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Everything posted by dlonce

  1. My thoughts on Mahomes. I have not read any posts in this thread,because I didn’t feel like sifting through 26 pages. Hes the perfect QB for their system. Yes, it’s the system that is unreal there. Ive never seen so many open receivers in my life. He’s hitting guys that are 5 yards or more open. Great scheme. If I hear about him making throws while not looking at a receiver again I’ll slit my wrists. It’s nothing special, QBs do this a lot. Theres video of Jim Kelly doing it often. I like the kid but once the league figures that system out then let’s see how good he is. One more thing. Andrew lucks arm looks like rubber. No zip at all. Maybe he’s still injured.
  2. Obviously everything depends upon free agency. if everything remains status quo there is no way we draft a WR or OT at 9. There are too many very good defensive players on the board. Beane will go best player available unless we trade down somehow.
  3. New stadium with retractable roof. Only one question pertaining to that. Old guy here will not go to many games. Put a dome on a new stadium and I’ll purchase a Loge for 3-7 years, might even buy a 30 year PSL and will it to my kids. I cannot stand the drive, the elements and massive cluster ***** of leaving the stadium. Offer me entertainment venues and restaurants and we stay after the game. Pegulas need to stop with this dinosaur in Orchard Park and build a stadium closer to Buffalo, not in a friggin cow pasture.
  4. Jason Peters is way overrated. He’s Rueben Brown overrated. Hes solid, not great. Its a popularity contest and familiarity thing.
  5. Way better in stadium. when you get older like I am you tend to stay at home, away from the party atmosphere and elements. You see plays develop you see players getting open, you see offensive and defensive structure. Theres much more in stadium than on screen. The crowd noise is a factor as well. Had season tickets for decades, I loved it. If we ever build a dome stadium I’ll be back.
  6. Our back up is on the team, we need lots of help outside of QB.
  7. Gave my seats to a friend and his brother who had never been to a game before. Watched the game in a bar in Niagara County on satellite. Yes, watched the entire game. The most unreal sports spectacle I’ve ever seen.
  8. Pipe dream. Palmers not leaving his lucrative business to coach for the Bills or any other team. Fans just think magically a guy will take a job if offered enough money. Not true, some guys have no desire to coach in structure.
  9. He’s Jim Kelly all day long as far as intangibles. Kelly was an accurate passer, but had no wheels and didn’t have the arm Allen has. Bledsoe had a great arm but held onto the ball forever. Bledsoe was a statue in the pocket.
  10. Had clubs when they first opened,Kelly Club seats. Had them for many years after, until my business brought me elsewhere on Sundays. The food was ok,nothing special. When the heated seats worked they were great. Loved being under the deck. Site lines were nothing special. The worst seats I ever owned were the Red Zone. Utterly boring fans in there. Complained about lack of noise, as many others did, so they piped the crowd inside. Waste of money, I sat outside in ***** end zone seats they give you with them. Did two years in there before the clubs.
  11. He cannot block, a TE that cannot block isn’t a TE. Crooms isn’t even back up quality. He’s Logan Thomas. He runs terrible routes as well and his hands are suspect. This teams management is fascinated with marginal projects who take up a spot on special teams. Our special teams are terrible because of the lack of talent. They truly need to cut these players like Crooms and get some real talent in here.
  12. Once they learn to actually protect him they will get better gifts. They are lucky he didn’t give them each a bag of dog *****. And a tube of Astro Glide.
  13. I stand with great hope. Looking forward to watching to see if Josh Allen can become our franchise guy. With the amount of money available for FA I would guess online upgrades are coming. Upgrades to receiving corps and the draft are coming too. I believe our near future is bright.
  14. It was a brace issue. If it were his knee he wouldn’t be jogging off the field. its going to end sooner rather than later. His effectiveness has diminished this year and I suspect the end will come quickly, much to his chagrin.
  15. You cant be serious? Those guys were extremely close and most remain good friends today. The secret to building a team is cohesiveness. It is part of what makes a good team great. Building a brotherhood makes it easier to holding each other accountable. They play for each other. It is part of the mental aspect of the game, and the mental part is the single most important formula for success. I see this happening with the Bills of today. BTW, the Bills did pray a lot during that era. The McClappys of the world were and are coaching pee wee football, there’s no room for rah rah clapping at the pro level. It’s childish.
  16. I think the Bills picked the right Josh,but we shall see. I might be one of handful here but I preferred our Josh over the other one because of temperament,size, leadership and arm strength. On draft night my younger cousin was throwing beer cans at his TV in digust. Why? Because he reads this board and watches the clowns on Sportscenter. If there’s two things you can count on, it’s the media and message board members knowing little about what a real QB looks like. Statistics do not measure much of what it takes to make it in the NFL. My cousin is now a huge Josh Allen fan.
  17. Before anointing him with a gold jacket, let’s see what happens next year. Branded first year starting superstars like RG3, Watson, Prescott, Daunte Culpepper,Chad Pennington and others didn’t fair very well their next season. Granted, this kid looks like the real deal but I’ll defer until there’s a larger body of work. AND I wanted the Bills to draft him. He’d be wasted here in our run and stop the run dinosaur system.
  18. What changed? They played that way the whole game. They didn’t play to protect a lead. Passing gave us a better opportunity. It was boring from beginning to end. Im sure they were “trying to do some things.”
  19. Pullease, kids a rookie. Throws on the money need to be caught.
  20. Regardless if good or not it’s mind boggling receivers catching the ball with their chest.
  21. Not a fan of McD, but you can clearly see this is like a preseason game for them with evaluation the top priority. My big problem with management is the lack of filling needed positions with at least average players. I think they truly believe they can coach up these guys and it hasn’t worked. McDs a dinosaur.
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