk reaction to not stopping the run. Did it work? Not as much I’d like to see. Hes nothing more than a space eater. Therefore, in my opinion he’s not worth the contract. There are plenty of guys like him in the drafts. Lets find a guy who can play in at least 70% of the plays and someone who actually make plays, like stuffing a runner behind the Los, or batting down a pass or getting to the QB or picking up a fumble. This guys done none of this, or rarely does it. Rotation to the degree some teams do it isn’t proven to be viable. It’s a fad, unless you have superior depth.
  22. He can do nothing. True skeptics will always find something wrong with his game. There are people who are on the fence with him. Those are not skeptics. Jim Kelly had true skeptics. They were the people clamoring to start Frank Reich. Its what people do.
  23. Mahomes has a great year. He fits Andy Reid’s new system perfectly. They have really good players on offense who run that system perfectly. Mahomes wouldn’t be the same QB here. Before people anoint him the next coming of Christ, like everyone did with Watson last year, let’s wait to see if he can sustain it next season. Odds are he will not and defenses will figure the scheme out to some degree.
  24. I’d rather the Pats go 8-8 every year. No high draft picks.
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